Trump Drops List of EVERY Democrat and Enabler Who Used Violent Language Against Trump Which Led to 2nd Assassination Attempt

Some are the same thing, others are suggesting that Trump is the problem to which the solution is his removal from existence. The difference I would see is in the suggestion that the person is the danger rather than the consequences of their poor decisions being the danger.

So. "If you elect Jimbo Jones, bad things will happen" =/= "Jimbo Jones is a danger to democracy". Can you see the difference? I know you can, actually.

Anyone who can look back at J6 and at what Trump tried to do and what he didn't do when he should have, then pretend that they don't see anything wrong with it or that Trump doesn't deserve to be regarded as a danger to this country, is blind, or dishonest or both.

If Trump was an otherwise normal guy who fucked up once or maybe even twice, what you say MIGHT have some merit.

But he has displayed such a long standing pattern of the kind of behavior he exhibited on that day to the point that you cannot separate him from his actions or the consequences of them.

Trump is what he does.


The way you people make one stupid, half-assed, lame-brained excuse after another, after another, after another ad nauseum, just shows how dishonest and lacking in morals Trumpers are.

Oh yeah, right.

You're not a Trumper.

So you claim.

You sure do defend him like a Trumper.
Man, are you Alt-Right/MAGA mooks are desperate! Here's a little comparison for ya, toodles:

And let's not forget the braying jackass CEO of the Heritage Foundation and his "Project 2025", or (wait for it) what went down on Jan. 6th.

Spare us all your parroted bilge, Voley!
Trump said that we'll have World War III if Harris wins. That we "won't have a country anymore."
Putin is threatening to use nukes against NATO. Biden/Harris want the Ukraine war to continue. Trump wants a negotiated solution and end to the war. Russia using nukes could certainly trigger WWIII don't you think?
Didn't Trump order an Iranian General to be killed, and wasn't that escalating the situation????
Actually that General killed American soldiers by using IEDs. Trump was just protecting our soldiers. Trump had Iran too broke to fund their proxies and that decreased the chance of war in the Mideast. Trump got the Abraham Accords signed and that decreased the chances of war in the Mideast.
Putin is threatening to use nukes against NATO. Biden/Harris want the Ukraine war to continue. Trump wants a negotiated solution and end to the war. Russia using nukes could certainly trigger WWIII don't you think?

It's fear-mongering. But, I already said it on this thread - Trump inspired J6 and tried to overturn an election. Doesn't that make him a threat to democracy?
And yet just today:

Former President Donald J. Trump on Monday morning claimed “inflammatory language” from Democrats had provoked what the authorities are investigating as an assassination attempt against him, urging his rivals to tone down their speech even as he called them the “enemy from within” and “the real threat.”
Sound familiar?
It should.
Your list is therefor deemed irrelevant.
It wasn't really even an assassination attempt.

More of a concept of an assassination attempt, really.
When you buy a scoped rifle and set up a sniper's nest it is an assassination attempts. We still call it fishing even if you don't catch fish and hunting even if you don't fire a shot.