Trump found guilty then not guilty!

I'm sure ExpressWeinie would consider it rape if a large overweight man smashed her against a wall, pulled down her tighty-whities, and jammed his fingers in there while kissing her so she couldn't scream.

Joe Biden isn't overweight, and Tara didn't say he was.
EXACTLY what crime did Trump commit that changed the crime from 34 misdemeanors with expired statues of limitations to 34 felonies? Be specific and name the exact crime.
The 3 crimes are in the court rulings and the law says he didn't have to commit another crime. There only had to be intent to commit or conceal another crime.
Why are you unable to actually look at the facts of the case?
Here are all the court filings and court rulings.

Here is the ruling on just one of the 3 crimes allowed to be presented to the jury which elevates the falsification to a felony.

This court finds that there was legally sufficient evidence presented to the Grand Jury of the Defendant’s intent to violate FECA. It is a crime under FECA for any person to make contributions to any candidate seeking election to federal office, and his authorized political committees, which exceeds $2,00 during a single calendar year. FECA also establishes a $25,000 limit on contributions made by corporations. The evidence before the Grand Jury was legally sufficient to show that the Defendant, along with Cohen and Pecker, among others, planned to promote Defendant’s campaign by purchasing and suppressing information that could negatively impact Defendant’s campaign. The amount Pecker and Cohen paid exceeded allowable federal limits as established by FECA.

Did Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels exceed $25,000? Did Trump reimburse Cohen for his payment?
We could consider a sitting president getting blow jobs while in the White House.


"Juanita Broaddrick is an American former nursing home administrator. She alleged that she was raped by U.S. President Bill Clinton on April 25, 1978, when he was the Attorney General of Arkansas. Clinton declined to comment on the issue..."
Or we could consider a president who tried to pay off a playmate and porn star not to talk about trump boning them while Melania was at home nursing his newborn sun.

Every time a trumptard points a finger there are four more fingers pointing back at them.

Also, eat a bag of dicks you twisted, ignorant fuck.
Or we could consider a president who tried to pay off a playmate and porn star not to talk about trump boning them while Melania was at home nursing his newborn sun.

Every time a trumptard points a finger there are four more fingers pointing back at them.

Also, eat a bag of dicks you twisted, ignorant fuck.
Take a hike, pendejo/a.
You sure are a smarmy cunt for being a misinformed idiot. Bragg did not extend any statute of limitation. Cuomo did for the pandemic.
I've been over this, I know Libtard drone have trouble understanding simple concepts, but I can't keep breaking it down everytime a drone doesn't get it. I'm a nice guy, but that's asking too much. Besides, you strike me as a permanent libtard parroting drone. Sad, but there's not much hope for drones once they've gone over the edge of reality.
The charges became felonies because they were used to commit or conceal another crime.
As I've said, go through the thread if you sincerely want to understand why you're a parroting libtard drone. No joke. lol I done explaining it to the reality challenged, I can only do so much. It's all there for your benefit.
I've been over this, I know Libtard drone have trouble understanding simple concepts, but I can't keep breaking it down everytime a drone doesn't get it. I'm a nice guy, but that's asking too much. Besides, you strike me as a permanent libtard parroting drone. Sad, but there's not much hope for drones once they've gone over the edge of reality.
What a rant. And one that I've already seen you post 100 times in a week. You're a fucking loser, sock.
As I've said, go through the thread if you sincerely want to understand why you're a parroting libtard drone. No joke. lol I done explaining it to the reality challenged, I can only do so much. It's all there for your benefit.
As Richard and I explained to you during your embarrassing ass beating, literally everything you wrote is wrong. You could be lying. You could just be parroting the garbage that a good drone like you immerses yourself in from the KKKonservative media. Either way, you're a worthless moron. I hope you notice how I constructed this post. ;)