trump has had enough, they cant make him debate that mean lady.

Even Trump attacks Fox. LOL

More on Trump's virtue signaling:

Trump rips Neil Cavuto after Fox host said he ‘decisively lost’ debate​

Former President Trump took a shot at Fox News host Neil Cavuto after the anchor said Trump lost this week’s debate to Vice President Harris by a wide margin.

“Neil Cavuto, Fox’s Lowest Rated Anchor, is one of the WORST on Television. I actually prefer the losers at CNN and MSDNC,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social website Wednesday.

Mediaite highlighted comments Cavuto made on Fox’s air earlier Wednesday bashing Trump’s performance against Harris.

“He decisively lost,” Cavuto said. “He might have made very good presentations on where the economy was, but it was all over the map. This was that first occasion where it wasn’t just a close call, it was a lopsided one.”

Trump has attacked Fox News, like many mainstream media outlets, for months, accusing the network of bias against him and of boosting his political enemies.
After his ass beating, he called into Fox the next morning. They lobbed softball questions at him re. another debate.

They suggested Cavuto and someone else, and he responded that he'd prefer Hannity and Ingraham because they're 'better' than Cavuto.
After his ass beating, he called into Fox the next morning. They lobbed softball questions at him re. another debate.

They suggested Cavuto and someone else, and he responded that he'd prefer Hannity and Ingraham because they're 'better' than Cavuto.
Of course he would prefer Alt-Right MAGAts to run the debate.
She referred to Project 2025 as "his" Project 2025 twice in two consecutive sentences. He had no participation in the creation or promulgation of project 2025 unless you or throbbing kamal can prove it.
It is his in the sense he has already agreed to outsource domestic policy to the people who wrote it.

Why don’t you embrace it, be proud of your agenda.
It is his in the sense he has already agreed to outsource domestic policy to the people who wrote it.

Why don’t you embrace it, be proud of your agenda.
It's not his that's a lie. Had trump uttered the same words about harris you would shit your pants. You idiots are.fucking clowns.

She lied bout LEOs dying on j6. She's a lying piece of shit.
Yes because had trump.used the exact same words you would have shit through your mouth and accuse him of lying.
I would not have done that. I imagine some people might have, but I am just about positive that I would not have done that.

In any case, Trump lies so blatantly and often, he never would have been that subtle.

It would have not been a lie had she stopped at 140 LEOs were injured but she didn't did she ass wipe? She added the And some died.
She did indeed add that.

AND...some did die.

Asking for that to be fact checked would be like fact checking someone who said, "On September 11, 2001 a plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center...and some people died."
It's not his that's a lie. Had trump uttered the same words about harris you would shit your pants. You idiots are.fucking clowns.

She lied bout LEOs dying on j6. She's a lying piece of shit.
He has adopted it, he should be proud. why run from it?
She referred to Project 2025 as "his" Project 2025 twice in two consecutive sentences. He had no participation in the creation or promulgation of project 2025 unless you or throbbing kamal can prove it.
Bullshit. Sure, he's denying it now just like he initially condemned the 1/6 terrorists, refused to pardon them but now calls them political prisoners.

Now, because Project 2025 has galvanized Americans as being oppressive and authoritarian, Trump has denied being part of it, but Team Crazy is woven into the fabric of the far Right proposals.

Trump has recently tried to distance himself from Project 2025, even though many of his closest policy advisers are deeply involved....

Yes and no.
The project, a collaboration of dozens of conservative organizations, is overseen by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank. The group is independent of the Trump campaign, a fact Project 2025 and Trump himself have emphasized.

"I know nothing about Project 2025," Trump said on social media in early July.

But that's not the whole story.

In practice, many of Trump's closest policy advisers and those likely to take high-ranking positions in his administration are heavily involved in the project.

For instance, former Trump administration official Russ Vought has played a major role in Project 2025. He also serves as the policy director of the Republican National Convention's platform committee, an appointment the campaign signed off on.
I would not have done that. I imagine some people might have, but I am just about positive that I would not have done that.

In any case, Trump lies so blatantly and often, he never would have been that subtle.

She did indeed add that.

AND...some did die.

Asking for that to be fact checked would be like fact checking someone who said, "On September 11, 2001 a plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center...and some people died."
It's not about Trump's lies it's about the kamals lies. She lied and they did not say a fucking world about it.
Poor trump, he is afraid they might make him go back and debate that mean lady again.

He scared.
you are the exact kind of partisan fuckstick that makes it easy to hate all of you.
If this were the reverse, that Harris said she wouldn't debate Trump because he was mean, you'd be on here calling Trump a misogynist

this is why modern feminism is a fucking joke
you are the exact kind of partisan fuckstick that makes it easy to hate all of you.
If this were the reverse, that Harris said she wouldn't debate Trump because he was mean, you'd be on here calling Trump a misogynist

this is why modern feminism is a fucking joke
Most MAGAts are misogynists just like Pedo Don. He has a long history of treating women as subservient.
you are the exact kind of partisan fuckstick that makes it easy to hate all of you.
If this were the reverse, that Harris said she wouldn't debate Trump because he was mean, you'd be on here calling Trump a misogynist

this is why modern feminism is a fucking joke
False, I admitted very clearly that Biden performed terribly in the last debate.

And before that I admitted he was way to old.
given the fact that you're a white trash liberal feminist, we can all consider anything you say as false
LOL Thanks for that, DtM. Is "we" your white supremacist Threeper militia or your white supremacist Oath-Keeper militia? Both?

Did you roll on any of them after the FBI had their little meeting with you?
LOL Thanks for that, DtM. Is "we" your white supremacist Threeper militia or your white supremacist Oath-Keeper militia? Both?

Did you roll on any of them after the FBI had their little meeting with you?
with the exception of the other brainwashed liberals who are part of the hivemind here, WE is everyone else on this forum

the sooner you accept that you're a white trash liberal feminist, the better off you'll be.