Trump sat down for over one hour. you'll be saying HarmUs is fit to be president........
A LOT MORE then that Traitor Trump is.
She nor Biden has ever had 12 Russians in the W H or a meeting with Putin WITHOUT another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
Who knows what secrets he may have given them, do you know for SURE he didn't give them any?
and I guess YOU think it was just a coincidence that not long after these meetings a larger then normal number of our deep cover agents were found and some killed handicapping our intel agencies.
And we all know what he thinks about our intel agencies, He is so stupid he takes Putin's word over our own intel agencies.
You should be asking yourself just who was this ASSHOLE working for US or the Russians.
YEP YOU are just that stupid to think he is better then a non TRAITOR.
Have a nice day
Jackson like Bornstein signed what Trump handed him. Trump wrote his physicals. Is there anyone who thinks 2 doctors wrote similar crazy statements about Trump's health? They would be laughed out of medical circles. Bornstein got cheap office rent. Jackson got a House seat.
Trump believes the maxim that an honest politician is one who stays bought. He bought Bornstein and Jackson. He thought he bought "the Jews" with Jerusalem.

Why MAGAts support corruption and attacks on the Constitution is a mystery to me, but it clearly makes them domestic enemies of the Constitution.
Trump believes the maxim that an honest politician is one who stays bought. He bought Bornstein and Jackson. He thought he bought "the Jews" with Jerusalem.

Why MAGAts support corruption and attacks on the Constitution is a mystery to me, but it clearly makes them domestic enemies of the Constitution.
MAGAS use to keep saying they were behind the Constitution but then back a corrupt Traitor who wants to stomp on the Constitution and put himself in as a dictator.
they are a bunch of morons.
Have a nice day
MAGAS use to keep saying they were behind the Constitution but then back a corrupt Traitor who wants to stomp on the Constitution and put himself in as a dictator.
they are a bunch of morons.
Have a nice day
MAGAts don't support the Constitution. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution by supporting a man who intends to shred it.
MAGAts don't support the Constitution. They are domestic enemies of the Constitution by supporting a man who intends to shred it.
Shred it, stomp on it and install a DICTATOR who has said he wants to go on a revenge tour putting everybody he doesn't like in jail and then who knows even IF they will get due process of the law.
But then Trump is the one that will be making up new laws as we go on.
The USA will never be like we knew it .
And the MAGA are too stupid to see what is going on.
have a nice day
Dr. Ronny the "Candyman"??? Doctor Ronny "Johnson"? LOL

Anyone over 65 is too old to have his finger on the Big Red Button in the White House. Clearly Trump is losing his cognitive abilities as the link below exemplifies:

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday confused the name of his former White House physician just moments after he said President Joe Biden should take a cognitive test.

The mix-up happened as Trump bragged that he had "aced" a cognitive test. Trump also criticized Biden, saying, "I think he should take a cognitive test like I did."

"I took a cognitive test, and I aced it. Doc Ronny — Doc Ronny Johnson," Trump said, confusing the name of his White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, now a member of the House. "Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor.”

Trump continued, bragging about having gotten "every question right" on the cognitive test Jackson administered, apparently unaware that he had fumbled his name.

Jackson administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to Trump in 2018.
I remember that. trump is losing it. He knows it, too.
I remember that. trump is losing it. He knows it, too.
Maybe. Most severely mentally ill people won't admit they are mentally ill.

IMO, he's deathly afraid of being seen as a loser when he's convicted of many of his crimes. He'll never be in prison, but home arrest with no access to social media or the Internet would be death for his ego.

He would probably die of "natural causes" shortly after such an eventuality.
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A LOT MORE then that Traitor Trump is.
She nor Biden has ever had 12 Russians in the W H or a meeting with Putin WITHOUT another American in the room let alone a Russian speaking American.
Who knows what secrets he may have given them, do you know for SURE he didn't give them any?
and I guess YOU think it was just a coincidence that not long after these meetings a larger then normal number of our deep cover agents were found and some killed handicapping our intel agencies.
And we all know what he thinks about our intel agencies, He is so stupid he takes Putin's word over our own intel agencies.
You should be asking yourself just who was this ASSHOLE working for US or the Russians.
YEP YOU are just that stupid to think he is better then a non TRAITOR.
Have a nice day
This just came out. Extremely damning, even though the nation seems to have forgotten the lengths trump went to in order to steal the '20 election. Funny how they change after being thrown under the bus. I'm still not sure how Rudy the Drunk walked on this one, but he's been rightfully screwed anyway.
