Trump, if nominated, will be almost instantaneously Romney'd... They'll adspam us with "Trump U" nasty ads, with ads of his clothing line being made in China and Mexico, with him talking about how he won't eat Oreo cookies because they are made in Mexico but will sell you clothes that are made in Mexico...
It will not take long to make him into evil incarnate. He is already, but will certainly be considered the worst thing that ever happened to the republican party since Richard Nixon if not ever.
It won't matter as it is just this sort of foolishness that these former dem voters are tired of.
Its going to be interesting, and you might be correct, but I would not be so sure.
Damocles can say its called being Romney'ed, but it was Lee Atwater who ushered in the particular style of campaigning.
Reagan won in '80 for one reason only, the Iran hostage crisis.
yet never gets the credit for it.
We're returning to people voting wallets first.
Once again, it's the economy.... (I'll leave the rest of that quote off but I suspect everyone is familiar with it).
It's already being demonstrated so it's not much of a prediction. We're returning to people voting wallets first.
Once again, it's the economy.... (I'll leave the rest of that quote off but I suspect everyone is familiar with it).
Oh, I don't think ole Lee invented it. Seems far older.
HOw is it being demonstrated when HRC is ahead in the vast majority of the polls.
except when paired off against Republican candidates......RCP has most of them beating her......
HOw is it being demonstrated when HRC is ahead in the vast majority of the polls.
Why do you think turnout is so heavy in GOP and so light for the donkeys ? That is real people as opposed to talking on a phone.
Walking the walk you might say.
Why do you think turnout is so heavy in GOP and so light for the donkeys ?
That is real people as opposed to talking on a phone.
Walking the walk you might say.
except when paired off against Republican candidates......
RCP has most of them beating her......
That's a snapshot of today, before the republican candidate is focusing on her. Hillary has been in a steady decline ever since summer. Hillary is the Jeb! on the democrats side, but with no real competition. If she was running against the republican anti-establishment wave she'd by roadkill by now.
It does?
more.....most people don't even remember any of them ever got elected......
Most people are morons and proles. Aside from Lincoln, do you think the average American could name a single president from the 19th Century (including Jefferson, and without incorrectly guessing Washington)?