Trump announces there have been other attempts made on his life after new intel briefing

No, because he is an asshole and some people don't want to see the country go through the shit he put us through the first time he was president.
I don't know if he is an asshole or not.
Aren't assholes useful ?
Trump is a worthless POS .
And stupid right wingers / MAGA can't see he is ONLY our for himself.
How stupid can you be to back a person who has come right and told you he DOESN'T give a shit about you ,
and tells you he is going to go after all his political opponents putting them in jail, then he says take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later , and he wants to shut down a lot of MSM outlets , some have talk shows and call in shows , taking a lot of peoples Constitutional rights away from them.
I still want to know from some of these morons what are they going to do when Trump is done stomping on the Constitutional rights of left leaning peoples and he go after theirs?
I guess CRY.
As I have said on here many of time they had better watch out what they wish for because once you get it and it turns and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
have a nice day
said what?....that he gave secrets to the Russians.......,you're even dumber than you look.......
NO asshole . I am trying to get YOU MORONS to admit HE MIGHT have , we do not know and there is no way of knowing unless one of those Russians comes forward and tell us he did.
MY point on that matter is HE had 12 Russians in the W H and had a meeting with Putin and there WASN'T another American let alone a Russian speaking American any wheres around.
And AGAIN don't you think it is a little suspicious that not too long after these meetings there was an unseal increase in our deep cover agents being found and some killed?
The FBI/ CIA and NSA all think so.
And we all know how much he loves them.
Again just how do YOU know FOR SURE that he didn't sell or give them any of our SECRETS?
I am just trying to get you morons to think for a change and realize Trump could have and there is no way of knowing for SURE.
Open that steel trap you call a mind use it and think about it.
Have a nice day
It appears that the Democrats understand that their candidate can be assassinated too.
Dear fucking idiot

Both Kennedys were Democratic Party members

We have had our candidates killed

By your kind

Tell Putin to have his programmers expand their bot holes US history files

That way you bot holes won’t look so stupid all the time

Fuck you very much
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russia's foreign minister about a planned Islamic State operation, two U.S. officials said on Monday, plunging the White House into another controversy just months into Trump's short tenure in office.
The intelligence, shared at a meeting last week with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, was supplied by a U.S. ally in the fight against the militant group, both officials with knowledge of the situation said
What the fuck do you call this?

Being a leader.

Why would the Harris/Biden Junta let a foreign government try to kill our former presidents with no response? What sort of weak and pathetic administration would allow foreign governments to openly corrupt our elections by assassinating candidates? What sort of chickenshit outfit is that?

Look, Quid Pro is Senile and doesn't know where he is - this is a complete FAILURE by Harris to do her fucking job.

The dumbfucks that follow that asshole I think are worse than the shitheads that followed Hitler, stupider too.

Iran owns the Harris/Biden Junta. They've been Bribing Quid Pro for decades - which is why the Regime won't even act when they start killing ex-presidents.

democrats are disgusting traitors.
Is that all that asshole can do is play on his assassination attempts? Are people really stupid enough to say I'm voting for him because somebody tried to assassinate him?

Is all you traitor fucks can do is try and imprison or kill your opposition?

Are people stupid enough to vote for a vapid Marxist like Harris because the little Goebbels of the DNC Propaganda Corps convinced them "Orange Man Bad?"
Obama wasn't a fucking asshole,

Sure he was - and is.

you would not have a bunch of people trying to kill him.

But you traitors claim that all whites are RAYSIS and hate your God? Wouldn't all those WHITE SUPREMACISTS be trying to whack the quarter black guy?

Quarter black, quarter Arab, half white. Wouldn't his racist half - the hated white part - try to kill the beloved Black/Arab half?
Do you have the STASI Snitch line on speed dial?


You wet your bed, doncha?

Nope, but I consider you a danger to myself and my family. You need to be watched. Closely. Trump is targeting Harris donors. He will probably unleash angry losers like you to do his bidding. I believe in being proactive.
Correct. Taylor Swift, Cassidy Hutchinson, Liz Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney, and on and on and on. Trump has painted a target on every one of them. Now he's painting a target on everyday citizens, myself included. He is a narcissist with no regard for anyone else other than himself. He is beneath contempt. How anyone can in good conscience support him is beyond me. He is simply an awful human being. And a moron to boot.

Oh, by the way, Earl says fuck you. He is such a child. You might have missed yesterday when he went back and corrected a typo after my throwaway line about HIS spelling. And then he lied about it, claiming apparently that I had altered HIS post when I replied. It's just such a babyish thing to do. Get caught with your hand in the cookie jar and blame mom.
Concrete the economist, when did you start following Earl around?
Getting a cut on your ear from shrapnel or flying debris is not "being shot". Ronald Reagan was shot and nearly killed, and I don't remember him spending the next several years after whining about it.
Err, that has all been debunked by your FBI. Perhaps you should ask the receptionist at a car warranty call center. He will set you straight.
I'm afraid it's exactly the opposite, son. Earl and EL have been following me from thread to thread like a dog in heat.
It was just a question. You seem to respond to his every post like a puppet. I think you are easily triggered by Earl and your declarration to all of us that you are his intellectual superior, one might think you would not eo easily take the bait.