trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

Holy shit! really are insane. Not just a conspiracy theorist, but Alex-Jones level of insane!

First, I said hundreds of thousands because I was going from memory and couldn't remember if a million died during any rolling one year period.

Now, let me guess...... In order to fool Americans into believing there was a pandemic, so they could steal the election, Dems got THE ENTIRE WORLD to play along in the scam, right? Countries around the globe were faking death numbers, faking hospitalizations, locking down citizens and destroying their economies just to help Dems? help, man. Seek professional help.
You would be correct with the millions figure.
You created this red herring pivot, so tell me to what you are referring.

The total number of votes cast exceeded the number of people who voted. That's what matters. You know this. We have discussed this previously, but you slinked back to your total dishonesty because you thought I wouldn't catch it.

You just pivoted to that set of people you HATE, those who acknowledge that humans conspire, to insinuate that they are somehow not logical (without ever supporting your assertion). Now, let's go back to the topic and avoid these silly irrelevant tangent shifts.

Nope. They merely state what delusional leftists must deny. Not "the masses," just stupid, gullible leftists.

Not by anything you have argued and supported.

You don't speak for any doctor.

Doctors whose patients died witnessed hospital management modify the "cause of death" to "COVID" so as to get more emergency funding. The US government wanted really high COVID! numbers and was willing to pay hospitals for them. Medical examiners were simply instructed to tack "COVID-19" onto death certificates along with the actual "cause of death" just to get COVID! included in the cause of death and to jack up the numbers.

It would appear that you aren't aware of any of this. It would appear that you really do believe that all the heart attack deaths that were reported as COVID deaths were really COVID deaths.

You have never verified any COVID! death from the death certificate. Ask me how I know.

You are amazingly gullible. Ask me how I know.

. Right about now would be a good time for you to assert that I'm insane before tipping your king again.

How do you explain your diagnoses of mental diseases?
"The total number of votes cast exceeded the number of people who voted."

Prove it. Which cities and by how many?

"That's right. I know that humans conspire. You can't refute my logic because you know that humans conspire"

You're playing dumb. You know what I mean by conspiracy theorist and It's not someone who believes humans conspire. Everyone knows they do.

Waiting on a response on this:

There's no refuting the beliefs of conspiracy theorists. I've said that over and over. Don't believe me? If you had a few hours with Alex Jones, tell me how you would go about refuting his claims about Sandy Hook. How would you refute his beliefs that the parents were crisis actors and all the blood was fake?
You would be correct with the millions figure.
I knew we got to well over a million. I just wasn't sure if it's happened in 12 months. I was just trying to compare...."compare".... COVID to the flu since the maga conspiracy theorists believe that Covid was a lie and it was nothing more than the flu.
Prove it. Which cities and by how many?
Is this issue important to you? If it is then you should do your own research and answer your own question. I paid attention when this was investigated and I thoroughly researched the matter in all of the swing States in question. I don't keep that information on me as I don't need it anymore because I saw more than enough to convince me.

(note: you were the one who opened the door to drilling down to every level, so looking at all of the dead people, none of them voted, so all of the tallied votes from dead people were in excess of the number of dead people that actually voted. All of them.)

You can become convinced as well if you do your homework. Otherwise, if it isn't important enough to you as it was to me, then there isn't any point in pretending to discuss the matter.

You're playing dumb. You know what I mean by conspiracy theorist
No, I do not. As long as you EVADING my simple, easy, straightforward and totally fair question, I can only presume that you are desperate to not confirm that you deny human nature and that you don't believe that humans conspire. This, of course, will topple all of your arguments, but it is where we stand at present, and all of your arguments are presumed toppled until you give me some sort of honest answer.

Waiting on a response on this:
You'll have to get in line behind me. I'm waiting for your definition of "conspiracy theorist."

There's no refuting the beliefs of conspiracy theorists.
Until you provide a definition, this has already been answered and your arguments are scrapped.
Is this issue important to you? If it is then you should do your own research and answer your own question. I paid attention when this was investigated and I thoroughly researched the matter in all of the swing States in question. I don't keep that information on me as I don't need it anymore because I saw more than enough to convince me.

I can regurgitate a lot of details from memory. Details about Georgia. Details about Arizona. Details about Michigan. Details about Pennsylvania. You don't have details on one state? No even approximate numbers for how many dead people voted is even ONE state?
(note: you were the one who opened the door to drilling down to every level, so looking at all of the dead people, none of them voted, so all of the tallied votes from dead people were in excess of the number of dead people that actually voted. All of them.)

Can you provide details on how many dead people voted in just one state? You have to, assuming you've done your own research, have something specific. I followed the Cyber Ninjas audit. I don't remember, when all was said and done, exactly how many questionable ballots there were, but I know it was between 35 and 75. You have to have something..... assuming you done the work.
You can become convinced as well if you do your homework. Otherwise, if it isn't important enough to you as it was to me, then there isn't any point in pretending to discuss the matter.

I've done my homework and, despite believing early on, that Trump could literally be a hero, I haven't been convinced.
No, I do not. As long as you EVADING my simple, easy, straightforward and totally fair question, I can only presume that you are desperate to not confirm that you deny human nature and that you don't believe that humans conspire.
As I've said more than once, I know people lie and conspire. That doesn't mean every thing, every person says is a lie. It also doesn't mean that every situation is the result of conspiring.
This, of course, will topple all of your arguments, but it is where we stand at present, and all of your arguments are presumed toppled until you give me some sort of honest answer.
What arguments? The argument that I require some level of evidence to believe in a conspiracy?
You'll have to get in line behind me. I'm waiting for your definition of "conspiracy theorist."
No you aren't. You're avoiding answering a question you can't answer because you know that you couldn't change the mind of Alex Jones because, as I've said, every argument you present or fact you provide, would be explained away in the same manner that you explain things away... Going deeper down the rabbit hole.
Until you provide a definition, this has already been answered and your arguments are scrapped.
Shocking! The rabbit hole lives.....
How was Trump somehow not the best US President ever, considering only official duties as President?

False. Trump answers complex questions all the time. I would have to say that there is no way you can pay attention.

You are describing Biden.

You are describing leftists who support Biden.
You have to be a troll, lol.
I can regurgitate a lot of details from memory.
Nope. You don't know any details. All you have are erroneous narratives that you have been required to regurgitate.

Can you provide details
Do you not know how to get your own answers?

I've done my homework
I'd like to meet the person who truly believes that.

As I've said more than once, I know people lie and conspire.
As you have expressed ten times as often, you ridicule people who acknowledge that people lie and conspire, and you summarily dismiss all explanations that involve humans behaving according to human nature.

Of course, you have to claim the exact opposite of what you argue. You wouldn't be a good, OBEDIENT Marxist if you didn't.

That doesn't mean every thing, every person says is a lie.
Worthless statement.

It also doesn't mean that every situation is the result of conspiring.
Another worthless statement. You've got a lot of them.

The argument that I require some level of evidence to believe in a conspiracy?
You require the nonexistent video and audio of the secret behind-closed-doors discussions before you will accept that humans conspired. You deny human nature. Your arguments are summarily dismissed.

You're avoiding answering a question you can't answer because ...
... because my answer is predicated on the definition you are using, and you won't divulge the definition you are using. You are leaving it up to me to deduce your definition from context. Well, I did that and I answered your question. If you want a different answer from me then you need to provide me with a different definition.

Let's remember that this is your tactic, i.e. not define your terms so as to not reveal the blatant contradictions in your arguments and to maintain a shred of plausibility (at least in your own mind) that your thought-masters might possibly be right, perhaps, maybe.

you know that you couldn't change the mind of Alex Jones
Why do you keep pivoting to Alex Jones? Did I make some kind of assertion involving Alex Jones? Look, I have no idea why you pivot to mentioning him, much less why you do it constantly, but be advised that I'm going to ignore such references and not be sidetracked.

because, as I've said, every argument you present or fact you provide, would be explained away in the same manner that you explain things away... Going deeper down the rabbit hole.
Shocking! The rabbit hole lives.....
Wrong again, dumbfuck. When I make the claim how stupid and gullible MAGAts are, you go ahead and repeat the same old MAGAt talking point lies.

You’re merely too fucking stupid to realize that you validate my claim with your every post.
no. it is you whom have proven mine, caped curiosity!

Holy shit! really are insane. Not just a conspiracy theorist, but Alex-Jones level of insane!

First, I said hundreds of thousands because I was going from memory and couldn't remember if a million died during any rolling one year period.

Now, let me guess...... In order to fool Americans into believing there was a pandemic, so they could steal the election, Dems got THE ENTIRE WORLD to play along in the scam, right? Countries around the globe were faking death numbers, faking hospitalizations, locking down citizens and destroying their economies just to help Dems? help, man. Seek professional help.
dude, they only had to convince 457,000 people of their lies......not the whole world.......
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There's no science, that I can think of, in the claims of a stolen election
math is a science......unsupervised drop boxes plus ballot harvesting times four blue voting precincts in four states equals 47,000 votes combined with enough electoral votes to put a fake president in the Oval Office......
Nope. You don't know any details. All you have are erroneous narratives that you have been required to regurgitate.

Do you not know how to get your own answers?

I'd like to meet the person who truly believes that.

As you have expressed ten times as often, you ridicule people who acknowledge that people lie and conspire, and you summarily dismiss all explanations that involve humans behaving according to human nature.

Of course, you have to claim the exact opposite of what you argue. You wouldn't be a good, OBEDIENT Marxist if you didn't.

Worthless statement.

Another worthless statement. You've got a lot of them.

You require the nonexistent video and audio of the secret behind-closed-doors discussions before you will accept that humans conspired. You deny human nature. Your arguments are summarily dismissed.

... because my answer is predicated on the definition you are using, and you won't divulge the definition you are using. You are leaving it up to me to deduce your definition from context. Well, I did that and I answered your question. If you want a different answer from me then you need to provide me with a different definition.

Let's remember that this is your tactic, i.e. not define your terms so as to not reveal the blatant contradictions in your arguments and to maintain a shred of plausibility (at least in your own mind) that your thought-masters might possibly be right, perhaps, maybe.

Why do you keep pivoting to Alex Jones? Did I make some kind of assertion involving Alex Jones? Look, I have no idea why you pivot to mentioning him, much less why you do it constantly, but be advised that I'm going to ignore such references and not be sidetracked.
A ton of avoidance and pretending not to understand a basic concept like "conspiracy theory". I don't have to provide a definition because, even if you don't agree that you are one, you understand basic English, are above the age of 12 and have an understanding of what a conspiracy theorist is. You also understand why, given my views on your claims, why I'm comparing you to Alex Jones.

A brief attempt to convince Alex Jones (or any of his conspiracy theorist followers) that Sandy Hook wasn't staged by the US government might go something like this:

Alex: "I believe Sandy Hook was a false flag. I believe the parents were all actors, the pictures of the blood on people was fake. Their kids are still alive. It was all staged by the US government to justify taking away our guns."

Me" The parents aren't actors. They work at (X,Y,and Z).

Alex: I don't believe they do. They are actually actors.

Me: X, Y and Z has confirmed that they do work there. There are tax forms and filings showing that they work there.

Alex: The forms are fake and the companies are lying because the US government is forcing them to lie.

Me: There were obituaries and funerals. There are headstones in the local graveyard!

Alex: Prove to me there are bodies in there?

There was a viewing for some of the victims. Friends and family attended and saw the body!

Alex: It wasn't real. It was a wax figure that looks like them. Prove to me I'm wrong.

Me: But there was a huge investigation by not only local law enforcement and the FBI. There were hundreds of news people on the scene. There were other witnesses outside the school that saw what was happening. Do you really believe they were all in on it? I mean, you're talking about local law enforcement, state law enforcement and multiple level of the federal government. There were press conferences by the police chief and the mayor and the governor. Do you really believe that all of this could happen and not ONE person involved said ANYTHING? Not one person came forward and blew the lie wide open? Not one person has a text or email or recorded phone call talking about planning the whole thing?

Alex: They're all in on it. All the investigators at every level are all in on it. They're all part of the uni-party who's goal is to take away semi-automatic rifles because they all hate them are are terrified of us having them.

Me: There were hundreds of media there. Local and national. They were coveritit for weeks. You think they're ALL in on it?

Alex: Yes. They all have the same goal. To make sure guns are taken away.

What am I missing? What would you say to change his mind?
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math is a science......unsupervised drop boxes plus ballot harvesting times four blue voting precincts in four states equals 47,000 votes combined with enough electoral votes to put a fake president in the Oval Office......
Unsupervised drop boxes doesn't mean there was mass voter fraud.

There still isn't evidence of any amount of ballot harvesting that would change anything. The purveyors of the biggest ballot harvest claims, True the Vote (2000 Mules), have already admitted they have nothing and are being sued for accusing people of ballot harvesting.