We ... just won the 2024 election, nation wide, with House, Senate, Presidential Popular Vote, and Presidential Electoral Vote.
I have been mobility impaired by the Covid Vaccine Bio-Weapon. So I studied the subject, at a PhD Medical Journal Level, and found the medications and procedures needed to over come the damage brought on by the Bio-Weapon that was the Covid mRNA Vaccine. Yes, the Vaccine was the bio-weapon, the Covid Virus was just a pretext to force Americans to line up and accept the attack. Never again.
My kids spent both Christmas and New Years with my wife and I, opening presents that this year, I could afford, due to my skills in repairing Robots and Machinery. One of the Presents I gave to my five grand kids was a Nerf Howler Finned Football, which we will add to the five others that we own. We use them to play catch at the local park, but also out in Mesa, in games were we go out at night, and hunt each other, in mock hunting rituals. In this, I am no longer as mobile as I used to be, due to the Morton's Nephropathy, from the Vile, Biden-Mandated-Bio-Weapon Vaccine. But I am still clever, alert, keen of senses, and twice the desert-man as my grand-kids, who are learning Desert-Craft from me. Not wood-craft, we are New Mexicans.
As a New Mexican "Country Boy", I can find water in the desert, and make it from cactus. I can find food, sometimes with an Alpine Trout Line, but also from eating snakes, rabbits, burrowing bird eggs, Nutcrackers, and Jays.
Oh, it is not the same, as a country boy in Alabama. It is about Desert Life; water, living off the land in desert communities, and knowing the local culture and people. I am not an Alabama Country Boy, I am a New Mexico Desert Country Boy. I have gone native, and I am proud of it.
I speak enough Spanglish to talk with the people crossing the border, and the local Hispanic People, who I have joined in community, by my marriage to one of their more noble Hispanic families. I am seen as one of them. A proud member of the Hispanic, New Mexican community. I might be Anglo in skin-tone, but I am New Mexican by culture and choice!
I am not "Poor" now, repairing robots, high power industrial lasers, and other high tech machinery, including prime power transmission lines, I earn 2.5 X the New Mexico average income. But I have been poor, in various eras of my long life, I know how to live off the desert, how to find water, and purify it, and live off what the desert provides!
I am not poor, but I understand and am connected to the locals who are still poor, and we work together!
I accept and aid those immigrants who really are just seeking a better life, but I reject and assist in deporting those who are criminals, addicts, the criminally insane, and never-work moochers.
I am the sneering, terrified, Lefties worst nightmare, a Skilled, Respected, Culturally-Merged, Desert Survival Able, Multi-Cultural, New Mexican!