Trump found guilty then not guilty!

So many words that mean nothing. I think I'm close to figuring out who you are. Carry on, bitch.
You're not alone thinking I'm someone from your past or a previous member that changed his name and profile. Several drones have made the same claim, of course, that's what drones do. You're sheep that talk like parrots and behave as a hive with a mind of a Libtard Drone. That's who you are, I don't need to invent someone or be paranoid that you could be concealing your true identity. lol Drones are nearly all the same, so it doesn't matter where you live, what your name is, how many times you shave your head, how many times you put on masks, break windows, start fires, hit old people because they like Trump, etc, etc. you're still just an average run of the mill Libtard Drone. I'm just the one pointing that out.
Anyone doubt Toby likes to smell his own farts?

You're not alone thinking I'm someone from your past or a previous member that changed his name and profile. Several drones have made the same claim, of course, that's what drones do. You're sheep that talk like parrots and behave as a hive with a mind of a Libtard Drone. That's who you are, I don't need to invent someone or be paranoid that you could be concealing your true identity. lol Drones are nearly all the same, so it doesn't matter where you live, what your name is, how many times you shave your head, how many times you put on masks, break windows, start fires, hit old people because they like Trump, etc, etc. you're still just an average run of the mill Libtard Drone. I'm just the one pointing that out.
Anyone doubt Toby likes to smell his own farts?
And Dutchy boy is now reverting to the only thing a Libtard can do.(and of course, you suck at that too) The drones only attempts at expressing a thought, well, actually is just something other drones have made for you to parrot. THE MEME lol 'smell my own farts' I am not kidding you, that was a favorite in 2nd grade. lol Nice work! I'll give you a better line from that time. YOU'RE AN UGLY FATSO. ROFL. That's better than yours!
It's been a farce from day one. Democrats are going to have to actually represent the American people in future elections. How sad that a once great American political party has fallen into a cesspool of hate and incompetence.
Sign of low intelligence, 'I'm not a toddler, you're a toddler. Can't you come up with your own words?
Based on your reading level, I will restrict my replies to words that you already know. I wouldn't want to show you up by using words you don't know.
Oh yes, I was waiting for 'Cohen'. Interesting that a disbarred, disgraced, established liar was even allowed to testify. hmmm LAWFARE MUCH. He said a lot of things, but as I said, I, unlike you went through all of the evidence and there is not one email, text message, recorded conversation, or anything at all to back up his testimony, if you weren't so lazy, you'd know that. Without something to back up his claims, his testimony relies solely on his credibility, and he has none by non-libtard standards. He could say that Diesel sits on his lap before naughty time and without the X-RATED video you probably keep, the jury would have to just believe it. That's Libtard Justice and LAWFARE on display.
Cohen's testimony was backed up by the testimony of other witnesses. I guess you didn't really look at all the evidence if you were unaware of that testimony. Then you claim not a single exhibit supports his testimony. Cohen testified that he met with Trump at the White House. There were two exhibits that backed up the testimony by Cohen met with Trump. So we see you are wrong about not one exhibit supporting his testimony.
This one, is so telling, the libtard mind or lack thereof, is on full display. I'll let you think a bit more about that one. lol CLUELESS!!
I guess you do think that Trump is writing the legal briefs. That would be the only way you could continue down this road intellectually. Or are you just trolling? Based on how little intelligence you have exhibited so far, it's a toss up.
Poor Libtard, I know thinking is out of the question, but I'll try this one on you. Just because 'Libtard drone' isn't in a textbook doesn't change the fact that you are one. However lawfare is defined in dictionaries, I imagine it was added so long ago with drones like you in mind.

Let me help you AGAIN: Lawfare as defined: Legal action undertaken as part of a hostile campaign against a country or group,
Trump is a country or a group? I guess you really showed me up by claiming Trump is a country.
It starting being used in the late 19th century as a blend of law and warfare. (that's the 1800's for you Libtards) it's really sad that high school failed you so badly.

More, 'I know you are, but what am I' it's a theme with you Libtards today. At the very least, considering you can't make coherent comments, you should be much, much better at insults. NOPE, you poor, sad little drone.

HAVE AN ORIGINAL THOUGHTS, STAY AWAY FROM MEMES AND RADICAL LIBTARD SITES FOR A LITTLE WHILE. it MIGHT help ignite your own thoughts. And, read the damn evidence and show me the compelling stuff. lol
You don't seem to be able to tell the difference between evidence and exhibits. Evidence includes all the testimony by witnesses.
Pecker testified that he agreed to buy stories and kill them - (A violation of campaign finance laws.)
Stormy Daniels testified that she was paid for her silence.
Cohen testified that he paid Stormy and was later reimbursed by Trump by payments disguised as a retainer
At least two people from the Trump organization testified as to the agreement of payments to Cohen that were reimbursements.
Aren't you a cute toddler. You get all excited and happy when you throw your poop around.
Wow. You're becoming more demented by the day, Terry.

Obviously, they saw the case was legitimate and should move forward to sentencing.

Obviously, they saw this as a states issue, not a federal or constitutional one, and passed on ruling on it.
Sea lawyer or not, you voted a felon into office, son.

Better a felon that will do something useful than a fool who will just fuck everything up.
Then why are you still living in America?

Don't have a lot of choice. I'm over 55 so work visas in other countries are hard to come by.

But doesn't matter. I'm here so YOUR SIDE will be reminded every time Trump fucks up that it is what YOU VOTED FOR.

Everytime YOU lose a benefit or social security or whatever SOCIALISM you get from America, I'm going to be here to LAUGH AT YOUR PAIN.

I'm going to be here to suggest to you that you got EXACTLY WHAT YOU DESERVED.
Quoting a previous 'partner' again. can you say LOSER. Anyone know if D Boy's 'special friend' still comes around, I like to say hello. It's quite obvious he was good at triggering Dutchy. LOL Maybe it was a fallout after some sort of 'encounter' that went sideways, I don't know but I would love to hear the story.
Obviously, they saw this as a states issue, not a federal or constitutional one, and passed on ruling on it.

Better a felon that will do something useful than a fool who will just fuck everything up.
Like going to war with Canada, Denmark and Panama? That kind of fuck up?
Don't have a lot of choice. I'm over 55 so work visas in other countries are hard to come by.

But doesn't matter. I'm here so YOUR SIDE will be reminded every time Trump fucks up that it is what YOU VOTED FOR.

Everytime YOU lose a benefit or social security or whatever SOCIALISM you get from America, I'm going to be here to LAUGH AT YOUR PAIN.

I'm going to be here to suggest to you that you got EXACTLY WHAT YOU DESERVED.
My expectation is Trump on his worst day will be better than Biden on his best. Trump may or may not get things done, but I don't think he's going to just fuck stuff up to fuck stuff up like Biden did.

Biden pushed a hard Left agenda and across the board, the US is worse for it. Not one thing Biden did made America or the world a better place, not one.

I don't rely on socialism to get by. Sure, I get social security--which I was forced to pay into for decades--but the checks go straight into an investment account. Sure, I get Medicare too, not that it's a great deal for me. My total medical expenses for last year amount to about $1000 and that's total, not deductibles and such.

I'm getting fucked by socialism if you ask me.
My expectation is Trump on his worst day will be better than Biden on his best.

Well he'll have to bring in more manufacturing jobs than Biden did (which was MUCH more than Trump did on his first go-round). And the stock market will have to stay high. Not sure how he's going to better the infrastructure bill.

Guess we'll see.

Trump may or may not get things done

And why wouldn't he get things done? You guys gave him the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court. Literally everything a president could possibly want has been given him.

If he can't make America Great Again after all that, then you lot have been lied to.

I know for a fact he'll drop most of the stuff you guys voted him in on. There will be no mass deportations. The cost of eggs will stay high. The cost of goods will sharply INCREASE when the tariffs hit. Then American goods will start selling less due to trade wars with trading partners.

But let's cross our fingers and hope you guys are right for once.

, but I don't think he's going to just fuck stuff up to fuck stuff up like Biden did.

Did Biden bring TOO MANY manufacturing jobs back? Was your 401k TOO BIG?

Biden pushed a hard Left agenda and across the board

No he fucking didn't. What on god's green earth are you on about?

, the US is worse for it. Not one thing Biden did made America or the world a better place, not one.

So you want FEWER manufacturing jobs in the US? And you want more people with less retirement funds? Wow. You sure do hate Americans!

I don't rely on socialism to get by.

Yes you most certainly do. You drive on freeways, dontcha?

Sure, I get social security

Welcome to Socialism!

Sure, I get Medicare too

