Trump Democrats.....

True in some parts, not so true in others.

Trump wrote checks to Hillary as a businessman. He assumed she would have been president and was buying favors from her. And frankly, had she won that primary against Obama, we all would have been much better off. She either would have lost to McCain or she wouldn't have been as extreme a left winger as Obama. So maybe Trump had a point.

I think you make quite a point in claiming Trump is a populist, not a conservative. I'm just wondering how much good the alleged "conservative movement" has done us over the past 20 some years. Reagan was the last conservative president we've had. Other conservatives have run, but whatever Republicans became president were liberals or centrists. I'm thinking that if this race comes down to conservative versus liberal, we'll lose. Liberal has too big an advantage, both in party politics (since most of the GOP establishment is just as liberal as Hillary_) and in the media.

Trump has taken us OUT of that morass. With him, it's about competency. It's about a businessman fixing things as opposed to political hacks piddling around. He makes a powerful point.

Reagan would get CRUSHED today for many of the compromises he made. Amnesty for starters. And his tax reform probably wouldn't pass Grover Norquist's "no new taxes pledge". Those are just two issues.

Trump has a history of failures in his business life. Many successful people have failed in their past so that alone doesn't disqualify him but Trump has a number of them. And as he wrote in his book you make outlandish claims at first, which is exactly what he's doing now. As he said he's a negotiator. So all these people who are upset that Republicans are negotiating deals are all of a sudden going to be ok when Donald does it? You think other politicians sold you a bill of goods wait to see what happens if Trump gets in office.
True in some parts, not so true in others.

Trump wrote checks to Hillary as a businessman. He assumed she would have been president and was buying favors from her. And frankly, had she won that primary against Obama, we all would have been much better off. She either would have lost to McCain or she wouldn't have been as extreme a left winger as Obama. So maybe Trump had a point.

I think you make quite a point in claiming Trump is a populist, not a conservative. I'm just wondering how much good the alleged "conservative movement" has done us over the past 20 some years. Reagan was the last conservative president we've had. Other conservatives have run, but whatever Republicans became president were liberals or centrists. I'm thinking that if this race comes down to conservative versus liberal, we'll lose. Liberal has too big an advantage, both in party politics (since most of the GOP establishment is just as liberal as Hillary_) and in the media.

Trump has taken us OUT of that morass. With him, it's about competency. It's about a businessman fixing things as opposed to political hacks piddling around. He makes a powerful point.

Here's conservatism for you and it isn't Trump.
Funny...I don't remember that and I voted for Reagan in 1980. What I remember was people predicting Reagan would win by a landslide...and wow...guess what? He did.

Point being. Trump is no Ronald Reagan. He has neither Reagans message, in fact he has no consistent message, nor does he have Reagans discipline to remain on message and, for God's sakes, he certainly doesn't have Reagans common decency, respect for his colleagues or optimism. Though Trump has built a broad coalition it yet remains to be seen if he can even come close to building the broad coalition that Reagan built.

The truth is Trump has very little in common with Reagan.
ronny cheated
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Point being. Trump is no Ronald Reagan. He has neither Reagans message, in fact he has no consistent message,

I agree Trump is not Reagan and does not have Reagan's message.......he has Trump's message......its "if you don't like me, fuck you and if you do like me, vote for me".......
Reagan couldn't get elected dog catcher in todays GOP. He would be considered a RINO.

I mean PiMP analogy is hilarious. Granted Obama is hardly the second coming of Lincoln but for a George W. Bush supporter to call anyone incompetent is about as delusional as one can get. Carter was a mediocrity. Obama has a significant legacy for, if nothing else, digging this nation out the Bush shithole. There's no arguing that Dumbya was the least competent chief executive since Warren G. Harding and the most dishonest since Nixon.

You mean the Harding that ended the postwar recession, gave Native Americans their citizenship, pardoned Wilson's political prisoners, negotiated landmark peace treaties (which would net him the RINO label today, for sure), and initiated a massive public works bill, which included the first federal highways act 35 years before Ike's celebrated one? And all of this in just over two years, before suddenly dying in office?
Reagan was a "movement" alright! like the one my dog took out on my front lawn this morning! A steaming pile of movement!

You must have been on welfare during his presidency and got pissed when your checks were late. That'd be the only reason you don't like him.

He was the best president in the history of America. His economic policies produced the best economy in history.
Trump, if nominated, will be almost instantaneously Romney'd... They'll adspam us with "Trump U" nasty ads, with ads of his clothing line being made in China and Mexico, with him talking about how he won't eat Oreo cookies because they are made in Mexico but will sell you clothes that are made in Mexico...

It will not take long to make him into evil incarnate. He is already, but will certainly be considered the worst thing that ever happened to the republican party since Richard Nixon if not ever.
You must have been on welfare during his presidency and got pissed when your checks were late. That'd be the only reason you don't like him.

He was the best president in the history of America. His economic policies produced the best economy in history.

God, this passes for a Watermark post.

Reagan was obviously not a better president than George Washington, so that's a bogus assessment of Reagan, right there. Then, I tend to view the likes of Monroe, Lincoln, Ike, Taft, Harding, and McKinley as superior, as well. Reagan was still pretty good, of course.
Reagan would get CRUSHED today for many of the compromises he made. Amnesty for starters. And his tax reform probably wouldn't pass Grover Norquist's "no new taxes pledge". Those are just two issues.

Trump has a history of failures in his business life. Many successful people have failed in their past so that alone doesn't disqualify him but Trump has a number of them. And as he wrote in his book you make outlandish claims at first, which is exactly what he's doing now. As he said he's a negotiator. So all these people who are upset that Republicans are negotiating deals are all of a sudden going to be ok when Donald does it? You think other politicians sold you a bill of goods wait to see what happens if Trump gets in office.

Cawako is on fire today!
Carter was ahead by double digits in March of October Reagan pulled slightly ahead but they were still within the margin of the end Reagan had him by ten points.....

Reagan won in '80 for one reason only, the Iran hostage crisis.
It was thought that the Iranians would fear him.
It appeared to be true.
To forget the context is to give Ron more credit than due.
You must have been on welfare during his presidency and got pissed when your checks were late. That'd be the only reason you don't like him.

He was the best president in the history of America. His economic policies produced the best economy in history.

How old are you?
and you had the balls to claim HE sounded like Watermark?........

Two of them served only one term, and the third less than that, and they were presidents of enormous accomplishments. They also all inherited economic disasters. Taft accomplished more than either Teddy or Wilson did, yet never gets the credit for it.
PP's OP reminds one why Trump is now the talking head for the republican party - I mean how many inaccurate, when not dishonest, points can one make in a short paragraph? Seven years of 'birtherism' has created a GOP that doesn't know which end is up. I do find Trump's self congratulatory election dialogue interesting when he gets outside himself and talks trade and other countries dumping their products on American soil. Look where things are made today, or survey his screaming audience on what car they drive? This is an area few mention in either party as both believe the nonsense of free market preachers. Wanna get down the debt, build here and tax here, but do you really think Apple, Nike, and all the corporations that offshore work are going to listen? America is based on constant growth and that is married to a stock market mentality that ain't changing soon. We are now a service and entertainment economy. Keeps the folks occupied and happy. Immigrants are the baddies of old. Simple stuff. And so it goes.....

You aren't as clever as you imagine. And quoting from Salon puts you a few miles just south of fucking STUPID.

Any idiot can LIE about Trump. I strongly imagine that you have this fear of losing your welfare check if a non-establishment Republican becomes president. I can see why you're so concerned.

Then again, when Trump brings the jobs home, maybe you'll find something to do with all this free time you have now.