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GOOD COMEBACK!Based on your reading level, I will restrict my replies to words that you already know. I wouldn't want to show you up by using words you don't know.
Cohen's testimony was backed up by the testimony of other witnesses. I guess you didn't really look at all the evidence if you were unaware of that testimony. Then you claim not a single exhibit supports his testimony. Cohen testified that he met with Trump at the White House. There were two exhibits that backed up the testimony by Cohen met with Trump. So we see you are wrong about not one exhibit supporting his testimony.
I guess you do think that Trump is writing the legal briefs. That would be the only way you could continue down this road intellectually. Or are you just trolling? Based on how little intelligence you have exhibited so far, it's a toss up.
Trump is a country or a group? I guess you really showed me up by claiming Trump is a country.
You don't seem to be able to tell the difference between evidence and exhibits. Evidence includes all the testimony by witnesses.
Pecker testified that he agreed to buy stories and kill them - (A violation of campaign finance laws.)
Stormy Daniels testified that she was paid for her silence.
Cohen testified that he paid Stormy and was later reimbursed by Trump by payments disguised as a retainer
At least two people from the Trump organization testified as to the agreement of payments to Cohen that were reimbursements.
Aren't you a cute toddler. You get all excited and happy when you throw your poop around.
You and D Boy are just the epitome of intellectual might, aren't you? I'm not going to waste time on your repetitive drivel? I'm not Jesus, I can't perform miracles on the brain-dead.
You clearly didn't even glance at the evidence - not that I'll waste my breath explaining how I know. You're nothing but a drone, parroting whatever nonsense you last heard; that's a fact most sane people would nod along to.
You obviously struggle with concepts so basic they'd confuse a chimp. But hey, just for kicks, to ensure even the densest Libtard like you can grasp how utterly nonexistent your logic is, I'll make one final point - for your benefit, of course.
Dumbass, hasn't the Trump's trial already been in the SC?? hmmmm, I thought that could never happen, and he isn't even President yet. Ahh..Dauhhh. I guess you're right, A state case involving a President could never make it to the SC.
From the words of Brad Pitt in Kalifornia..."Dip Shit' LOL