A big circus tent with a gigantic statue of Bozo the Clown out front. It should have an organ grinder as well. That way, when his "flying monkey" supporters visit, they can dance and collect donations.
What will the Trump Library look like?
A library "like you've never seen before!"
They'll just tranfer the library from that porn shop next to the Four Seasons Landscaping Company.
No, Trump never reads books or writes papers, he’s basically a maroon.Question... Will Trump's have books and papers in it unlike Obama's...?
No, Trump never reads books or writes papers, he’s basically a maroon.
The difference is Obama’s exist but will be digital used, where Trump’s just don’t exist.So, same as Obama then...
The difference is Obama’s exist but will be digital used, where Trump’s just don’t exist.
They can digitalize his seditious tweets.
What will the Trump Library look like?
A library "like you've never seen before!"
The difference is Obama’s exist but will be digital used, where Trump’s just don’t exist.
They can digitalize his seditious tweets.
Question... Will Trump's have books and papers in it unlike Obama's...?
What will the Trump Library look like?
A library "like you've never seen before!"
Question... Will Trump's have books and papers in it unlike Obama's...?
Question... Will Trump's have books and papers in it unlike Obama's...?
Question... Will Trump's have books and papers in it unlike Obama's...?
What will the Trump Library look like?
A library "like you've never seen before!"