Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

No POTUS is legally permitted to remove top secret documents from a secure location. Further, when prompted to return them he refused and lied to the FBI. Then there is the evidence that he showed them to random M.A. Lago guests. If the SC protects trump from treason, there are other crimes that are not protected.
You are correct but Trump thinks HE is ABOVE the law and any government regulation.
As I said before when I was in the service everything we did was classified SECRET or above, I don't know if they still have the classification " EYES ONLY " but even with just about everybody that worked where I did had a secret / Top secret clearance, and there were over 100 of us not everybody was cleared for " eyes only " material , most of that was used when people like Kissinger or AL Haig was on our base.
And I was one of the 7 people cleared to handle their communications, " EYES ONLY "
And I can tell you if any of us handled any of that stuff the way Trump did this Classified material we might be getting out of jail about now and that was 50 years ago,
Have a nice day
fucking idiot...I just quoted your now have less credibility than evince......
And why can't any of you MAGA / right wing MORONS answer a simple question?
When Trump had his meeting in the W H with 12 Russian " Delegates " and his meeting with Putin how do you people KNOW FOR SURE that he didn't give or sell some of our SECRETS to them?
There wasn't another American in those meetings NOT even a Russian speaking American.
So all we can do is take the word of one of the biggest LIARS the world has ever known until one of those Russians comes forward and tells us what went on and I don't think that is ever going to happen.
SO AGAIN how do you know he didn't give or sell them some of our SECRETS FOR SURE?
Have a nice day
You really do not understand the difference between an assassination, or planning one. If Trump walked up to him and he did not shoot would he be guilty of an assassination? Planning one is not the same. He fled before he ever saw Donald. The Sec Serv did not see him either. He was in a car driving away when caught.
The courts will not be able to charge him with an assassination.
They might get him for conspiracy since he left a letter about his plans, but even that is murky.
You tell the dumbest lies.

Trump has never threatened to kill anyone.
What the fuck do you call this?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday said Iran may have been behind recent attempts to assassinate him and suggested that if he were president and another country threatened a U.S. presidential candidate, it risked being "blown to smithereens."

The dumbfucks that follow that asshole I think are worse than the shitheads that followed Hitler, stupider too.
I find the overall approach really strange. Never admit you are wrong, even when the evidence is right in front of you. Or when the person you are lying to KNOWS you are lying with moral certainty. Why keep lying? Earl is so afraid to be wrong about anything, ever, that he will double down. And his futile attempts to sound smart keep falling flat. But he is like a wind up toy that never stops. I'm sure he'll respond again. And again. Oh well. I need to windproof the back yard. Tomorrow sounds like it will be pretty nasty, even inland Jacksonville.
Be safe, you guys.
not likely......he's a Demmycrat.......they don't give a fuck about our troops.....
they care about our troops a HELL of a lot more then Trump does.
If Trump cared about our troops at all he wound NOT have put the safety of our Afghan troops in the hands of the Taliban like he did. and if you think he didn't read the Agreement Trump signed with them
Have a nice day
they care about our troops a HELL of a lot more then Trump does.
If Trump cared about our troops at all he wound NOT have put the safety of our Afghan troops in the hands of the Taliban like he did. and if you think he didn't read the Agreement Trump signed with them
Have a nice day
trump reduced the troop presence in Afg. from 4000 to 2500 after his surrender to the Taliban, and then blames Biden.