Trump judge nominee, 36, who has never tried a case, wins approval of Senate panel.

Yes, but I won't because it's not the point I was making - the point I was making is how the right-wingers here making it clear they don't CARE whether he's unqualified, actually preferring he's not.

ok, since you can't answer my first question, maybe you can answer this one........

what ARE the qualifications, in your opinion, of a federal judge?
This is a good start for me showing what kind of people populate this hate group. it will explain how a hate candidate was elected into the presidents seat.

everyone who is not a left wing marxist socialist democrat is a hater,no it is you with the hate ,oh yes does playing victim make you feel good,you are saying i am a hater because i voted for TRUMP,

no you are the hater here.
I knew that remark would "light up" the ignorant!
You know nothing of what you claim.

it is true

it was an American litmus test

if you voted for trump you had to IGNORE his racism and hate of women to see him as a good choice.

If you are able to ignore someones racism and hate of women to pick them over others you are a racist

non racists cant ignore that shit

it is true

it was an American litmus test

if you voted for trump you had to IGNORE his racism and hate of women to see him as a good choice.

If you are able to ignore someones racism and hate of women to pick them over others you are a racist

non racists cant ignore that shit


What the hell does that rant have to do with my remark?
I SHOULD be a federal judge, but actual freedom terrifies people in to calling it anarchy.

so, since there are NO required qualifications, I guess nobody can be UN qualified, can they?
Agreed, I just prefer my judges to be educated in the law and experienced, but that’s just me.
ok, since you can't answer my first question, maybe you can answer this one........

what ARE the qualifications, in your opinion, of a federal judge?

In my opinion - an understanding of the law, the judgment to reasonably apply it, and a sane understanding of the constitution instead of a radical ideology about it which leads to destroying the constitution by misinterpreting it.

The right today is at war with the constitution, using the Federalist Society to create an army of radical ideologues to destroy the constitution. The ABA doesn't catch all the problems, but is pretty good at being right when it rates 'unqualified'.
In my opinion - an understanding of the law, the judgment to reasonably apply it, and a sane understanding of the constitution instead of a radical ideology about it which leads to destroying the constitution by misinterpreting it.

The right today is at war with the constitution, using the Federalist Society to create an army of radical ideologues to destroy the constitution. The ABA doesn't catch all the problems, but is pretty good at being right when it rates 'unqualified'.
while I agree with you about the right being at war with the constitution, I have to say that so is the left. The ABA is an organization solely interested in job security, so their opposite opinion is all it takes for me to consider qualification.

there's only one way to understand the constitution, at it's face value and simple verbiage.
while I agree with you about the right being at war with the constitution, I have to say that so is the left. The ABA is an organization solely interested in job security, so their opposite opinion is all it takes for me to consider qualification.

there's only one way to understand the constitution, at it's face value and simple verbiage.

Well, I appreciate you agreeing about the right.

Unfortunately I can't return the favor about the left or the ABA (the ABA is not the left, either).

And I would suggest to you, that you are seriously in error in your statement about the constitution's 'face value' and 'simple verbiage'.

Unfortunately for that viewpoint, the constitution is the opposite. It's a bare framework that's VERY vague in all kinds of things, and does NOT answer thousands of detailed issues clearly, no matter how hard you look.

In fact, one of the best ways to spot the people who are lying about the constitution is to spot the ones who claim they're following the clear instructions in the constitution, the 'original intent' - the way the right does. They're just trying to stamp their agenda with legitimacy and attack any other viewpoint - which is equally or more valid - as tainted and incorrect.

In fact, the constitution has that vagueness - things like 'unspecified rights' that are not written but which exist - written right into it. The only correct interpretation of the constitution is the one that understands the 'spirit' of the document and does interpret it to recognize those 'unspecified rights' that are implied but not explicit. To say they don't exist is the one position that clearly violates the constitution's 'plain language' (see the 9th and 10th amendments which exactly protect unspecified rights).

That doesn't mean that anything anyone wants to make up is in the constitution.

It means that it is a more complex, less simple and clear document requiring expertise to interpret.

And unfortunately, the right takes advantage of that vagueness to push an agenda that is at odds with the intent of the constitution, and invent rights NOT implied, such as giving corporations constitutional rights the document did not intend.