trump has had enough, they cant make him debate that mean lady.

with the exception of the other brainwashed liberals who are part of the hivemind here, WE is everyone else on this forum

the sooner you accept that you're a white trash liberal feminist, the better off you'll be.
Wow, DtM. The massive ego is takes for you to believe you speak for everyone on the forum who doesn't disagree with is very illuminating.

Is that the latest phrase used by your white supremacist gang members? "white trash liberal feminist"? Racist, misogynistic and divisive?

How long ago did you renounce your oath to the Constitution? Before or after you were bounced out of the Marine Corps?
It's not about Trump's lies it's about the kamals lies. She lied and they did not say a fucking world about it.
Well then name an actual lie that Kamala told...that it would be reasonable for them to "fact-check."

That shit you have thrown so far are not even lies.
Well then name an actual lie that Kamala told...that it would be reasonable for them to "fact-check."

That shit you have thrown so far are not even lies.
Oh course they're lies. How do I know? Because if trump had uttered them you would have shit your pants. Talking to you people is like talking to retards.
Oh course they're lies. How do I know? Because if trump had uttered them you would have shit your pants.

I would not shit my pants. You are talking like an idiot right now. Calm the fuck down...and get serious.

Talking to you people is like talking to retards.
I am not in any way retarded. I am attempting to have a reasonable discussion.

You came into my new thread asking, in part, about this topic.

Not sure what your problem is, but if you think Kamala lied...and if you think the lie was serious enough for the moderators to "fact check" it...put it out here. The things you have said so far are nowhere near that standard.

No one with a functioning brain is going to fact check Kamala for using the expression, Your Project 2025. The people who put it together and champion it are all people with whom he has been regularly involved for decades.

Now...come up with something...or just acknowledge that there is nothing to the charge that because they fact-checked some bullshit Trump was slinging...they should have found some way to "fact check" something...ANYTHING...Kamala said.
I would not shit my pants. You are talking like an idiot right now. Calm the fuck down...and get serious.

I am not in any way retarded. I am attempting to have a reasonable discussion.

You came into my new thread asking, in part, about this topic.

Not sure what your problem is, but if you think Kamala lied...and if you think the lie was serious enough for the moderators to "fact check" it...put it out here. The things you have said so far are nowhere near that standard.

No one with a functioning brain is going to fact check Kamala for using the expression, Your Project 2025. The people who put it together and champion it are all people with whom he has been regularly involved for decades.

Now...come up with something...or just acknowledge that there is nothing to the charge that because they fact-checked some bullshit Trump was slinging...they should have found some way to "fact check" something...ANYTHING...Kamala said.
You like shit your pants.

Project 2025 is not his project 2025. It's not true because you repeat it.

She lied. She lied about LEOs dying on j6. She is a lying kamal.
You like shit your pants.

Project 2025 is not his project 2025. It's not true because you repeat it.

She lied. She lied about LEOs dying on j6. She is a lying kamal.
Okay...don't calm down.

Continue to make a fool of yourself.

Kamala obviously wants Trump to talk as much as possible...because damn near every word out of his mouth helps to make her look saner, more intelligent, and a better choice for the presidency. That is what a smart person does...encourages people who are fuck-ups to talk more.

Do go on, Yakuda. You know I want to hear what you have to say.
Okay...don't calm down.

Continue to make a fool of yourself.

Kamala obviously wants Trump to talk as much as possible...because damn near every word out of his mouth helps to make her look saner, more intelligent, and a better choice for the presidency. That is what a smart person does...encourages people who are fuck-ups to talk more.

Do go on, Yakuda. You know I want to hear what you have to say.
I dont care that she lied just that you leftists pretend to care about things like truth, and democracy and America but nothing could be further from the truth. You ass wipes don't give a shit about any of those things. Just admit she can lie but trump can't but you people don't have the integrity to do that. You prefer to play pretend.
I dont care that she lied just that you leftists pretend to care about things like truth, and democracy and America but nothing could.brncirther from the truth.

Actually, there are lots and lots of things that could be further from the truth. But you are on a tear...and emulating Trump by making things superlative is to be expected.

I speak for myself. I am a leftist...and I care passionately about truth, democracy and America.

You sss wipes don't give an shit about any of those things.

I am not an asswipe, but I do care about all three of the things you mentioned.

Just admit she can lie but trump can't.

This is a political race...FOR THE PRESIDENCY. I expect everyone involved to stretch the make themselves and their accomplishment seem more than what they are. Both Kamala and Trump stretched a few things during the"debate"...but as usual, Trump went way beyond the pale.

Trump is a liar of formidable credentials. I suspect he is incapable of speaking a full minute without telling a jarringly obvious lie. He not only lies often...he lies absurdly. I expect one day he might try the equivalent of, "Yesterday the sun appeared to rise in the west...and not the east."

He is a muttonhead. You waste your time supporting him, Yakuda, in any way.
you people don't have the integrity to do that you prefer to play pretend.
I am a person of integrity. Sorry you think otherwise. But that is your right.
Actually, there are lots and lots of things that could be further from the truth. But you are on a tear...and emulating Trump by making things superlative is to be expected.

I speak for myself. I am a leftist...and I care passionately about truth, democracy and America.

I am not an asswipe, but I do care about all three of the things you mentioned.

This is a political race...FOR THE PRESIDENCY. I expect everyone involved to stretch the make themselves and their accomplishment seem more than what they are. Both Kamala and Trump stretched a few things during the"debate"...but as usual, Trump went way beyond the pale.

Trump is a liar of formidable credentials. I suspect he is incapable of speaking a full minute without telling a jarringly obvious lie. He not only lies often...he lies absurdly. I expect one day he might try the equivalent of, "Yesterday the sun appeared to rise in the west...and not the east."

He is a muttonhead. You waste your time supporting him, Yakuda, in any way.

I am a person of integrity. Sorry you think otherwise. But that is your right.
If only you had integrity you would the kamal is a liar and lied in that debate and her protectors did nothing to call her out for her lying. I'm not sure what's worse a liar or a liar that thinks they don't lie.
If only you had integrity you would the kamal is a liar and lied in that debate and her protectors did nothing to call her out for her lying. I'm not sure what's worse a liar or a liar that thinks they don't lie.
She was mean, she kept saying things that I am trying to pretend are untrue. - DJT to Laura Loomer in bed after the debate.
If only you had integrity you would the kamal is a liar and lied in that debate and her protectors did nothing to call her out for her lying. I'm not sure what's worse a liar or a liar that thinks they don't lie.
Sorry you feel that way, Yakuda. Like, I suspect, every other human on the planet...I occasionally lie. I embellish something or other...for whatever reason I suppose to be sufficient. I do not overdo it...and it is infrequent enough so that I cannot at the moment think of the last time I did it.

Kamala did not lie on anything substantive during the debate. There certainly was nothing she said that would meet a standard for a fact-check...and you know it...or you would present one for debate here.

Instead you pulled two minor bits out of what she said that do not amount to a hill of beans. If the moderators had ever "fact checked" her on either of them, they would have elicited laughter...not serious reflection.

I notice over in my did not speak to the other of the charges your side seems to think so important...namely that she cheated by being briefed on some questions. I ask you here to name one or two of the questions asked...that you think Kamala was able to respond to better by being warned of the questions...than she would have otherwise.

Give it a shot. ANYONE ELSE WHO THINK KAMALA WAS BRIEFED AND THEREFORE HAD AN ADVANTAGE...tell us what questions you think she was warned about that would otherwise have come as a surprise.
Cavuto went on Fox and stated Kamala beat Trump badly in the debate. Seems the Trumpys here are more capable of self-delusion than the paid right wing liars on Fox.
Sorry you feel that way, Yakuda. Like, I suspect, every other human on the planet...I occasionally lie. I embellish something or other...for whatever reason I suppose to be sufficient. I do not overdo it...and it is infrequent enough so that I cannot at the moment think of the last time I did it.

Kamala did not lie on anything substantive during the debate. There certainly was nothing she said that would meet a standard for a fact-check...and you know it...or you would present one for debate here.

Instead you pulled two minor bits out of what she said that do not amount to a hill of beans. If the moderators had ever "fact checked" her on either of them, they would have elicited laughter...not serious reflection.

I notice over in my did not speak to the other of the charges your side seems to think so important...namely that she cheated by being briefed on some questions. I ask you here to name one or two of the questions asked...that you think Kamala was able to respond to better by being warned of the questions...than she would have otherwise.

Give it a shot. ANYONE ELSE WHO THINK KAMALA WAS BRIEFED AND THEREFORE HAD AN ADVANTAGE...tell us what questions you think she was warned about that would otherwise have come as a surprise.
If only you had the courage but I get it you prefer play pretend.
You are sadly inverted.
Sadly you're an apologist for a dei hire that no even you morons wanted but now you have to pretend to love. Trapped by your own stupidity
Trump has declared himself the winner and refuses to debate again.

IOW, he chickened out and doesn't want another public spanking by a black woman. LOL
He wasn't, Sybil.
Former President Trump said he will not participate in a third debate this election cycle, claiming victory after Tuesday’s showdown against Vice President Kamala Harris.
No point, really. He's out campaigning instead.