trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

I live in AZ. We've had no excuse mail in voting since 2007 and drop boxes for at least that long.

As a voter, all you can do is follow the rules out forth by the state. If you follow those rules, it would be beyond unconstitutional to invalidate your vote. If a state said "Here are the rules for voting" and then invalidated your vote when you followed those rules, THAT would be a reason to riot. Do you agree.
can we ask you to provide a link to the state legislature authorizing unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting?.....why pretend the state legislature set those rules for voting?.....would it be wrong to riot if you counted votes which were NOT cast according to the rules the state set for voting?.......
You believe that the DNC did xxxxx to accomplish xxxxx. In reality, there has been no evidence of a grand conspiracy uncovered - no emails, texts, recorded phone calls, etc. There have been no large quantities of fraudulent ballots uncovered. There have been no counterfeit ballots discovered. There has been no video of mass illegal use of drop boxes. So, your belief that the DNC did xxx to accomplish xxx is your opinion, not a fact.

So, what would need to happen for you to believe the election results were legitimate. Is it a mass forensic audit of all states you view as questionable? Is it a thorough and public investigation of the affidavits claiming fraud? Is it a thorough investigation of anyone caught on video dropping multiple ballots in a drop box?
there was a confession article in Time Magazine.

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election​

There has been no meaningful illegal use of drop boxes found. There has been no meaningful amount of voter fraud.There have been no counterfeit ballots found. Zero. There isn't a chance in hell you ever touchy Alex Jones question, because you know that there would be no reasoning with someone like him (inclined toward the rabbit hole), just as there is no reason with someone like you - rabbit hole.
Drop boxes are irrelevant. The votes in them receive the same treatment in person voting does. This argument is a waste of time.
can we ask you to provide a link to the state legislature authorizing unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting?.....why pretend the state legislature set those rules for voting?.....would it be wrong to riot if you counted votes which were NOT cast according to the rules the state set for voting?.......
You can ask for anything you want. Nearly half the country had added no-excuse mail-in voting long before MAGA conspiracy theorists took over. In AZ, the legislature is now removing the availability of mail-in ballots. Not because the Cyber Ninjas audit found anything, but because AZ is under the control of MAGA conspiracy theorists.

Here's a link to the Senate Bill discussing changes.

Here's a link addressing your ridiculous question about the legislature approving ballot harvesting. They don't approve and people are arrested and charged for doing it.

Yes, it would be wrong, and illegal, to cast votes in a way not consistent with state law. It would be equally wrong to invalidate a vote cast IN ACCORDANCE with state law.
Biden won by a total in 47,000 votes in four counties.......did you think we needed more than that to change the results?......
I recall that huge investigation in Arizona conducted at the behest of the Republican legislature. They even picked the biased investigators. After all the effort was completed, Biden actually picked up votes. LOL
......all the unconstitutionally cast votes were all of them......
Again, voters can ONLY follow the rules given to them. If a city changed the speed limit on a road, but didn't follow the correct process, is that the fault of drivers? Obviously no. If a city "wrongly" changed the posted speed limit to 45 from 35, realized later that they didn't follow the correct procedure to approve a speed limit change, should they go back and charge drivers, who were driving 45mph, with speeding?
You can ask for anything you want. Nearly half the country had added no-excuse mail-in voting long before MAGA conspiracy theorists took over. In AZ, the legislature is now removing the availability of mail-in ballots. Not because the Cyber Ninjas audit found anything, but because AZ is under the control of MAGA conspiracy theorists.

Here's a link to the Senate Bill discussing changes.

Here's a link addressing your ridiculous question about the legislature approving ballot harvesting. They don't approve and people are arrested and charged for doing it.

Yes, it would be wrong, and illegal, to cast votes in a way not consistent with state law. It would be equally wrong to invalidate a vote cast IN ACCORDANCE with state law.

mail in is for cheating.
the constitution states that only the state legislature can set the rules for an election.....if you can't provide the statute, it is de facto, unconstitutional......
There is no “de facto”, asswipe. Until it’s ruled unconstitutional, it’s not.

Another miserable failure, stupid fuck.
How was Trump somehow not the best US President ever, considering only official duties as President?

False. Trump answers complex questions all the time. I would have to say that there is no way you can pay attention.

You are describing Biden.

You are describing leftists who support Biden.
"Trump answers complex questions all the time. I would have to say that there is no way you can pay attention."


Maybe complex for you, but totally irrational for people with normal intelligence.
This says absolutely nothing. Who do you imagine is his "deep base"? Am I his "deep base"? What are you saying about this undefined set of people?

It would appear that you believe you speak for "the rest of America." You do not, by the way.

He gains votes every time he speaks, so I have no idea what you are talking about. When he ran in 2016, he debated all the Republican giants and spanked every single one of them, and then he spanked Hillary and took the election.

Then Trump spanked Biden, even though he was lynched by the "moderator", and won the election ... which then had to be stolen.
You are quite the comedian; you have got no problems making people laugh. without trying.