Trump Democrats.....


PP pretending republicans are tolerant.

If you vote for trump you have nothing in common with democratic philosophy.


we have no use for how you would vote

now go chase rinos you fucking lying sociopathic racist
PP's OP reminds one why Trump is now the talking head for the republican party - I mean how many inaccurate, when not dishonest, points can one make in a short paragraph? Seven years of 'birtherism' has created a GOP that doesn't know which end is up. I do find Trump's self congratulatory election dialogue interesting when he gets outside himself and talks trade and other countries dumping their products on American soil. Look where things are made today, or survey his screaming audience on what car they drive? This is an area few mention in either party as both believe the nonsense of free market preachers. Wanna get down the debt, build here and tax here, but do you really think Apple, Nike, and all the corporations that offshore work are going to listen? America is based on constant growth and that is married to a stock market mentality that ain't changing soon. We are now a service and entertainment economy. Keeps the folks occupied and happy. Immigrants are the baddies of old. Simple stuff. And so it goes.....

So far, you've said nothing here that is the truth.

卐 Heil YOUR Führer, Trumpzis! 卐
Why do you think turnout is so heavy in GOP and so light for the donkeys ?
That is real people as opposed to talking on a phone.
Walking the walk you might say.

That is a good point. I am not sure however that it shows Democrats are going to vote for Trump in the General. How is turnout in the Republican only states, where Trump is not doing as well?

Anecdotally, I had a Puerto Rican guy in my office yesterday. He has lived in Florida for the last 15 years. He said, don't tell my family, or my boss, but if Trump is the nominee... I'm voting for Clinton. He said he is going to vote for Rubio in the primary, but he is sure Trump is going to win. He said he has never voted for a Democrat in his life.
"Quote Originally Posted by Celticguy View Post

Why do you think turnout is so heavy in GOP and so light for the donkeys ?
That is real people as opposed to talking on a phone.
Walking the walk you might say."

Its a primary

if you are fine with both possibilities (hell I would have taken O'Mally too) why bother.

wait until the general
The GOP is more energized. I don't know if it will translate to the general, but if it does the democrats probably won't like the outcome.

More energized yes but also attracting new faces.
And no, the dems will not like it one bit. Can't truck in enough rent a votes to counter this.
Why do you think BO has been trucking illegals in willy nilly?
Consevatards lose again because they want tax cuts and deregulation.
Same shit caused us to lose 800,000 jobs a month end of bush.
Yes your giant klan rallies to scare us
"Quote Originally Posted by Celticguy View Post

Why do you think turnout is so heavy in GOP and so light for the donkeys ?
That is real people as opposed to talking on a phone.
Walking the walk you might say."

Its a primary

if you are fine with both possibilities (hell I would have taken O'Mally too) why bother.

wait until the general

Yes a primary where you have to leave your abode and go to a polling place.
And a whole lot of people have done just that because HRC is a criminal and pathological liar.
The mushy middle who showed up for BO are voting with their feet as they are prone to do when they are fed up.
More energized yes but also attracting new faces.
And no, the dems will not like it one bit. Can't truck in enough rent a votes to counter this.
Why do you think BO has been trucking illegals in willy nilly?

The new faces bit will be good for the party and force it to be less elitist---even if Trump goes down in the primary. Even before Trump came along, I was speculating that the democrats have moved so far left, and so fast, it's inevitable that they'd leave some of their voters behind.

I have some issues with Trump, I'd actually prefer Cruze because he's more of a known quantity and a proven conservative. But Trump has been some sorely needed medicine for the GOP. They've gotten away with screwing us for too long.
The new faces bit will be good for the party and force it to be less elitist---even if Trump goes down in the primary. Even before Trump came along, I was speculating that the democrats have moved so far left, and so fast, it's inevitable that they'd leave some of their voters behind.

I have some issues with Trump, I'd actually prefer Cruze because he's more of a known quantity and a proven conservative. But Trump has been some sorely needed medicine for the GOP. They've gotten away with screwing us for too long.

It's time for the paradigm to change.
The economy has got to get fixed and it's down to needing to drop ALL the wedge issue crap and concentrate on the spending.

I can remember when Dole warned that Reagan would destroy the GOP if he got the I'm not arguing that Trump is Reagan, but this election has so many similarities to 1980...

Republican president many viewed as a disgrace followed by an incompetent Democrat who comes close to destroying the economy and a horrible foreign policy record including problems with Iran and Russia........controversial, non establishment Republican candidate with a history of Democrat allegiance.......popular in primaries but not supported by GOP leaders...trailed in polls till the weekend before the election.....

strong support from blue collar workers including Dem labor union standbys......

Reagan was a "movement" alright! like the one my dog took out on my front lawn this morning! A steaming pile of movement!

The actual truth about Reagan that both the Republicans and Democrats hate to hear is the fact that Reagan had a good pal in the Congress, his Irish drinking buddy Democrat Speaker Of The House Tip O'Neal. Tippy visited his pal Ronnie in the White House often for Irish Whisky and some wheelin & dealin. What actually happened was Tippy traded Ronnie his support in pushing through the House Ronnie's expanded military spending and tax cuts for Ronnie's promise to sigh on all of Tippy's and the Democrats expanded social spending. The end result was together they damned near tripled the National Debt.
The actual truth about Reagan that both the Republicans and Democrats hate to hear is the fact that Reagan had a good pal in the Congress, his Irish drinking buddy Democrat Speaker Of The House Tip O'Neal. Tippy visited his pal Ronnie in the White House often for Irish Whisky and some wheelin & dealin. What actually happened was Tippy traded Ronnie his support in pushing through the House Ronnie's expanded military spending and tax cuts for Ronnie's promise to sigh on all of Tippy's and the Democrats expanded social spending. The end result was together they damned near tripled the National Debt.


Yeah.....sure.....that's how ReRon became such an economic screw-up.....