Trump sat down for over one hour.

It'll be a race between Alzheimer's and cardiac arrest, but I'm still guessing a life of no exercise and fatty foods will mean he croaks of a heart attack.

If it happens in the middle of a "Lips" Loomer BJ, all the better since she'd delay calling for help in order to get dressed and fix her lipstick.
that or a major stroke , He has been under a lot of stress and he knows if he doesn't win he is going to jail. or will be under House arrest and will be the first President to do so.
Yes it sure could be a stroke you can see the stress on his face and it doesn't look like it is easing up.
Have a nice day
that or a major stroke , He has been under a lot of stress and he knows if he doesn't win he is going to jail. or will be under House arrest and will be the first President to do so.
Yes it sure could be a stroke you can see the stress on his face and it doesn't look like it is easing up.
Have a nice day
A stroke is likely possibility too. I hope it's caught live on television. :)
I'm saying that the odds are at least 100 to 1 that your are lying and he didn't.....because in the last year he has shown 100 times more integrity than you have.......
So what you are REALLY saying is YOU can't answer a simple question.
Do you know for SURE he didn't sell or give the Russians any secrets?
It is that simple YES or NO?
And again the CIA, FBI and NSA said it is awfully suspicious that there was an unexplained increase in our deep cover agents being uncovered and some even being killed NOT too long after Trump had these meetings.
I suppose YOU think it JUST happens to be coincidence.
I am NOT as stupid as you I question things like this.
I guess it is because when I was in the service everything we did was at a MIN. Secret most of it Top secret and Top secret crypto some of it was even " EYES ONLY " that was when I and 7 other people had to handle Kissinger's and Haig's communications with Washington. ( I understand they have changed the name of this category EYES ONLY since I got out )
And believe me if any of us handled ANY of our info the way Trump has in the past we MIGHT be getting out of jail about now.
So having done that Trump being in meetings with Russians WITHOUT another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American looks very fishy.
Have a nice day you gullible POS.
was it also a coincidence that deep cover agents lost their cover right after Hunter Biden deposited a huuuuge check?...

I am NOT as stupid as you I question things like this.
lol, are WAY more stupid than I're more stupid than Jarot and nearly as stupid as evince.......
simple question: is Thunderfart a worthless dick........Yes
And we all see you can't answer a simple question . Is it too complicated for you?
Way too far over your head. It was only a SIMPLE Yes or No. how hard it that?
Trump lies and you are so stupid you believe him. Trump may be one of the biggest Traitors this country has seen in years , He may have sold or given the Russians some of our top secrets and you don't give a shit, sure looks like you are VERY Anti-American, and hate this country.
Congress should have looked into this a long time ago.
I wonder if Treason , giving or selling some secrets to the Russians comes under doing the duty of the President and because the SCOTUS says he can't be charged with anything that comes under doing the duty of the President he can't be charged?
Yep I guess the President is excused of committing Treason.
Have a nice day
was it also a coincidence that deep cover agents lost their cover right after Hunter Biden deposited a huuuuge check?...

lol, are WAY more stupid than I're more stupid than Jarot and nearly as stupid as evince.......
Well at least I can answer a SIMPLE YES OR NO Question it looks like you are too stupid to.
Have a nice day you fucking moron
I don't understand why you waste your time sitting here posting obvious lies.....
What lie??
And second did or did not Trump have those meetings with those Russians in the W H WITHOUT another American in the room and a meeting with Putin with NO other American in the room.
Could he have given them some of our secrets?
All I asked you is could he have given them some secrets or not ? it is a SIMPLE YES or NO question and YOU won't answer it.
And IF you answered it HONESTLY you would have to say NO there is NO way for SURE to say he did or didn't.
The ONLY way we will ever know is if one of the Russians that were in the W H with him comes forward and tells us if he did or didn't.
So stop all your BS and skating around my question and answer it.
OR are you too afraid to give a truthful answer for once in your life.
Again all I am trying to do is get you moronic MAGA fools to realize that there IS a REAL chance he could have given them some of our secrets and you seem to be TOO STUPID to see that he could have.
Have a nice day you lying worm
"Nothing reasonable about licensing and registration. "
So lets just let morons like you have pistols and military style guns so they can go out and shoot up schools and other places people gather.

Wait - didn't you lie that you support the 2nd?

Looks like you and your filthy party are trying to destroy it.

It is NOT unreasonable to register guns like this and license people to have concealed carry permits.

Fuck you.

I don't and won't back a scumbag that wants to take Americans Second amendment rights away when there are simple regulations that can be put in place to help control these types of guns like you do.

You don't talk to yourself, scumbag?

This only shows us YOU don't give a shit about the lives of American children or any body else.

You vermin are attacking all civil rights. You don't just attack the 2nd - but have assaulted the 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th.

Those like you are too stupid to hide the reality that your party seeks to enslave the American people under a totalitarian regime.

As said earlier - fuck you.
Unlikely, Sybil. He's being given more security protection than any other candidate in history.

Note that the Republicans refuse to increase the Secret Service budget. They are only moving assets around thus reducing security in other areas.

If Trump loses and is sentenced to house arrest, the security will be easier.
He isn't you, Sybil.
I suppose you are unaware of the Secret Service agent that shot himself while holstering his gun?
that or a major stroke , He has been under a lot of stress and he knows if he doesn't win he is going to jail. or will be under House arrest and will be the first President to do so.
Yes it sure could be a stroke you can see the stress on his face and it doesn't look like it is easing up.
Have a nice day
You are hallucinating, Tball.
So what you are REALLY saying is YOU can't answer a simple question.
You aren't asking a question, Tball.
Do you know for SURE he didn't sell or give the Russians any secrets?
You are describing Biden, Tball.
It is that simple YES or NO?
Not a question, Tball.
And again the CIA, FBI and NSA said it is awfully suspicious that there was an unexplained increase in our deep cover agents being uncovered and some even being killed NOT too long after Trump had these meetings.
You are hallucinating again, Tball.
I suppose YOU think it JUST happens to be coincidence.
I am NOT as stupid as you I question things like this.
You aren't asking a question, Tball.
I guess it is because when I was in the service
You were never served. It's obvious.
everything we did was at a MIN. Secret most of it Top secret and Top secret crypto some of it was even " EYES ONLY " that was when I and 7 other people had to handle Kissinger's and Haig's communications with Washington. ( I understand they have changed the name of this category EYES ONLY since I got out )
Stop pretending, Tball.
And believe me if any of us handled ANY of our info the way Trump has in the past we MIGHT be getting out of jail about now.
You are not and were not President, Tball.
So having done that Trump being in meetings with Russians WITHOUT another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American looks very fishy.
You are describing Biden again, Tball.
Have a nice day you gullible POS.
Inversion fallacy.