Trump "retruthed" this.

Thanks for the anti-American Brazilian input but disagreed. Most Americans were shocked by the attack on Congress that day. Even Trump tried to disavow the attackers within a week of the attack.
Truth hurts eh ....... Dutch-boy. I'm steeped in American politics....I'm an American .... Dutch Boy... are you?
Truth hurts eh ....... Dutch-boy. I'm steeped in American politics....I'm an American .... Dutch Boy... are you?
You're a well known liar and anti-American. I hope the FBI and CIA are onto you. They can pass any incriminating evidence onto your government or tag you if you ever come into the US.
Foo Fighters played at Biden's Inauguration, and David Grohl(in your picture), said trump "seems like a massive jerk."
If I hated the Constitution I'd be voting for you Stalinists. After all, you're the ones with the Stalinist Show Trials and STASI raids on opposition candidates.

Trump engages in hyperbole - you Communists actually engage in abuse of our laws - Jack Smith ring a bell? That corrupt pile of shit Merrick Garland ring a bell?
Funny, joking about such egregious behavior for a candidate is dangerous
She was part of the cabal that presided over a sham congressional trial to convict Trump and supporters of Trump. She and her co-conspirators hid exculpatory evidence and then destroyed documents of the phony proceeding so that no critical assessment could be made of the kangaroo debauchery. Yes, she and her cohorts are treasonous vermin and need to be held accountable.
Even if your delusional rants were true a military tribunal would violate the Constitution and be illegal
Even if your delusional rants were true a military tribunal would violate the Constitution and be illegal
Dunno..............we of course have the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. act that blatantly violates our constitution and was supposed to be temporary.
You can tell OP is actually afraid by how he talked "around" the problem rather than just...


That's now what happened! He isn't afraid! (see the shock on my face? me neither).

My guess is because he knows that it isn't really going to happen and that "retruthing" something doesn't make it something that you said. (How many people does that site reach anyway? Like 15? Well we know Jarod likes the site at least.)
He has to have something to do in the quiet times answering the phones.
A person can overdose on fentanyl when they take too much of the drug. On average, fentanyl is considered to be lethal when someone takes 2 mg (milligrams), according to information published in a report released by the United States Sentencing Commission.
“However, it is possible for someone to overdose on less of this drug. This is especially true when fentanyl is mixed with other drugs, especially other opioids. The risk of overdose increases when the drug is mixed with other respiratory depressants since the lungs will essentially be affected by all drugs a person is taking. This can increase the risk of death, according to the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.”

Producing illicit fentanyl is not an exact science. Two milligrams of fentanyl can be lethal depending on a person’s body size, tolerance and past usage. DEA analysis has found counterfeit pills ranging from .02 to 5.1 milligrams (more than twice the lethal dose) of fentanyl per tablet.
  • 42% of pills tested for fentanyl contained at least 2 mg of fentanyl, considered a potentially lethal dose.
  • Drug trafficking organizations typically distribute fentanyl by the kilogram. One kilogram of fentanyl has the potential to kill 500,000 people.

According to Fox News, fentanyl can be easily found on sidewalks and streets near schools, malls, etc. As the links point out, 42% of illicit fentanyl pills contain 2mg, a potentially lethal dose, but could contain much more. Two pills seems to be certainly fatal.

Funny, joking about such egregious behavior for a candidate is dangerous

Yet you have no problem with a sitting president using the AG and DOJ to imprison his political opponents. Trump didn't arrest his political opposition - Biden did.

Trump didn't turn America into a police state. Biden did.

Trump didn't throw a thousand political prisoners in the gulag for protesting against him. Biden did.

Trump didn't conspire with city attorneys to prosecute his political rival. Biden did.

Trump didn't send the #3 man from his DOJ to preside over a lynching of his rival. Biden did.

Jokes are not behavior - what the Biden Junta has done is on the level of Pol Pot and Idi Amin, and you fully support it.