Trump Assassination Suspect Is a Felon Barred from Gun Possession

So u admit gun laws dont work

anyone in America who wanted a gun could get a gun in 1968 and 1980
American gun laws were designed not to work. The rest of the world's gun laws work far better.

Anyone in America can buy a gun today, and it is long past 1980. Try to buy a gun in Japan and see the difference.
It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon or any accessory to any weapon. That includes any gun.
A pistol from the WW2 era will kill you just as dead as an AR-15.
How about anti-aircraft missiles? Large bombs? Chemical weapons? Biological weapons? Nuclear weapons?

Trump Assassination Suspect Is a Felon Barred from Gun Possession​

Can a felon barred from gun possession have the nuclear codes ?​

In a sane country, selling a gun to a criminal is a crime. In America, there are so many loopholes, you can sell your gun to a criminal and have no real fear of going to prison.
It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun.
A criminal has already committed a crime. How is he buying a gun?
There are more guns than people in the USA. The market is flooded.
The market is not flooded, even if there are more guns than people in the U.S.

BTW, almost all of those guns are NOT being used to commit murder in a crime or in a school.
They WILL be used by people to defend themselves, including defending themselves against a rogue government.

Think about that, Wally.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any gun.
A criminal has already committed a crime. How is he buying a gun?
If having a gun is a right, much like freedom of speech, then we cannot ban ex-criminals from carrying guns. And because the Constitution says "arms" not guns, we cannot ban chemical weapons, biological weapons, anti-aircraft weapons, nuclear weapons, or just really large bombs.

I disagree. I think some people should be banned from buying a gun. If you sell a gun to one of these people, that should be a crime too.
People have guns in Japan. You can't stop it, Wally.
Getting a gun in Japan costs so much that even the criminals would rarely do it. Japan has a third of the population of the USA, but it is not unusual for there to be no gun murders in a year, and even sometimes no gun deaths in a year.
How about anti-aircraft missiles?
Legal to own.
Large bombs?
Legal to own.
Chemical weapons?
Legal to own.
Biological weapons?
Legal to own.
Nuclear weapons?
Legal to own.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit ANY weapon. That includes swords, clubs, guns, bombs, missiles, chemical or biological weapons, and even nuclear weapons.

As always, you are responsible for the use and storage of that weapon.
If having a gun is a right, much like freedom of speech, then we cannot ban ex-criminals from carrying guns.
That's right.
And because the Constitution says "arms" not guns, we cannot ban chemical weapons, biological weapons, anti-aircraft weapons, nuclear weapons, or just really large bombs.
That's right.
I disagree. I think some people should be banned from buying a gun. If you sell a gun to one of these people, that should be a crime too.
Unconstitutional. You are ignoring the 2nd and 14th amendments.
Getting a gun in Japan costs so much that even the criminals would rarely do it.
Now you are making shit up.

Guns in Japan are not as popular as other weapons. The Japanese favor the blade.
Japan has a third of the population of the USA, but it is not unusual for there to be no gun murders in a year, and even sometimes no gun deaths in a year.
Japan has a very homogeneous society too. Japan is not the United States. False equivalence fallacy. That tactic won't work, Wally.
It is unconstitutional to ban or limit ANY weapon. That includes swords, clubs, guns, bombs, missiles, chemical or biological weapons, and even nuclear weapons.
Well, that is your view. I disagree. I see the words "well regulated", and I think they mean well regulated.

It occurs to me that many things can be used as a weapon. A car would be a more dangerous weapon than a Revolutionary War era musket. Does that mean the government should not be allowed to regulate cars?
Now you are making shit up.

Guns in Japan are not as popular as other weapons. The Japanese favor the blade.

Japan has a very homogeneous society too. Japan is not the United States. False equivalence fallacy. That tactic won't work, Wally.
So it’s because they are mostly one race?

Come on say what you really want to say fucking racist LOSER
Well, that is your view. I disagree. I see the words "well regulated", and I think they mean well regulated.
Contextomy fallacy. The people are not the militia. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon. It is unconstitutional to ban any State from forming a militia (that is well regulated) to defend themselves.
It occurs to me that many things can be used as a weapon.
Pretty much anything.
A car would be a more dangerous weapon than a Revolutionary War era musket. Does that mean the government should not be allowed to regulate cars?
No weapon is specified, Wally. That means ANY weapon. A car is not more dangerous than a musket. Dead is dead. Your word games won't get you out of this.