trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

Arizona law allows drop boxes. The question was about what "staffed" means. The courts' interpretation of the wording of the law allows drop boxes as they have been used. In other words, there is no issue.
there's no question about what staffed means.

there is an issue, the court is pro-fraud and operates lawlessly.
there's no question about what staffed means.

there is an issue, the court is pro-fraud and operates lawlessly.
There is a question what staffed means. That's why it went to court and the courts ruled on it.

There is no connection between drop boxes and voter fraud. 2000 Mules tried really, really hard to create one, across multiple states, and did nothing but get exposed as liars and get themselves sued.

Also, there is no reason to believe that the harvesting of legal ballots would invalidate those votes, any way. The harvester will be charged, as she was in AZ, but the votes still count.... because they're votes cast by registered voters, on a valid ballot.
There is a question what staffed means. That's why it went to court and the courts ruled on it.

There is no connection between drop boxes and voter fraud. 2000 Mules tried really, really hard to create one, across multiple states, and did nothing but get exposed as liars and get themselves sued.

Also, there is no reason to believe that the harvesting of legal ballots would invalidate those votes, any way. The harvester will be charged, as she was in AZ, but the votes still count.... because they're votes cast by registered voters, on a valid ballot.
of course there's a connection between drop boxes and voter fraud.

drop boxes combined with harvesting enables voter fraud.

it's an enabling connection.
I started to answer this same question for the fourth time, but decided against it in favor of asking a question.

What part of my answer to this question did you not understand the first three times that I gave it?

You believe that the DNC did xxxxx to accomplish xxxxx. In reality, there has been no evidence of a grand conspiracy uncovered - no emails, texts, recorded phone calls, etc. There have been no large quantities of fraudulent ballots uncovered. There have been no counterfeit ballots discovered. There has been no video of mass illegal use of drop boxes. So, your belief that the DNC did xxx to accomplish xxx is your opinion, not a fact.

So, what would need to happen for you to believe the election results were legitimate. Is it a mass forensic audit of all states you view as questionable? Is it a thorough and public investigation of the affidavits claiming fraud? Is it a thorough investigation of anyone caught on video dropping multiple ballots in a drop box?

It's been almost a full day since I asked this question and about 18 hours since I posted a follow-up, but you haven't explained what it would take for you to believe the 2020 election was legit. Why is that?

Here's my hypothesis.... there is nothing that would convince you. Why? First, you don't want to believe the election was legit and Biden got 81 million votes. Second, and more importantly, you can't come up with a scenario that would change your mind:

Georgia did multiple recounts and audits.... but, according to you, they're counting counterfeit/fraudulent ballots and/or the people doing the auditing/recounting are in on the steal. Ok, what if they brought in the FBI to analyze the ballots? Nope. The FBI is in on The Steal too.

Who could Georgia bring in that you would trust? My guess.... nobody.

But, let's say you found someone you trusted. What if you and Trump were given carte blanch to handpick ANYONE you wanted AND you both got to supervise the entire process? You can get Eric Trump, Don Jr., Steve Bannon, etc. What if THEY personally and thoroughly audited every ballot, tracked down every voter and confirmed they submitted the ballot and confirmed who the ballot showed they voted for? What then????

Then, in my opinion, the next step down the rabbit hole is "Well, Democrats have removed the counterfeit/fraudulent ballots and replaced them with legitimate ones because there's no WAY Trump lost!!"

It's tough being a conspiracy theorist, isn't it?
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of course there's a connection between drop boxes and voter fraud.

drop boxes combined with harvesting enables voter fraud.

it's an enabling connection.
There are many states that have no-excuse mail-in voting. There are some states where they don't even offer in-person voting. There has never been any connection made, in those states, between mail-in voting, drop boxes and voter fraud. Are there cases where a somone illegally takes his/her neighbors ballot and drops it off? Sure. But there's no reason to believe that those "harvested" ballots would be invalidated anyway. That's something that was brought up by Raffensperger when Georgia was in the (lying) 2000 Mules spotlight.

Have you ever thought about the logistics of true ballot harvesting? In other words, people going mailbox to mailbox, taking ballots and illegally filling them out? If you have thought about it, you'd realize that's it would be impossible on multiple levels.
There are many states that have no-excuse mail-in voting. There are some states where they don't even offer in-person voting. There has never been any connection made, in those states, between mail-in voting, drop boxes and voter fraud. Are there cases where a somone illegally takes his/her neighbors ballot and drops it off? Sure. But there's no reason to believe that those "harvested" ballots would be invalidated anyway. That's something that was brought up by Raffensperger when Georgia was in the (lying) 2000 Mules spotlight.

Have you ever thought about the logistics of true ballot harvesting? In other words, people going mailbox to mailbox, taking ballots and illegally filling them out? If you have thought about it, you'd realize that's it would be impossible on multiple levels.
don't change the subject.
It's been almost a full day since I asked this question and about 18 hours since I posted a follow-up, but you haven't explained what it would take for you to believe the 2020 election was legit. Why is that?
You have asked this question many times before. I have answered it three times. I asked you what part of my answer you didn't understand. You indicated that you understood my answer.

Then you asked a fourth time. This would be the fifth time. My answer hasn't changed.

Here's my hypothesis.... there is nothing that would convince you.
1. You are not presenting an hypothesis. You don't know what an hypothesis is.
2. Might you possibly be speculating that I haven't answered your 4th and 5th asking of the same question because I feel as though I have already sufficiently answered your question?
3. You have repeated dozens of times that you blame me and my acknowledgement of human nature, i.e. that humans conspire, for your inability to think independently and to apply any critical reasoning.

Let's see if we can answer your question from another angle.

What would it take to convince you that WW2 never happened?

Why? First, you don't want to believe the election was legit and Biden got 81 million votes. Second, and more importantly, you can't come up with a scenario that would change your mind:

Georgia did multiple recounts and audits.... but, according to you, they're counting counterfeit/fraudulent ballots and/or the people doing the auditing/recounting are in on the steal. Ok, what if they brought in the FBI to analyze the ballots? Nope. The FBI is in on The Steal too.

Who could Georgia bring in that you would trust? My guess.... nobody.

But, let's say you found someone you trusted. What if you and Trump were given carte blanch to handpick ANYONE you wanted AND you both got to supervise the entire process? You can get Eric Trump, Don Jr., Steve Bannon, etc. What if THEY personally and thoroughly audited every ballot, tracked down every voter and confirmed they submitted the ballot and confirmed who the ballot showed they voted for? What then????

Then, in my opinion, the next step down the rabbit hole is "Well, Democrats have removed the counterfeit/fraudulent ballots and replaced them with legitimate ones because there's no WAY Trump lost!!"

It's tough being a conspiracy theorist, isn't it?
You have asked this question many times before. I have answered it three times. I asked you what part of my answer you didn't understand. You indicated that you understood my answer.

Then you asked a fourth time. This would be the fifth time. My answer hasn't changed.

1. You are not presenting an hypothesis. You don't know what an hypothesis is.
2. Might you possibly be speculating that I haven't answered your 4th and 5th asking of the same question because I feel as though I have already sufficiently answered your question?
3. You have repeated dozens of times that you blame me and my acknowledgement of human nature, i.e. that humans conspire, for your inability to think independently and to apply any critical reasoning.

Let's see if we can answer your question from another angle.

What would it take to convince you that WW2 never happened?
"What would it take to convince you that WW2 never happened?"

Avoidance at its best.

You've never said what it would take for you to believe 2020 was legit because there is nothing that would... as I said. No amount of evidence, auditing, investigating, verifying, etc would change your mind because your beliefs aren't based on anything but......

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The fact that you equate evidence of WW2 to the evidence of a stolen election only further supports my hypothesis.
You had plenty of time to learn what an hypothesis but your thought-masters wouldn't allow it. As such, you continue post meaningless gibberish.

Anyway, you still haven't answered my question, so I can't possibly answer yours, given your inability to learn anything not allowed by your thought-masters.

Let me know when something changes.
You had plenty of time to learn what an hypothesis but your thought-masters wouldn't allow it. As such, you continue post meaningless gibberish.

Anyway, you still haven't answered my question, so I can't possibly answer yours, given your inability to learn anything not allowed by your thought-masters.

Let me know when something changes.
What question do you want answered. I will gladly answer any question if you're going to then answer mine....that you are avoiding.
What question do you want answered. I will gladly answer any question if you're going to then answer mine....that you are avoiding.
Thank you.

My question is "What would it take to convince you that WW2 never happened?" Your answer to this question will provide me the information I need to answer your question such that you will understand my response and not feel as though you need to continue repeating the question.

Thank you for gladly answering my question.
Thank you.

My question is "What would it take to convince you that WW2 never happened?" Your answer to this question will provide me the information I need to answer your question such that you will understand my response and not feel as though you need to continue repeating the question.

Thank you for gladly answering my question.
I don't think that anything would. The voluminous, worldwide, video/audio/eye witness documented details of WWII are so overwhelming that I can't imagine anything convincing me. I also have family and in-laws that were in the military during WWII.

What information is there that opposes world war II occurring?
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