Trump Library

Yea, sure... He was President of the Harvard Law Review and singularly never published anything in it. That was a unique first for the President of the Review...

Editors of the Harvard Law Review are not allowed to publish under their own name. Apparently, you know little about it, or you would know that. It is impossible to know what parts of the editor's writing he wrote.

He had his books ghost written.

I doubt it. trump paid someone to write his books for him. Obama was no one, so came to prominence by writing.
Yea, sure... He was President of the Harvard Law Review and singularly never published anything in it. That was a unique first for the President of the Review...

He had his books ghost written.

His Presidential reading lists were short in length, short on depth, and mostly popular tripe.

Here's his list for 2020

He's one of the shallowest pseudo-intellectuals on the US scene today.

This is from his Harvard review friends. Your hate for Obama makes you crazy.
This is from his Harvard review friends. Your hate for Obama makes you crazy.

Too bad his actual track record says otherwise. Obama was and is a good orator reading a speech. He has the ability, like any good salesman, to sell himself well. I don't fault or deny him that. But where he collapses into worthlessness is actually getting things done. The guy is an absolute slacker. He has no ability to organize or plan projects or the drive to get them done. Instead he relies on others trying to motivate them with his charisma alone. That can work in the short term, but in the long term it will fail, and did fail him repeatedly both as President and in previous roles.
Quote Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
This is from his Harvard review friends. Your hate for Obama makes you crazy.

Too bad his actual track record says otherwise. Obama was and is a good orator reading a speech. He has the ability, like any good salesman, to sell himself well. I don't fault or deny him that. But where he collapses into worthlessness is actually getting things done. The guy is an absolute slacker. He has no ability to organize or plan projects or the drive to get them done. Instead he relies on others trying to motivate them with his charisma alone. That can work in the short term, but in the long term it will fail, and did fail him repeatedly both as President and in previous roles.

Please explain to the reading audience how you expect ANYONE to get ANYTHING done with the opposition party leadership states that their primary goal was to make Obama a "one term President", and then log UNPRECEDENTED filibusters and obstructionist voting ... EVEN AGAINST THEIR OWN PROPOSAL! We'll wait. In the meantime, for your education:
Too bad his actual track record says otherwise. Obama was and is a good orator reading a speech. He has the ability, like any good salesman, to sell himself well. I don't fault or deny him that. But where he collapses into worthlessness is actually getting things done. The guy is an absolute slacker. He has no ability to organize or plan projects or the drive to get them done. Instead he relies on others trying to motivate them with his charisma alone. That can work in the short term, but in the long term it will fail, and did fail him repeatedly both as President and in previous roles.

Why do you embarrass yourself with blatant lies that have been demonstrated as false for 8 years? Damn, we know you are a righty hater, but try and make sense. Obama was always great fun to listen to when he was talking extemporaneously. Remember when he walking into a Repub conference and invited them to ask him any questions and he would answer? He made them look silly. Obama is famous for talking off the cuff and having a great sense of humor. He has a great comedic delivery.
And you approve of Trump who is Mr. Bluster of politics. Just quit doing that and try honesty.
Please explain to the reading audience how you expect ANYONE to get ANYTHING done with the opposition party leadership states that their primary goal was to make Obama a "one term President", and then log UNPRECEDENTED filibusters and obstructionist voting ... EVEN AGAINST THEIR OWN PROPOSAL! We'll wait. In the meantime, for your education:

The same way it was with Trump and the Democrats... Exact same thing.

By the by, Clinton managed it because he could compromise with the opposing party, something Obama couldn't do, and something Trump made hard while the Democrats wouldn't go along.
Why do you embarrass yourself with blatant lies that have been demonstrated as false for 8 years? Damn, we know you are a righty hater, but try and make sense. Obama was always great fun to listen to when he was talking extemporaneously. Remember when he walking into a Repub conference and invited them to ask him any questions and he would answer? He made them look silly. Obama is famous for talking off the cuff and having a great sense of humor. He has a great comedic delivery.
And you approve of Trump who is Mr. Bluster of politics. Just quit doing that and try honesty.

I guess you forgot that Obama took nearly four months to meet with Republican leaders in Congress and when he did, he told them "Elections have consequences. I won, get over it." He then tried demagoguing them into supporting Obamacare only have Republicans like Paul Ryan take him off at the knees in knowledge of the workings of the plan and its expected costs, benefits, and losses.

You could see Obama was royally pissed that they were making him look stupid. He really believed he was always the smartest guy in the room. He wasn't, not by a longshot.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Please explain to the reading audience how you expect ANYONE to get ANYTHING done with the opposition party leadership states that their primary goal was to make Obama a "one term President", and then log UNPRECEDENTED filibusters and obstructionist voting ... EVEN AGAINST THEIR OWN PROPOSAL! We'll wait. In the meantime, for your education:

The same way it was with Trump and the Democrats... Exact same thing.

By the by, Clinton managed it because he could compromise with the opposing party, something Obama couldn't do, and something Trump made hard while the Democrats wouldn't go along.

Wrong! The Democrats did NOT have a majority in the House and Senate, for one. But let's compare...note the devil is in the details.

And spare us the BS about's just one example of GOP obstructionism under Obama:
The same way it was with Trump and the Democrats... Exact same thing.

Well, except for that whole part about none of that is true. In fact, #TRE45ON had a majority in both houses for the first two years, and retained the majority in the Senate for the last half. Moscow Mitch blocked most of the legislation sent over by the House. That right there explains the dearth of any meaningful legislation that came out of that corrupt administration. Toadstool was far more interested in tweeting and running around the country getting his worship fixes in to do much in the way of presidenting. Worst of all, he totally dropped the ball when it came to pandemic leadership. He didn't need the (D)s for that -- EOs could have set out the containment protocols. As we all know, when it came time to produce a relief package the (D)s were all on board.

But sure, keep your false beliefs if they give you comfort. :laugh:
What are you talking about? You buy every rt wing story. Do some homework.

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