Trump is not wrong


ButterMilk Man
Ketchup on grilled prime steak well done is pretty fucking awesome.

I know this because I have tried this.

Have U?
Ketchup on grilled prime steak well done is pretty fucking awesome.

I know this because I have tried this.

Have U?

Nope, I like medium (not well), and A-1 or Heinz 57, after the t-bone/porterhouse/rib eye is on my plate. I don't like treasonous John "puke Kerry, (the haughty one), butt: Terresa is OK. burp...
When I ran this experiment prime was running $20 a pound at Costco, and I debated possibly destroying such expensive steak. Now of course beef is even more expensive. I can understand people deciding to not try this.
I like lots of Ketchup on hamburgers. And Fries. Lots of Ketchup and Pepper on my French Fries.
Imagine that, at one time the right crucified Obama for putting mustard on a hamburger and here they are acclaiming Trump for putting ketchup on prime steak
Just to be clear I would not want a not prime steak to be well done, only prime will be tender at well done. Also the charm of the ketchup is how it spectacularly interacts with the seared fat...this was completely the second bite I understood.
Ketchup on grilled prime steak well done is pretty fucking awesome.

I know this because I have tried this.

Have U?

A well-prepared steak should not have to be doused in any sauce.

If you are having to drench your steak in ketchup, somebody is cooking it wrong, or you are buying cheap cuts of meat.
I guess I could eat Brown Rice and Water and live a few extra years. (?)

The "vaccine" is the most dangerous thing you can do fer yer health. Bottom line, nobody cares what you do: shit head. Eat lots of gravy n' get that booster, Enjoy those spike proteins as they clog yer blood stream and vital organs... burp... carry on...
The "vaccine" is the most dangerous thing you can do fer yer health. Bottom line, nobody cares what you do: shit head. Eat lots of gravy n' get that booster, Enjoy those spike proteins as they clog yer blood stream and vital organs... burp... carry on...

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