Trump May Face 25 Years in Prison, Be Blocked From Future Office: Kirschner


And since - to my knowledge - America has never had true, free enterprise.
You cannot know that.

I will ask again - differently.

You say that: 'Regulations save us'?

Please post a link to unbiased, factual proof that America has been saved by macroeconomic regulations (other than fraud laws)?

It’s has never worked in mankinds history you dumb fuck


And since - to my knowledge - America has never had true, free enterprise.
You cannot know that.

I will ask again - differently.

You say that: 'Regulations save us'?

Please post a link to unbiased, factual proof that America has been saved by macroeconomic regulations (other than fraud laws)?

Posta time when it didn’t work asshole?
Because you are not going by facts


So...I must assume that you cannot post the links that I requested.

So be it.

If you hate both parties you hate everything about America idiot


'A total of 35.3 million registered voters identified themselves as independents or unaffiliated with any political party. This amounted to 28.55% of registered voters in these areas.'

So...I guess that means that at least 35 million Americans hate everything about America? are one sick, hate-filled chick.

You know?
I don't understand why you think anyone of merit will take you seriously?
So long as you blather off, utter nonsense like that?
I tell makes you one, INCREDIBLY easy target.

You clearly are falling (again) into your 'ranting like a lunatic' stage.
So I will leave this here.

Sort of like when senile granny starts just smile and nod and let her sleep.
That is honestly how I look at you when you are like this.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

So...I must assume that you cannot post the links that I requested.

So be it.


'A total of 35.3 million registered voters identified themselves as independents or unaffiliated with any political party. This amounted to 28.55% of registered voters in these areas.'

So...I guess that means that at least 35 million Americans hate everything about America? are one sick, hate-filled chick.

You know?
I don't understand why you think anyone of merit will take you seriously?
So long as you blather off, utter nonsense like that?
I tell makes you one, INCREDIBLY easy target.

You clearly are falling (again) into your 'ranting like a lunatic' stage.
So I will leave this here.

Sort of like when senile granny starts just smile and nod and let her sleep.
That is honestly how I look at you when you are like this.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

They haven’t told me they hate those parties idiot

You did
Posta time when it didn’t work asshole?



You were the one who made the statement.
It is up to you to back it up.
Not me to disprove it?


Evince - All Reps are cowards?
Me - Prove it?
Evince - prove they aren't?


Anyway, I assume that - once again - you cannot back up yet ANOTHER statement you have blathered.

So be it.

We are done here...get some rest.

Bye now.

Once again, I DESPISE, both parties.
You just hate everything

Not everyone hates like you do

Just like the lie thing

You think meaningless lies like dying one’s hair and denying it are on par with lies about life and death

You seek hate in everything you think about

And lie about economic results to back failed ideas


You were the one who made the statement.
It is up to you to back it up.
Not me to disprove it?


Evince - All Reps are cowards?
Me - Prove it?
Evince - prove they aren't?


Anyway, I assume that - once again - you cannot back up yet ANOTHER statement you have blathered.

So be it.

We are done here...get some rest.

Bye now.

Once again, I DESPISE, both parties.

You never answer any question huh loser

I answered you

Then you claimed I didn’t

So you also lie

You are a disinformation bot

Suck that Putin cock

You believe everyone on the planet is evil

Lying about wether you die your hair to hide the gray is equal to lying to steal a nations elections

You hate America



A) I assume to admit that you have lied in your life (though you don't dare admit it for destroying your argument earlier against Dutch Uncle).
B) that makes you a hypocrite for condemning Dutch Uncle for doing the same thing.
C) I hate no person or country. Unlike you, obviously.

Now finally...I have covered all of the stuff I had on the go with you.

BTW - in all seriousness?
You do realize that I do not take you seriously?
You just say too many, utterly insane things.

We ARE done now...for now.

Bye now.

Once again, I DESPISE, both parties.

So...I must assume that you cannot post the links that I requested.

So be it.


'A total of 35.3 million registered voters identified themselves as independents or unaffiliated with any political party. This amounted to 28.55% of registered voters in these areas.'

So...I guess that means that at least 35 million Americans hate everything about America? are one sick, hate-filled chick.

You know?
I don't understand why you think anyone of merit will take you seriously?
So long as you blather off, utter nonsense like that?
I tell makes you one, INCREDIBLY easy target.

You clearly are falling (again) into your 'ranting like a lunatic' stage.
So I will leave this here.

Sort of like when senile granny starts just smile and nod and let her sleep.
That is honestly how I look at you when you are like this.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

Translation: I’m running away because I lost the debate

By: Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Ben Harris and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Macroeconomics Neil Mehrotra

One of the most important macroeconomic issues surrounds the current state of U.S. growth. Concerns about recession risks largely arise from the 1.6 percent decline in U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) last quarter, largely due to unique and technical factors, and the observation that tracking estimates suggest that GDP may have contracted in the second quarter. However, considerable evidence suggests that the economy is not currently in a recession, including persistent strength in the labor market, expanding industrial production, and alternative estimates of economic growth that suggest rapid expansion.


A) I assume to admit that you have lied in your life (though you don't dare admit it for destroying your argument earlier against Dutch Uncle).
B) that makes you a hypocrite for condemning Dutch Uncle for doing the same thing.
C) I hate no person or country. Unlike you, obviously.

Now finally...I have covered all of the stuff I had on the go with you.

BTW - in all seriousness?
You do realize that I do not take you seriously?
You just say too many, utterly insane things.

We ARE done now...for now.

Bye now.

Once again, I DESPISE, both parties.

I don’t care what you take or leave

You are stupid and fact void


Unfettered capitalism has never worked anywhere on the earth that it was tried

Without rules it quickly evolves into monopolies on every part of the market

Which then means the market is no longer free you dumb fuck
Then you accept that OJ is innocent and as is Trump from his two impeachments....just like Bill. LOL

I truely don’t know who killed his family and that young man

I think it as likely him

The Congress can’t convict and one party is now evil and hates Americans so their votes were bought with dark money

There sure was a lot of court evidence against OJ



No court thought there was evidence of Hilary crimes remember
Dutch you need to face you were taken in by Reagan and the Republican Party

You don’t have to protect their lies anymore
I truely don’t know who killed his family and that young man

It was OJ...but, like with Trump and the Clintons, there wasn't enough evidence to convict.

Unfortunately for Pedo Don, while Hillary was smart enough to stay (mostly) within the legal lines albeit not the moral ones, Trump is a fucking narcissistic nutjob who will see him little empire burned to the ground for his crimes.
