Trump Assassination Suspect Is a Felon Barred from Gun Possession

So u admit gun laws dont work

anyone in America who wanted a gun could get a gun in 1968 and 1980
As usual, your "logic" is flawed and inaccurate. Any fool can look at recent history to see you're wrong; the 1984 AWB ban sunset in 2004 thanks to the gun lobby flunky GOP in Congress. Since then, the majority weapon of choice in the last 30 years of mass shootings has been AR-15 style weapons that were previously banned. And no matter how they wiggle and dance, gun monkeys can't deny the increase in such shootings since 2004. Coincidence? Hardly.

You need to take off that pointy hood and let the air cool your fevered brow, junior.
Just verifies the fact that nearly anyone in America who wants a gun can get a gun, they are everywhere, access is easy, and the gun huggers solution is to flood the market with more guns
and underscores the fact gun control laws have no effect on people who intend to break the law......