Trump polling terrible with young

The thing is: Kid Rock, with his blowing up cased of Bud Light and Ted Nugent (who I used to idolize before he lost his mind) threatening Obama's life just look like a couple of angry kooks. All Swift is doing is writing hit songs and calmly expressing her opinion.

Huge difference.

In MAGATWorld, the only opinions allowed to be expressed are those on the Reichwing.
The thing that makes him look so ridiculous is he never supports anything he says with anything resemling evidence.

He only responds when he gets triggered. He's not here to debate, he's here to preach. He admires carnival barkers like Trump and Ramaswammy and longs to be just like them.

Brain damage from alcoholism, no doubt. Like is true of his MISTRESS, his posts are nothing but regurgitated opinion from low level Reichwing bloggers and social media wannabe influencers. None of it is ever backed up by any sort of credible evidence. Their arguments boil down to "Because I said so." That worked on most of us when we were three and Mom said it. It only works on them now, evidently. lol
Brain damage from alcoholism, no doubt. Like is true of his MISTRESS, his posts are nothing but regurgitated opinion from low level Reichwing bloggers and social media wannabe influencers. None of it is ever backed up by any sort of credible evidence. Their arguments boil down to "Because I said so." That worked on most of us when we were three and Mom said it. It only works on them now, evidently. lol

Isn't it amazing the very dorks who play the victim to "cancel culture " are the very dorks who engage in it!

It is amazing, isn't it? They're trying desperately to cancel Taylor Swift now because she advocates for young people to vote. Good luck with that shit.
It's not the votes that count, it's those who count the votes.
~Joseph Stalin

Stalin did not speak English, and that phrase hinges on there needing to be the two definitions of count that is found only in English. In other words, it is a fake quote.

I could actually search the internet for a link on that, but why bother?
"No matter who we elect we always get the policies of John McCain"
Heard from several sources on my grapevine...cant remember who said it.

McCain wanted Iran bombed, and refused to even go an inch into Pakistan. Obama did not bomb Iran, but went deep into Pakistan to get Bin Laden.
McCain wanted Iran bombed, and refused to even go an inch into Pakistan. Obama did not bomb Iran, but went deep into Pakistan to get Bin Laden.

You understood my point....which is why I now get this clap trap.....Obama signed off on attacks on 7 countries....he was a garden variety War Pig.
I think I am right that Obama was at war every single day of his two terms...which if so Almost Never Right WALT knows it.......he/she/whatever spews constant lies.
If I lived 200 miles from the Scablands, I would go there at least 3 times a year. How much time have you spent in the Scablands?

I have never been to the Spokane area. I hear it is pathetic. Eastern Washington has all the charm of Idaho... And that is not a good thing.

They are not as backwards as you claim. They do have internet service.
You understood my point....which is why I now get this clap trap.....Obama signed off on attacks on 7 countries....he was a garden variety War Pig.

Clinton revolutionized the use of power in the USA by lead from behind. We were able to act in our interests, without putting American lives in danger. Obama was able to strike at our enemies in lightning over the horizon strikes which did not require extended danger.

Bush invaded a bunch of countries. McCain could not imagine air power had advanced since Vietnam. But trump was the worst. he had no actual strategy, but just did random things based on his own fears.
I think I am right that Obama was at war every single day of his two terms...which if so Almost Never Right WALT knows it.......he/she/whatever spews constant lies.

Yes, after 9/11 till today, we have been at war every single day. That means that Obama, trump, and Biden have been at war every single day of their three and a half terms. It also means that Bush was at war for most of his terms.
I know absolutely nothing about geology but it's obvious something big happened to create the scablands. It's worth spending time there if you don't mind roughing it because there aren't many amenities.

Spokane is not the biggest city in America, but it is a city in America. Half a million people live in and around the Channeled Scablands, and you say going there is roughing it?

That really says it all for how bad Eastern Washington has gotten. It is practically Idaho. The opioid epidemic and the rest of the poor personal decisions made by the white uneducated trump supporters has turned around the growth of the area, and turned it into a place that you have to "rough it" to go to.
The more deranged and tantrum-filled Trump becomes the more he appeals less to young people.

Looks like Trump's appeal is leaning towards the "get off my lawn!" types :)

"The gender gap is growing between supporters of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters.

And that’s good news for the Democratic incumbent: Biden holds a slight lead over Trump in Wednesday’s 2024 presidential election poll, 50 percent to 44 percent. The same matchup was “too close to call” just a month ago."

Many Trump voters might die before November and that's bad news for Trump.

Most biden voters already have syphilis of the brain and that's common.
If you are not lying you are a sad excuse of a human.

May God Help U.

The other key factor of Trump voter support beyond the level of bile and hatred they hold, that tends to direct them, is that Trump draws, FACTUALLY stronger with a cohort or group, the more that group, itself is dealing with dementia and other age issues. Again see this forums Trump support as the avatar for that.

As you move down the age spectrum and generally into groups that are sane and not dealing with dementia and other age issues, Biden wins overwhelming.
The more deranged and tantrum-filled Trump becomes the more he appeals less to young people.

Looks like Trump's appeal is leaning towards the "get off my lawn!" types :)

"The gender gap is growing between supporters of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters.

And that’s good news for the Democratic incumbent: Biden holds a slight lead over Trump in Wednesday’s 2024 presidential election poll, 50 percent to 44 percent. The same matchup was “too close to call” just a month ago."

Many Trump voters might die before November and that's bad news for Trump.

Yes Biden will soon be winning all polls as it's becoming obvious that Trump is a fucking loser and criminal. I wonder what Trump will be doing come the fall when polls have him about as far behind as Haley currently is now from him. He will become desperate and come out with some wild fucking claims that will be complete bullshit. With any luck he will simply commit suicide instead of facing the worst defeat in history.