Trump sat down for over one hour.

LOL. Down south, it might be illegal to teach about trump too in the near future.
Well, teach anything negative. LOL

Pictures of the Orange Jesus might be required in all classrooms if they want federal funding.

Trump is rather petty that way. Look at him or his fans for examples.
Well, teach anything negative. LOL

Pictures of the Orange Jesus might be required in all classrooms if they want federal funding.

Trump is rather petty that way. Look at him or his fans for examples.
Whereas I don't buy it, the claim is that uneducated black males 'remember' getting their covid checks from trump because he held up their release so his huge signature could appear on them. As such, he's their guy.
Whereas I don't buy it, the claim is that uneducated black males 'remember' getting their covid checks from trump because he held up their release so his huge signature could appear on them. As such, he's their guy.
Trump says a lot of shit. A lot of them contradictory depending upon which way the wind is blowing.

Trump's habit of buying African-American leaders is now blowing up in his face.

I truly believe in our nation and the will of We, the People. Scumbags like Trump and his MAGAts do not.
Trump says a lot of shit. A lot of them contradictory depending upon which way the wind is blowing.

Trump's habit of buying African-American leaders is now blowing up in his face.

I truly believe in our nation and the will of We, the People. Scumbags like Trump and his MAGAts do not.
MAGA run elections in swing states are prepared to steal this election by refusing to certify results. That puts it in the hands of the House.

They learned exactly how to do it after '20
MAGA run elections in swing states are prepared to steal this election by refusing to certify results. That puts it in the hands of the House.

They learned exactly how to do it after '20
Yes, they are. A major problem is that millions of MAGAts agree with the idea.

Will Americans resist the persecution of minorities and an "America First" white supremacist government?

Note the 50 year cycle.
This just came out. Extremely damning, even though the nation seems to have forgotten the lengths trump went to in order to steal the '20 election. Funny how they change after being thrown under the bus. I'm still not sure how Rudy the Drunk walked on this one, but he's been rightfully screwed anyway.

As I have asked these MAGA / right wingers on here just how do they know for SURE that Trump didn't give / sell the Russians he had in the W H or Putin any of our military / intelligent agencies SECRET Info.?
His meetings with them didn't have another American in the room, NOT even one Russian speaking American , so how do we know he didn't ?
And as of yet NOT ONE of them can tell me they know for SURE he didn't.
And as I said isn't it just coincidental that an unusual number of our deep cover intel agents started being found and killed not too long after Trump had his meeting with those 12 Russians and Putin?
Trump may have given the Russians a LOT of our Military / Intel SECRETS and the MAGA don't care , they just love their orange Traitor in chief.
Congress needs to investigate this and IF he did give them ANY of our secrets put up on charges of Treason.
I know there is NO way of knowing for SURE unless one or more of those 12 Russians comes forward on tells us he did , but it still should be brought to the public's attention and investigated by Congress.
And done BEFORE the election so people know if they are voting for a Traitor.
If Congress / the House has the time and money to investigate just about every DEM in congress they should have the time and money to look into this.
Have a nice day
Maybe. Most severely mentally ill people won't admit they are mentally ill.

IMO, he's deathly afraid of being seen as a loser when he's convicted of many of his crimes. He'll never be in prison, but home arrest with no access to social media or the Internet would be death for his ego.

He would probably die of "natural causes" shortly after such an eventuality.
I agree. He'll never go to prison. It's a shame because he's no better than a mobster.
As I have asked these MAGA / right wingers on here just how do they know for SURE that Trump didn't give / sell the Russians he had in the W H or Putin any of our military / intelligent agencies SECRET Info.?
His meetings with them didn't have another American in the room, NOT even one Russian speaking American , so how do we know he didn't ?
And as of yet NOT ONE of them can tell me they know for SURE he didn't.
And as I said isn't it just coincidental that an unusual number of our deep cover intel agents started being found and killed not too long after Trump had his meeting with those 12 Russians and Putin?
Trump may have given the Russians a LOT of our Military / Intel SECRETS and the MAGA don't care , they just love their orange Traitor in chief.
Congress needs to investigate this and IF he did give them ANY of our secrets put up on charges of Treason.
I know there is NO way of knowing for SURE unless one or more of those 12 Russians comes forward on tells us he did , but it still should be brought to the public's attention and investigated by Congress.
And done BEFORE the election so people know if they are voting for a Traitor.
If Congress / the House has the time and money to investigate just about every DEM in congress they should have the time and money to look into this.
Have a nice day
And what about his secret meeting with Putin in Helsinki? He demanded that there be no transcripts and he threatened the translator if she spoke out.
And what about his secret meeting with Putin in Helsinki? He demanded that there be no transcripts and he threatened the translator if she spoke out.
and as I said there is no way of telling for SURE if he gave them any secrets or not unless one of the Russians comes forward and tells us.
And the MAGA and right wingers actually TRUST this guy.
IMO there should have been a Congressional investigation .
and seeing there was an unusual increase in our deep cover agents being found and some killed says there is something fishy.
I wouldn't trust that ASSHOLE with the combination to the rest room.
Have a nice day
She nor Biden has ever had 12 Russians in the W H or a meeting with Putin WITHOUT another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
Who knows what secrets he may have given them,
certainly stupid people like you know nothing of the thrive on lies......just another Jarod or evince......
certainly stupid people like you know nothing of the thrive on lies......just another Jarod or evince......
So you are saying that you know for SURE he didn't give or sell them any of our secrets?
Stupid people like you think it couldn't have happened.
Well as the NSA, CIA, FBI came out and said it is suspicious that not too long after Trump had these secret meetings that an increase in our deep cover agents started going missing and some even found dead.
And that has caused it to be hard for us to get anybody to go deep cover and work for us.
Again you are saying this couldn't have happened?
How are YOU so sure it didn't or couldn't have.
Just think about it , Trump had his secret meetings and then all of a sudden our people started going missing.
And we all know just how much Trump loves our intelligence agencies, He said he would take Putin's word over theirs, that shows us how stupid he is.
Heck he was soooooo stupid he actually believed that the Taliban would make sure all of our troops got out of Afghanistan SAFE.
People we had been fighting and killing for 20 years were going to make sure ALL our troops got out safe.
Trump is a moronic ASSHOLE and possible Traitor.
Have a nice day
No "could be", is as Trump's actions prior to and on 1/6 proved.
IMO Congress should have looked into these SECRET meetings YEARS ago and didn't.
They are being complacent in their duties and should be call on it.
There is NO way of knowing for sure that Trump didn't give or sell the Russians some of our Military and intel secrets.
The ONLY way we are ever going to know for SURE is if one or more of those Russians come forward and tells us everything that happened in those secret meetings.
As I said Trump could be one of Americas biggest Traitors.
And a LOT of MAGAS and right wingers can't see it.
Have a nice day
Got it in his mid eighties, but yeah there's good old hope. The ridiculousness of some of his tweets, like his new one on the "unhappiness of American women" that he pledges to fix, could be a sign.
It'll be a race between Alzheimer's and cardiac arrest, but I'm still guessing a life of no exercise and fatty foods will mean he croaks of a heart attack.

If it happens in the middle of a "Lips" Loomer BJ, all the better since she'd delay calling for help in order to get dressed and fix her lipstick.
IMO Congress should have looked into these SECRET meetings YEARS ago and didn't.
They are being complacent in their duties and should be call on it.
There is NO way of knowing for sure that Trump didn't give or sell the Russians some of our Military and intel secrets.
The ONLY way we are ever going to know for SURE is if one or more of those Russians come forward and tells us everything that happened in those secret meetings.
As I said Trump could be one of Americas biggest Traitors.
And a LOT of MAGAS and right wingers can't see it.
Have a nice day
The MAGAts in Congress stonewalled investigating 1/6. I doubt they'll ever support proving Trump is a traitor who gave nuclear secrets to Putin.
