Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

I have zero doubt that Harris has also received death threats. Notice which candidate tries to play the pitiful victim, and which one actually shows strength and resolve and refuses to use the threats as campaign points.
And notice which one incites the masses to threaten the lives of public servants who were simply doing their jobs after the election in '20.
Reply #2. Apparently he took offense at my description of his flaccid, impotent emojis and is now following me around putting them on all my posts too. He's too chickenshit to write an actual reply. It's hard to believe he's a grown man and a grandfather. He behaves more like my 3-yo grandson when he's thwarted. Only Devin is adorable even when he's mad. :laugh:
He gives me the finger often. It seems to come in waves. He already knows that I don't see his posts, so he cannot engage me otherwise.
Um…no, Concart:


A conversationalist is someone who likes to chat, and is good at it. Conversationalists love to have — surprise! — conversations. If you're seated at a long formal dinner party, you hope the person next to you is a great conversationalist or you're in for a long night.

That word has nothing to do with speaking another language, as you used it.

You would have been correct had you said, I speak conversational Spanish.

Of the two words, conversant is the better preference.


Have a good day.
He is not the only one that is facing assassination threats from Iran. He is just the only one to whine about it like a little baby.
Obama had Iran under the U.N's watch, with regular inspections of their nuclear program that was put on hold. They were hungry to enjoy the Western World's economy again, so they were willing to comply

trump, with his Obama envy, undid that agreement with Iran and pounded his man boobs in victory. Now he wonders why they want him dead? He wonders why Iran will soon be a nuclear power?

You have to love how he blames Harris.
Same number of times as Trump. Ouchie, my ear hurts!!!

Goddamn if you and Earl are not on at the exact same time again. You two need to cover your tracks better. Or did you just both wake up in the same hotel room, and thought you'd try for a second round by posting bullshit on the internet.
Not even a scar on the ear, but he wore that Tampax for weeks as a political prop. Poor, poor bone spurs. He SO wants to be a hero.
No 'he' isn't. You don't direct me. I am your intellectual superior. And you are a pompous ass. Frat boy turned country club slimebag, living off daddy's money and daddy's reputation. Hell, you probably wouldn't have gotten into Georgia Junior Tech college without a legacy appointment. And you were sure as hell not on the debate team, unless daddy paid to have you given a spot.

So yesterday's word of the day was 'matriculate' (which means enroll, dimwit), and today's was interrogatory, which is not just any question, but a formal, legal question. So the fact you sort of, kind of know what they mean does not mean that you've used them correctly. And indeed you have not. What's tomorrow's word? Hopefully it's 'pompous'.
We know it won't be 'self reflection'.
Obama had Iran under the U.N's watch, with regular inspections of their nuclear program that was put on hold. They were hungry to enjoy the Western World's economy again, so they were willing to comply

trump, with his Obama envy, undid that agreement with Iran and pounded his man boobs in victory. Now he wonders why they want him dead? He wonders why Iran will soon be a nuclear power?

You have to love how he blames Harris.

Trump appears to have become completely unhinged. He feels this slipping away from him, and he knows jail awaits when he loses. Most likely, one way or the other, he will spend the rest of his days in detention. It has to be jarring. I hope we do not have violence, but this outcome feels inevitable now.
You really do not understand the difference between an assassination, or planning one. If Trump walked up to him and he did not shoot would he be guilty of an assassination? Planning one is not the same. He fled before he ever saw Donald. The Sec Serv did not see him either. He was in a car driving away when caught.
The courts will not be able to charge him with an assassination.
It will be conspiracy to commit an assassination, given the fool's hand written notes.
We know it won't be 'self reflection'.

I find the overall approach really strange. Never admit you are wrong, even when the evidence is right in front of you. Or when the person you are lying to KNOWS you are lying with moral certainty. Why keep lying? Earl is so afraid to be wrong about anything, ever, that he will double down. And his futile attempts to sound smart keep falling flat. But he is like a wind up toy that never stops. I'm sure he'll respond again. And again. Oh well. I need to windproof the back yard. Tomorrow sounds like it will be pretty nasty, even inland Jacksonville.
Trump appears to have become completely unhinged. He feels this slipping away from him, and he knows jail awaits when he loses. Most likely, one way or the other, he will spend the rest of his days in detention. It has to be jarring. I hope we do not have violence, but this outcome feels inevitable now.
I don't expect violence. The prisons are full of trump's 'patriots'. Notice his calls for uprisings outside of his trials went unrealized? The MOMENT Biden stepped down, trump shit himself.

Instantly, his number one campaign talking point was suddenly going to be used against him.

trump is an insane, elderly man who is too old to be POTUS. You hit the nail on the head with 'unhinged'.


Have a good day.
Um…lack of self-control and self-discipline are signs of immaturity, Concarty.

Or an inferiority complex…which is it, Cancarty?

Oops…another interrogatory.
I find the overall approach really strange. Never admit you are wrong, even when the evidence is right in front of you. Or when the person you are lying to KNOWS you are lying with moral certainty. Why keep lying? Earl is so afraid to be wrong about anything, ever, that he will double down. And his futile attempts to sound smart keep falling flat. But he is like a wind up toy that never stops. I'm sure he'll respond again. And again. Oh well. I need to windproof the back yard. Tomorrow sounds like it will be pretty nasty, even inland Jacksonville.
IRL, the projection and refusal to accept fact is a common trait now that trump adopted the Goebbels method.

On a message board, I just believe it is a troll's way of forcing people to waste keystrokes. Which is why I have an extensive ignore list.
A threat is not an attempt. Stop whining. I guarantee you he is responsible for more threats against multiple people than the threats he is receiving. He is a scumbag.


Have a good day.
How did your Uber Eats lunch run go today.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump was briefed about "real and specific threats" from Iran to assassinate the former president. Following that, Trump posted: "Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero 'NO' Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!"


Trump Campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung said that Iran’s efforts to assassinate the Republican presidential candidate is part of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to "destabilize and sow chaos in the United States." There have been two assassination attempts on Trump in the past few months, the first in Butler, PA and the second in West Palm Beach, FL.

Cheung said, "Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference."


He continued, "Make no mistake, the terror regime in Iran loves the weakness of Kamala Harris, and is terrified of the strength and resolve of President Trump. He will let nothing stop him or get in his way to fight for the American people and to Make America Great Again."

Earlier this year, the US received intelligence about an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. Since then there have been two known attempts on the former president’s life, on July 13 at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and again on Sept. 15 in West Palm Beach, Florida, at Trump’s golf course.

On Tuesday, the US Senate unanimously passed a bill that would give major presidential candidates the same level of protection as the president. The bill now heads to the Oval Office for President Joe Biden's signature.

Last week it was revealed that Iran offered material hacked from the Trump campaign to the Biden-Harris campaign.

Right after the dumbfuck is breifed about Iran and what does he do, he tells the fucking world about it. One reason why he can't be trusted with anything confidential.
What I am wondering now that the SCOTUS made that ruling if Trump can just say that giving the Russians some of our secrets / TOP secrets was just part of his Presidential duties and he will get away with Treason.
IMO I don't care if he was President or not anybody that gives our secrets away to the Russians should be prosecuted for Treason.
Have a nice day
No POTUS is legally permitted to remove top secret documents from a secure location. Further, when prompted to return them he refused and lied to the FBI. Then there is the evidence that he showed them to random M.A. Lago guests. If the SC protects trump from treason, there are other crimes that are not protected.
How did your Uber Eats lunch run go today.
Concarty is in a foul humor today.

His Uber Eats supervisor may have learned that he is eating some of the food that he delivers.

I believe he sees the chance for a Harris presidency slipping away.

Despite the blanket of silence by the corrupt media, Americans are learning of her multiple flip flops.

We have also learned that she lied to the American people and colluded with the media to cover up Biden’s cognitive decline.