Trump is not wrong

you couldn't lift his jock, pussy. there is no excuse to kill women and children, asshole motherfucker. you need your chickenshit ass kicked....

Let's set up a date there fuck head, n' execute a hold harmless agreement. If and when, (not ever likely 'cuase yer a fucking coward), we ever are face to face: you will shit yersef: tough keyboard cowboy extra stupid Marxist puke. Oh yeah: fuck you.
If that is yer fucking ugly mug in yer profile picture, you are older the the dirt out in my yard.

You have the telltale rosie patches on yer butt ugly face that tells me you raging alcoholic. Makes ya feeeeel real big when yer drinkin'.

I bet you wouldn't last more then a few minutes before you'd be squealin' like the little coward pig you obviously are, (if you ever have to balls to meet me, which you don't), OLD FUCKING EXTRA STUPID MARXIST PUKE.

fuck you
Let's set up a date there fuck head, n' execute a hold harmless agreement. If and when, (not ever likely 'cuase yer a fucking coward), we ever are face to face: you will shit yersef: tough keyboard cowboy extra stupid Marxist puke. Oh yeah: fuck you.

i wouldn't walk across the street to piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire....oh, yeah- burp. god, what a little punk bitch you are.
i wouldn't walk across the street to piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire....oh, yeah- burp. god, what a little punk bitch you are.

Yeah feeble old fucking Marxist puke. Yer not such as keyboard cowboy now that I challenged yer coward arse are ya? Did ya hit AA today, or are ya still hittin' the sauce?
Yeah feeble old fucking Marxist puke. Yer not such as keyboard cowboy now that I challenged yer coward arse are ya? Did ya hit AA today, or are ya still hittin' the sauce?

oooh, challenging someone from your mom's computer!! you must be the toughest 8 year old in your whole second grade special ed class.
Ketchup on grilled prime steak well done is pretty fucking awesome.

I know this because I have tried this.

Have U?

the threats of beating up people on the internet is goofy. but your political weirdness must not be ignored, although in a more civil way.

Hmmmmm...,"on the internet" yer sayin; (I never addressed you personally it was you that directly insulted me initially)?

Clearly you'd have to be face to face to pay the price, (which you would have, [unless you were so obviously feeble], that I would have to take a pass, [that's likely IMHO]), for the names/accusations et al that you've tossed my way.

As previously stated: I was fairly sure you wouldn't take me up on my offer, especially after looking at yer pic, (I sent the offer prior to lookin' at that pic).

From yer perspective: any Conservative patriot who loves this Republic would be: "political weirdness", (I'm cool with that), just please stick to the issues/facts that you wanna debate, and I will show you respect.

Peace Brother, we are all Americans, we used to be able to politically disagree, remember?