Trump Mocks A Dying War Hero & An Ex-President Who Just Lost His Wife

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
“Family-values” voters,

Yesterday Trump attacked John McCain, who is in the late stages of cancer.

He attacked George HW Bush, who is 94 and also very sick.

He then made a racist joke with a sexist punchline about sexual assault.

How is this your guy?

The Reagan Battalion

Yesterday: Trump mocked:
President George H. W. Bush.
Senator John McCain
Vladimir Putin.


Andrew Goss ✊USAF✊
Last night, Trump went after 2 Veterans at his rabid racist rally last night. John McCain & George H.W. Bush. Laughing at two heroes that are living out their final days. Cruel & absolutely pathetic. Mind-boggling how anyone affiliated with the US Military supports this bastard.

6:20 AM - Jul 6, 2018
Trump gave a terrible speech, absolutely unpresidential, and a horrible embarrassment. Trump is in front of an audience insulting dignified and mature people. The right likes this shit. what is wrong with them? Aren't you ever embarrased? Don't Trump speeches disgust you? Is there a apoint where you say "he is going too far".
I can see attacking McCain, since he still won't retire from his Senate seat, but, Bush Sr isn't doing anything these days in retirement.
“Family-values” voters,

Yesterday Trump attacked John McCain, who is in the late stages of cancer.

He attacked George HW Bush, who is 94 and also very sick.

He then made a racist joke with a sexist punchline about sexual assault.

How is this your guy?

The Reagan Battalion

Yesterday: Trump mocked:
President George H. W. Bush.
Senator John McCain
Vladimir Putin.


Andrew Goss ✊USAF✊
Last night, Trump went after 2 Veterans at his rabid racist rally last night. John McCain & George H.W. Bush. Laughing at two heroes that are living out their final days. Cruel & absolutely pathetic. Mind-boggling how anyone affiliated with the US Military supports this bastard.

6:20 AM - Jul 6, 2018

Were these attacks in regard to their character, or were they political? McCain and Bush are are both political figures, so they will always be exposed to criticism, but I do not see any need to attack their characters.

What was the racist sexist joke that you refer to? Which race was he attacking?
Big part of his stupid, stupid speech was an attack on Warren. Trump cannot get off the indian thing. What is he 12 ? That indian heritage claim is meaningless, Yeah, he probably would throw a DNA kit in her face. Cbn you imagine a president of the United States acting like that? If she were debating him he wouuld prbably throw a tampax at her and claim she was on the rag.
“Family-values” voters,

Yesterday Trump attacked John McCain, who is in the late stages of cancer.

He attacked George HW Bush, who is 94 and also very sick.

He then made a racist joke with a sexist punchline about sexual assault.

How is this your guy?

The Reagan Battalion

Yesterday: Trump mocked:
President George H. W. Bush.
Senator John McCain
Vladimir Putin.


Andrew Goss ✊USAF✊
Last night, Trump went after 2 Veterans at his rabid racist rally last night. John McCain & George H.W. Bush. Laughing at two heroes that are living out their final days. Cruel & absolutely pathetic. Mind-boggling how anyone affiliated with the US Military supports this bastard.

6:20 AM - Jul 6, 2018

How is this "news"? We all know what Don is.
Were these attacks in regard to their character, or were they political? McCain and Bush are are both political figures, so they will always be exposed to criticism, but I do not see any need to attack their characters.

What was the racist sexist joke that you refer to? Which race was he attacking?

Personal criticism. if the basis is politics, then he should attack their political stances. Mccain is not 100 percent under Trump power like the rest of the Republican party is.Trump hates that. He wants to pass out orders that will be followed without question. It is good to be the king.
Trump likes heroes who don't get captured. Naturally the best way to not get captured is to never serve and claim bone spurs instead. Then go play college football but make sure you stand for the anthem.
“Family-values” voters,

Yesterday Trump attacked John McCain, who is in the late stages of cancer.

He attacked George HW Bush, who is 94 and also very sick.

He then made a racist joke with a sexist punchline about sexual assault.

How is this your guy?

The Reagan Battalion

Yesterday: Trump mocked:
President George H. W. Bush.
Senator John McCain
Vladimir Putin.


Andrew Goss ✊USAF✊
Last night, Trump went after 2 Veterans at his rabid racist rally last night. John McCain & George H.W. Bush. Laughing at two heroes that are living out their final days. Cruel & absolutely pathetic. Mind-boggling how anyone affiliated with the US Military supports this bastard.

6:20 AM - Jul 6, 2018

Trump is trash .. Nothing new.. Many Americans hate Trump for this kind of rhetoric.
Big part of his stupid, stupid speech was an attack on Warren. Trump cannot get off the indian thing. What is he 12 ? That indian heritage claim is meaningless, Yeah, he probably would throw a DNA kit in her face. Cbn you imagine a president of the United States acting like that? If she were debating him he wouuld prbably throw a tampax at her and claim she was on the rag.

Trump is simply trash.... and the whole world knows it.
Were these attacks in regard to their character, or were they political? McCain and Bush are are both political figures, so they will always be exposed to criticism, but I do not see any need to attack their characters.

What was the racist sexist joke that you refer to? Which race was he attacking?

The left doesn't see it that way.

I find it interesting that the left wingers, who trashed McCain during the 2008 campaign, seem to love him now and come to his defense when they claim he is being attacked.