trump has had enough, they cant make him debate that mean lady.

I wonder why they never fact checked the filthy lying kamal?
...or the 'fact checkers'!

Fortunately, others reiterated (and so did Trump!) Kamala's history and voting record, and the fact that she has already had time to implement her 'Utopia', and the current tyranny, economic depression, and crime is the result.
....Kamala did not lie on anything substantive during the debate. There certainly was nothing she said that would meet a standard for a fact-check...and you know it...or you would present one for debate here.

Instead you pulled two minor bits out of what she said that do not amount to a hill of beans. If the moderators had ever "fact checked" her on either of them, they would have elicited laughter...not serious reflection.

I notice over in my did not speak to the other of the charges your side seems to think so important...namely that she cheated by being briefed on some questions. I ask you here to name one or two of the questions asked...that you think Kamala was able to respond to better by being warned of the questions...than she would have otherwise.

Give it a shot. ANYONE ELSE WHO THINK KAMALA WAS BRIEFED AND THEREFORE HAD AN ADVANTAGE...tell us what questions you think she was warned about that would otherwise have come as a surprise.
Agreed, but arguing with MAGAts about it is an exercise in futility. They will always believe Donnie is 100% truthful and everyone else is lying about him.
Trump is a loser with a capital "L". It's his biggest fear and his greatest weakness to be seen as loser. This fear telegraphs a weak and fragile ego. It's why he couldn't control himself during the debate even though his staff had repeatedly warned him about it.
Trump has never lost an election. He is a successful real estate developer and investor. He ran for and was elected President of the United States. Your jealousy won't change any of that, Sybil.
Wow, DtM. The massive ego is takes for you to believe you speak for everyone on the forum who doesn't disagree with is very illuminating.

Is that the latest phrase used by your white supremacist gang members? "white trash liberal feminist"? Racist, misogynistic and divisive?

How long ago did you renounce your oath to the Constitution? Before or after you were bounced out of the Marine Corps?
Sorry you feel that way, Yakuda. Like, I suspect, every other human on the planet...I occasionally lie. I embellish something or other...for whatever reason I suppose to be sufficient. I do not overdo it...and it is infrequent enough so that I cannot at the moment think of the last time I did it.

Kamala did not lie on anything substantive during the debate. There certainly was nothing she said that would meet a standard for a fact-check...and you know it...or you would present one for debate here.

Instead you pulled two minor bits out of what she said that do not amount to a hill of beans. If the moderators had ever "fact checked" her on either of them, they would have elicited laughter...not serious reflection.

I notice over in my did not speak to the other of the charges your side seems to think so important...namely that she cheated by being briefed on some questions. I ask you here to name one or two of the questions asked...that you think Kamala was able to respond to better by being warned of the questions...than she would have otherwise.

Give it a shot. ANYONE ELSE WHO THINK KAMALA WAS BRIEFED AND THEREFORE HAD AN ADVANTAGE...tell us what questions you think she was warned about that would otherwise have come as a surprise.
There is a huge difference between anticipating the topic and knowing the transcript of the exact questions and memorizing how to answer them as instructed. Yes she is that stupid that she can't converse intelligently just knowing the topic is coming.

What did she lie on? FFS give us a break. Charlottesville, Police dying on jan 6, Blood Bath, Dictator. Just to name a few and if you don't think slander is substantive then how about no active duty military in war zones? Or that she was always in favor of fracking? Don't have time to list them all but you should get the idea even with your TDS brain.
Agreed, but arguing with MAGAts about it is an exercise in futility. They will always believe Donnie is 100% truthful an everyone else is lying about him.
Good thinking, Commander.

Trump is only truthful when compared with...ummm...ahhh...with ahhh...ummm...

...shit. I guess Trump is not truthful compared with anything. He is just a fucking liar...with a large groupie contingent.
Good thinking, Commander.

Trump is only truthful when compared with...ummm...ahhh...with ahhh...ummm...

...shit. I guess Trump is not truthful compared with anything. He is just a fucking liar...with a large groupie contingent.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing Democrats and Kamala.

There is a huge difference between anticipating the topic and knowing the transcript of the exact questions and memorizing how to answer them as instructed. Yes she is that stupid that she can't converse intelligently just knowing the topic is coming.

So...which question do you think she was helped with.

Interesting that you think she would memorize the answers. Certainly seemed off the cuff to me. And since you fold seem to think her answers stunk...why do you think they would have her memorize bullshit.

(Her answers were not bullshit...and they were a shitload better than that asshole she was debating.)

What did she lie on? FFS give us a break.

Okay...what do you want broken?

Charlottesville, Police dying on jan 6, Blood Bath, Dictator. Just to name a few and if you don't think slander is substantive then how about no active duty military in war zones? Or that she was always in favor of fracking? Don't have time to list them all but you should get the idea even with your TDS brain.
She did not lie about any of those things.

She may have stretched the truth a bit on one or two...but not much at all. Nothing there worth a fact-check.

She kicked Trump's ass thoroughly. I suspect that is what is bothering you.
She did not lie about any of those things.

She may have stretched the truth a bit on one or two...but not much at all. Nothing there worth a fact-check.
Listen, if you still think she lied about something...pick out the most egregious lie...and tell me why you think it rises to a need for a fact-check. Let's discuss it.

Pick out the worst lie she told...and we can work on that.
She said law enforcement officers were killed on Jan 6.

Bold faced lie and she knows it. So why did she say it?

Please address the question and don't deflect with how this was or was not the worst lie. There are a bunch that rate about the same.

So let's start with this one. Explain why this shouldn't have been corrected by one of the moderators in real time?
She said law enforcement officers were killed on Jan 6.

Bold faced lie and she knows it. So why did she say it?
The bold face liar is you, Joe.

Care to bet she didn't say that? A 12B bet is my favorite: the loser has to commit a blatant 12B violation against Damo and earn himself a little vacation. Is it a bet?