trump has had enough, they cant make him debate that mean lady.

Agreed. Now that it appears he's losing, he's becoming deranged with fear and flip-flopping all over the place trying to regain his footing.

Agreed. Now that it appears he's losing, he's becoming deranged with fear and flip-flopping all over the place trying to regain his footing.


has....Donald Duck, were he any other American citizen, would be on the FBI's most wanted list. Nobody is more dangerous, more unhinged, more unstable than this man. The fact he is allowed to play with fire in a room filled with explosives and never being held in contempt and accountable should make us all cringe is pure disgust of our justice system​


has....Donald Duck, were he any other American citizen, would be on the FBI's most wanted list. Nobody is more dangerous, more unhinged, more unstable than this man. The fact he is allowed to play with fire in a room filled with explosives and never being held in contempt and accountable should make us all cringe is pure disgust of our justice system​

He's a weird duck. It amazes me that a draft-dodging pedophile, oath-breaking adulterer and chronic lying traitor could continue to rule the Republican Party and be in a neck-and-neck race to be President again.
He's a weird duck. It amazes me that a draft-dodging pedophile, oath-breaking adulterer and chronic lying traitor could continue to rule the Republican Party and be in a neck-and-neck race to be President again.

has....the strongest most powerful emotion ever gifted to mankind, is HATRED. It can create a baby born with the purest of potentials and turn it into a monster that would grow up to murder 6 million innocent jews.​


has....the strongest most powerful emotion ever gifted to mankind, is HATRED. It can create a baby born with the purest of potentials and turn it into a monster that would grow up to murder 6 million innocent jews.​

While such people are truly malevolent, they can't do it alone. People like Trump are getting plenty of help to commit mass murder and both divide and harm Americans. Notice those on JPP who support such evil.

While such people are truly malevolent, they can't do it alone. People like Trump are getting plenty of help to commit mass murder and both divide and harm Americans. Notice those on JPP who support such evil.

Incredible...isn't it. How anyone with any sense of self-dignity can aid a disgusting lump of shit like Trump to regain that beyond imagination. If it were part of a novel about America...publishers would be saying, "C'mon. You are writing fiction, but you should get closer to reality."
Incredible...isn't it. How anyone with any sense of self-dignity can aid a disgusting lump of shit like Trump to regain that beyond imagination. If it were part of a novel about America...publishers would be saying, "C'mon. You are writing fiction, but you should get closer to reality."
IMO, it's because they are disgusting lumps of shit themselves. They like Trump because they see themselves in him; bigoted, stupid, fat, ugly and scared.
While such people are truly malevolent, they can't do it alone. People like Trump are getting plenty of help to commit mass murder and both divide and harm Americans. Notice those on JPP who support such evil.


has...I have often said many many many times, Trump is a nothing burger without the support of conservative lunatics. His supporters do nothing but feast off of his rhetoric and bullshit. I personally find them more repulsive and deplorable than I do Trump. Truth be told, Trump supporters are more dangerous than Trump could ever be.​

has...I have often said many many many times, Trump is a nothing burger without the support of conservative lunatics. His supporters do nothing but feast off of his rhetoric and bullshit. I personally find them more repulsive and deplorable than I do Trump. Truth be told, Trump supporters are more dangerous than Trump could ever be.
As all Americans should since they are the ones empowering Trump to pull this crap.

has...I have often said many many many times, Trump is a nothing burger without the support of conservative lunatics. His supporters do nothing but feast off of his rhetoric and bullshit. I personally find them more repulsive and deplorable than I do Trump. Truth be told, Trump supporters are more dangerous than Trump could ever be.​

There's about 80 million of them so you would be wise to get out of America before they consume you toots.

It's hard to hate one out of every two people that you depend on for pretty much everything and expect a good life.
There's about 80 million of them so you would be wise to get out of America before they consume you toots.

It's hard to hate one out of every two people that you depend on for pretty much everything and expect a good life.

h....News Flash moron, there are 350 million ppl in this country, so I'm not worried and another FYI I am a proud owner of a massive 38 gun, with plenty of bullets to keep me safe, not to mention I go target shooting at least twice a month with my senior sexies....LOL MAGA bitches are nothing but cowards, who talk game only in numbers and only in safe redneck consumed towns and cities...RARELY DO YOU EVER SEE THESE COWARDLY BITCHES OUTSIDE THAT PROTECTION. And the true irony, is that these attempts of late, ALL HAS BEEN AIMED AT TRUMP AND WHITE​


h....News Flash moron, there are 350 million ppl in this country, so I'm not worried and another FYI I am a proud owner of a massive 38 gun, with plenty of bullets to keep me safe, not to mention I go target shooting at least twice a month with my senior sexies....LOL MAGA bitches are nothing but cowards, who talk game only in numbers and only in safe redneck consumed towns and cities...RARELY DO YOU EVER SEE THESE COWARDLY BITCHES OUTSIDE THAT PROTECTION. And the true irony, is that these attempts of late, ALL HAS BEEN AIMED AT TRUMP AND WHITE​

You're just a noisy cunt. Nothing more.

Put your pea shooter away before you hurt yourself.

h....News Flash moron, there are 350 million ppl in this country, so I'm not worried and another FYI I am a proud owner of a massive 38 gun, with plenty of bullets to keep me safe, not to mention I go target shooting at least twice a month with my senior sexies....LOL MAGA bitches are nothing but cowards, who talk game only in numbers and only in safe redneck consumed towns and cities...RARELY DO YOU EVER SEE THESE COWARDLY BITCHES OUTSIDE THAT PROTECTION. And the true irony, is that these attempts of late, ALL HAS BEEN AIMED AT TRUMP AND WHITE​

Hey asshole

Kids are still being murdered in schools

So your TAKE is insane racist lies