trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

I'm not speaking for someone.
You're pretending to speak for everyone. That's a stupid thing to do. You asserted that no one found any meaningful illegal use of drop boxes, presumably because you interviewed everyone and got them all to sign waivers allowing you to speak their findings, or lack thereof.

If you were honest, you would have posted simply that your thought-masters haven't allowed you to become aware of any meaningful illegal use of drop boxes and been done with it.

I'm stating what is true.
Then we have an omniscience fallacy on your part. Boy, what a surprise!

So when should we expect the details to come out? Thanks for the input, Alex.
@JPP - Someone please help ZenMode with this compulsion pivot. He keeps referring to Alex Jones in some desperate search for some information and I can't quite decipher his raving. Any help is appreciated.
Trump's own chief of staff said Trump has the mentality of a third grader.
Cypress' own fellow posters on JPP said Cypress has the mentality of a third grader.

Trump seems to only know about 300 English words.
Cypress only seems to know about 250 words. The average vocabulary of a college graduate is around 15,000 words, and Shakespear's vocabulary seems to have been around 23,000 words.
You're pretending to speak for everyone. That's a stupid thing to do. You asserted that no one found any meaningful illegal use of drop boxes, presumably because you interviewed everyone and got them all to sign waivers allowing you to speak their findings, or lack thereof.
I'm telling you, based on the numbers I've seen, the illegal use of drop boxes, via ballot harvesting, has not amounted to enough to change the results of even one state much less the election.
If you were honest, you would have posted simply that your thought-masters haven't allowed you to become aware of any meaningful illegal use of drop boxes and been done with it.
I'm sure there are others, but here's one incident I remember reading about. What do you have?
Then we have an omniscience fallacy on your part. Boy, what a surprise!
It's not omniscience to say a) I'm only aware of incidents that involve a very small number of ballots and b) that number isn't enough to have changed the election. Were larger fraudulent numbers reported somewhere that I missed?
@JPP - Someone please help ZenMode with this compulsion pivot. He keeps referring to Alex Jones in some desperate search for some information and I can't quite decipher his raving. Any help is appreciated.
I'm telling you, based on the numbers I've seen
... which is not what you wrote.

Post the numbers you've seen and the source. Make sure to delimit who is not included in the set of people discovering things.

, the illegal use of drop boxes, via ballot harvesting,
I have no idea what this means, ergo it is a meaningless assertion on your part. You could have just written "hibbadee-dimmiba-hibbadee-dimmiba."

Were you planning on listing all the nonexistent things that didn't affect the election results?

I'm sure there are others, but here's one incident I remember reading about. What do you have?
I will worry anytime thieves get the laws changed to require me to leave my doors and windows unlocked and open. I will worry anytime the DNC gets the laws changed to allow illegal ballot-stuffing.

Drop boxes are just legalized ballot-stuffing.

It's not omniscience to say a) I'm only aware of incidents that involve a very small number of ballots
It is omniscience to know that nobody ever found anything.

The election was stolen. Your distraction about nonexistent things that had no effect on the election is a waste of time.
... which is not what you wrote.

Post the numbers you've seen and the source. Make sure to delimit who is not included in the set of people discovering things.

I have no idea what this means, ergo it is a meaningless assertion on your part. You could have just written "hibbadee-dimmiba-hibbadee-dimmiba."

Were you planning on listing all the nonexistent things that didn't affect the election results?

I will worry anytime thieves get the laws changed to require me to leave my doors and windows unlocked and open. I will worry anytime the DNC gets the laws changed to allow illegal ballot-stuffing.

Drop boxes are just legalized ballot-stuffing.

It is omniscience to know that nobody ever found anything.

The election was stolen. Your distraction about nonexistent things that had no effect on the election is a waste of time.
If the election was stolen, via the use of ballot harvesting (the ballots collected are generally claimed to be dropped in drop boxes) there there should be data to support the claim that illegal collected/deposited ballots were in high enough numbers to change the election.

So.... where are the numbers? It's been almost 4 years. Should we expect the data soon?
... there there should be data to support the claim that illegal collected/deposited ballots were in high enough numbers to change the election.
1. explain why there would be any data whatsoever.
2. the DNC demanded vote-by-mail and vote-by-ballot-box so that the election could be easily stolen without generating any sort of data
3. the election was stolen via many combined activities, none of which generate any data as far as I am aware.
1. explain why there would be any data whatsoever.
2. the DNC demanded vote-by-mail and vote-by-ballot-box so that the election could be easily stolen without generating any sort of data
3. the election was stolen via many combined activities, none of which generate any data as far as I am aware.
I started responding to individual lines, but decided against it in favor of asking a question.

What would it take for you to believe the 2020 election results were legitimate?
I started responding to individual lines, but decided against it in favor of asking a question.

What would it take for you to believe the 2020 election results were legitimate?
I started to answer this same question for the fourth time, but decided against it in favor of asking a question.

What part of my answer to this question did you not understand the first three times that I gave it?
I started to answer this same question for the fourth time, but decided against it in favor of asking a question.

What part of my answer to this question did you not understand the first three times that I gave it?
You believe that the DNC did xxxxx to accomplish xxxxx. In reality, there has been no evidence of a grand conspiracy uncovered - no emails, texts, recorded phone calls, etc. There have been no large quantities of fraudulent ballots uncovered. There have been no counterfeit ballots discovered. There has been no video of mass illegal use of drop boxes. So, your belief that the DNC did xxx to accomplish xxx is your opinion, not a fact.

So, what would need to happen for you to believe the election results were legitimate. Is it a mass forensic audit of all states you view as questionable? Is it a thorough and public investigation of the affidavits claiming fraud? Is it a thorough investigation of anyone caught on video dropping multiple ballots in a drop box?
Trump's own chief of staff said Trump has the mentality of a third grader.

Trump seems to only know about 300 English words.

The average vocabulary of a college graduate is around 15,000 words, and Shakespear's vocabulary seems to have been around 23,000 words.
I’ve seen critiques that indicate he speaks at a 4th or 5th grade level.
I'm telling you, based on the numbers I've seen, the illegal use of drop boxes, via ballot harvesting, has not amounted to enough to change the results of even one state much less the election.

I'm sure there are others, but here's one incident I remember reading about. What do you have?

It's not omniscience to say a) I'm only aware of incidents that involve a very small number of ballots and b) that number isn't enough to have changed the election. Were larger fraudulent numbers reported somewhere that I missed?

This crying over spilt milk is at a level of whining new in American elections which are never pure. The tradition is to let it go and move on in the interest governmental stability. A difference this time is the official winner's victory was so large as to dwarf any fraud and errors. But unless Trump lets it go....
I started to answer this same question for the fourth time, but decided against it in favor of asking a question.

What part of my answer to this question did you not understand the first three times that I gave it?

You believe that the DNC did xxxxx to accomplish xxxxx. In reality, there has been no evidence of a grand conspiracy uncovered - no emails, texts, recorded phone calls, etc. There have been no large quantities of fraudulent ballots uncovered. There have been no counterfeit ballots discovered. There has been no video of mass illegal use of drop boxes. So, your belief that the DNC did xxx to accomplish xxx is your opinion, not a fact.

So, what would need to happen for you to believe the election results were legitimate. Is it a mass forensic audit of all states you view as questionable? Is it a thorough and public investigation of the affidavits claiming fraud? Is it a thorough investigation of anyone caught on video dropping multiple ballots in a drop box?

Which counties and how do you know they were illegally placed in drop boxes?
good fucking lord, we just went through this last you cunts never read the posts here........
Fulton County, GA.......Maricopa County, AZ.......Wayne County, MI......Milwaukee, WI.......and we all know they were illegal because they were not authorized by their state legislatures.......
If the election was stolen, via the use of ballot harvesting (the ballots collected are generally claimed to be dropped in drop boxes) there there should be data to support the claim that illegal collected/deposited ballots were in high enough numbers to change the election.

So.... where are the numbers? It's been almost 4 years. Should we expect the data soon?
remember when Maricopa County destroyed the ballots so they couldn't be reviewed?.........or did you conveniently ignore that......
good fucking lord, we just went through this last you cunts never read the posts here........
Fulton County, GA.......Maricopa County, AZ.......Wayne County, MI......Milwaukee, WI.......and we all know they were illegal because they were not authorized by their state legislatures.......
I live in AZ. We've had no excuse mail in voting since 2007 and drop boxes for at least that long.

As a voter, all you can do is follow the rules put forth by the state. If you follow those rules, it would be beyond unconstitutional to invalidate your vote. If a state said "Here are the rules for voting" and then invalidated your vote when you followed those rules, THAT would be a reason to riot. Do you agree.
I'm telling you, based on the numbers I've seen, the illegal use of drop boxes, via ballot harvesting, has not amounted to enough to change the results of even one state much less the election.
Biden won by a total in 47,000 votes in four counties.......did you think we needed more than that to change the results?......