Trump found guilty then not guilty!

Biden ,the guy you voted for, forcibly penetrated Tara Reade and you are OK with it.
Supports Putin and the woman who fled back to Mother Russia.

Fuck you commie assholes with a garden hoe, comrade. Seriously. If you are in the USA, someone needs to teach you a lesson.

Tara Reade: ‘To my Russian brothers and sisters, I’m sorry right now that American elites are choosing to have such an aggressive stance.’
You replied to me...;) There was no clue what the post was actually about..🤣 Your crime was posting to me...

Bostons are sweet little dogs .... the ones I know are super "energized" but wonderful personalities... You should rescue one in her memory.... There are breeds specific rescues everywhere..... (My little bulliie came from Colorado...)
My favorite story about Daisy is: She was watching out the window for her only enemy in life "squirrels". She saw some on the patio so she ran out her dog door and chased them up a tree. They began showering down tree bark and twigs on her. She ran back into the house and retrieved a stuffed squirrel from her toy box. Then she ran back outside and humped the squirrel toy at the base of the tree. I think she was trying to say "if you come down here you are going to get this". My regret is I did not get it on video. :laugh:
I believe Trump.

He said he had never seen the woman before the trial.

I believe him.

Just another gold-digger wanting

My favorite story about Daisy is: She was watching out the window for her only enemy in life "squirrels". She saw some on the patio so she ran out her dog door and chased them up a tree. They began showering down tree bark and twigs on her. She ran back into the house and retrieved a stuffed squirrel from her toy box. Then she ran back outside and humped the squirrel toy at the base of the tree. I think she was trying to say "if you come down here you are going to get this". My regret is I did not get it on video. :laugh:
That sounds like all the Boston's I They are the funniest little things... (Our dogs have a favorite squirrel toy... I think I probably have purchased about five of The ones that
ave the tree with the little places for all the squirrels to hide...;))
You are confident since you haven't looked at everything the jury heard. Then you call me names because I am more familiar with the actual evidence, court rulings and jury verdict than you are.

What challenge still stands? You lied more than once about the trial. Until you actually correct all your lies and stick to the truth, your challenge seems to be that you are not honest with yourself or with others.

You asked what felonies Trump was charged with. When told you called me names.
You made a false statement in your next question when you said another crime was added to the charges. It wasn't.
You made a false claim when you said Bragg extended the statute of limitations. He didn't.
You used the word "lawfare" which doesn't exist in the legal world and has no bearing on Trump's trial.
You were wrong about evidence not being available.
You were wrong about the court transcripts not being available. (You used an AI for your information rather than doing the work yourself. )
You accused the jury which Trump's lawyers were able to question during voi dior of being biased with no evidence of that. Were Trump's lawyers incompetent?

You are relying on the opinions of others that were published in the media while they were trying to sound intelligent rather than doing any of the work yourself. Somehow you think that makes you more informed after you claimed others were relying on the media for their information.

This is your alleged apology - Not exactly a gracious apology.
You are right, I always admit when I'm wrong, which, I've never seen a Libtard do the same
EXACTLY what crime did Trump commit that changed the crime from 34 misdemeanors with expired statues of limitations to 34 felonies? Be specific and name the exact crime.
Soooooo, according to you, Terry, a person who robs 34 people in a restaurant holdup should only face one charge, not 34. Interesting defense, but I disagree.
That is a Fallacy of the undistributed middle.

You logic says this:

Robbing a restaurant is a crime.
Robbing a person is a crime.

Therefore robbing 34 persons in a restaurant is 34 crimes.

This is incorrect. If you rob a bank you don't get charged by the teller you robbed. Likewise, if you rob a restaurant, you don't get charged by the waitresses or customers in the restaurant you robbed. Now, you might get additional charges like kidnapping (holding the customers hostage), use of a firearm, etc., because these were also involved, but you don't get charged with 34 robberies.

Likewise, if you cooked the accounting in a set of books for a particular business, that's one crime. 34 charges means you did it for 34 different businesses or separate accounts that had little or nothing to do with one and other.
That is a Fallacy of the undistributed middle.

You logic says this:

Robbing a restaurant is a crime.
Robbing a person is a crime.

Therefore robbing 34 persons in a restaurant is 34 crimes.

This is incorrect. If you rob a bank you don't get charged by the teller you robbed. Likewise, if you rob a restaurant, you don't get charged by the waitresses or customers in the restaurant you robbed. Now, you might get additional charges like kidnapping (holding the customers hostage), use of a firearm, etc., because these were also involved, but you don't get charged with 34 robberies.

Likewise, if you cooked the accounting in a set of books for a particular business, that's one crime. 34 charges means you did it for 34 different businesses or separate accounts that had little or nothing to do with one and other.
The point you are missing is that SCOTUS ruled against Trump on his 34-count conviction.....but, unlike you, I'm not a sea lawyer. LOL
Funny, nice list, talk about reaching to make it seem like I got so much wrong. lol
I didn't have to reach to find all the untruths you told. They were pretty obvious
For example, the actual thing Trump did wasn't a crime let alone a felony, it took Bragg being let's say...creative to come up with a reason to 'stretch the statute of limitations' he didn't even bother to prove it with the so-called "evidence" I looked through. Like I pointed out, even the NYC justice department, which is about as left-wing as it gets, looked at everything and decided not to proceed.
There is no such thing as "stretching the statute of limitations." He charged the crime as a felony which has a statute of limitations that the indictment was within. There is no way to "stretch the statute of limitations." The phrase is used by people that are completely ignorant of the law. That you keep using the phrase proves you are ignorant of the law and are simply relying on the opinions of those in the RW media.
When I asked for the felonies he was charged with, I told you it was a simple question, I just wanted to walk you through it like you're a toddler. I didn't hide that fact. And that 'lawfare' comment? It's like a flashing neon sign saying you're a Libtard, so forgive me for being right on the money. Any non-libtard knows what the term means and that it's the playbook for Biden's admin. So, don't blame me for calling you a Libtard; you did that to yourself.
The only problem is you are the one that is the toddler. "Libtard" is a phrase used by toddlers that can't actually discuss an issue with any depth. So far you have only shown yourself to be completely ignorant on a topic that you think you know more than anyone else.
I was wrong about the transcripts and apologized, granted I did accurately label you a libtard in the process, but that doesn't mean I'm any less sorry for my mistake, and I thanked you for the link. I then dove into every single day's evidence and went through them all. It was a comedy goldmine. I highly recommend anyone that reads this do the same.
Another backhanded swipe. That seems to all you can do.
Finally, the jury: it's true that Trump's team got to deny and pick from the jury pool, as I said, I've been on a jury and know how this shitshow works. All I'll say is, it doesn't matter how many they deny if the whole pool in and outside the courtroom is full of Trump Derangement Syndrome patients; they'd say anything just to get a shot at Trump. The fact is, Trump's team made a very compelling case for moving the trial that had it been anyone but Trump, that request would have been granted for obvious reasons of the extensive media coverage and the predominantly left wing TDS libtards in NYC. If you're honest you know that's true.
You seem to be completely ignorant of the process of how a jury is selected or that they are charged with being unbiased. Manhattan did not vote 100% for Biden. If Trump's lawyers were competent there should have been 2-3 Trump voters on the jury. Saying anything to get a shot at him would cause Trump's verdict to be overturned. Trump already filed one motion claiming the jury was biased but that was denied because he had no evidence to support the claim. That is the thing about courts. They require evidence.
Did Trump sign the checks?
Was Trump aware that the payment was a reimbursement and not legal fees?
Was there another crime that could be covered up by the falsification?
If the answer to all 3 of those is yes, then Trump is guilty.
Can you provide a truthful answer to those 3 questions like the jury did?
All of that said, it's clearly pointless to continue this Libtard dance, as it usually is. I asked you for what you thought was the most compelling evidence, whether it was one single thing or a group of as many as you like. I actually did read it, I doubt you have, if you have, you know there isn't shit worth a damn for evidence. That's never been more crystal clear thanks to you giving me that link.

We'll just have to wait for the appeals, and I'll eat a big handful of shit if I'm wrong, but only if you do the same. To be clear, only when the case makes it to the SC if necessary.
OMFG. You really are an idiot. Why would the case go to the Supreme Court? What is the specific constitutional question in the case? Trump's legal motions have been ridiculous for the most part. Why did the sentencing occur? It's because all of Trump's appeals were turned down by higher courts including his appeal to prevent the sentencing.

Answer the 3 questions I asked of you that they jury had to answer yes to to convict Trump. When you want to answer those three and discuss your answers get back to me. Otherwise you can just be another troll calling people "libtards" because you think it makes you look smart. It doesn't.
That is a Fallacy of the undistributed middle.

You logic says this:

Robbing a restaurant is a crime.
Robbing a person is a crime.

Therefore robbing 34 persons in a restaurant is 34 crimes.

This is incorrect. If you rob a bank you don't get charged by the teller you robbed. Likewise, if you rob a restaurant, you don't get charged by the waitresses or customers in the restaurant you robbed. Now, you might get additional charges like kidnapping (holding the customers hostage), use of a firearm, etc., because these were also involved, but you don't get charged with 34 robberies.

Likewise, if you cooked the accounting in a set of books for a particular business, that's one crime. 34 charges means you did it for 34 different businesses or separate accounts that had little or nothing to do with one and other.
What if you go into the restaurant on Oct 10 and rob them, then you go in on Nov 10th, then Dec 10th and you do that for 10 months in a row. Is that one crime or 10 crimes?

The falsification of a record is not a cumulative crime. It is a specific instance of falsification. It couldn't be charged as a cumulative crime since the crime is a falsification of a record.
The jury did not consider it rape. You can't value their opinion on one thing but not on the other.
The jury under NY law at the time found it to be sexual abuse because of the following facts presented at trial and included in the appellate decision

But as soon as she entered, Mr. Trump "immediately shut the door" and "shoved
[her] against the wall . . . so hard [that] [her] head banged." Id.
Ms. Carroll pushed Mr. Trump back, but "he thrust [her] back
against the wall again," causing her to "bang[] [her] head again." Id. at 1597.
With his shoulder and the whole weight of his body against her, Mr. Trump held
her against the wall, kissed her, pulled down her tights, and stuck his fingers into
her vagina --

We only know that the jury did it's duty and applied the law of NY to the act. We don't know if they personally considered that actions of Trump rape. They may well have.
The jury did not consider it rape.

Apparently most people do not think Trump is a rapist.
Why don't you ask all the women you know if they would consider this rape if it happened to them.
But as soon as she entered, Mr. Trump "immediately shut the door" and "shoved
[her] against the wall . . . so hard [that] [her] head banged." Id.
Ms. Carroll pushed Mr. Trump back, but "he thrust [her] back
against the wall again," causing her to "bang[] [her] head again." Id. at 1597.
With his shoulder and the whole weight of his body against her, Mr. Trump held
her against the wall, kissed her, pulled down her tights, and stuck his fingers into
her vagina -- until Ms. Carroll managed to get a knee up and push him back off
of her.1

Get back to us and tell us how many of those women would be just fine if it happened to them.