Trump sat down for over one hour.

And I do NOT want a want to be Dictator taking away Americans Constitutional rights away either.
What one would be worse?
A " Phony word salad person or a dictator taking away Americans Constitutional rights?
As it has been pointed out on here many of times Trump has already said he wants to take some Americans guns away stomping on peoples Second Amendment rights and he wants to shut down all MSM that said things against him, MSM out lets that have talk shows and call in shows taking peoples First Amendment rights away.
Is the Constitution just for Trump and his MAGA followers?
Have a nice day
There wouldn't be a dictator taking away constitutional rights... There... now that's it's an easy choice...
When I say it's a blessing not to be them it's really truly a blessing not to be them...
There wouldn't be a dictator taking away constitutional rights... There... now that's it's an easy choice...
NO it is NOT settled.
YOUR boy Trump has already said he will be taking peoples Constitutional rights away and wants to be a dictator.
And again it is an EASY choice A want to be dictator or a " Phony word salad person" .
I will take the " Phony word salad person " over a dictator any day of the week.
Why can't you understand what Trump has already said he wants to do?
It is all out there for you to read, why don't you do it?
Maybe you can get a fourth grader to read it to you and explain it to you in very simple words.
Have a nice day
NO it is NOT settled.
YOUR boy Trump has already said he will be taking peoples Constitutional rights away and wants to be a dictator.
And again it is an EASY choice A want to be dictator or a " Phony word salad person" .
I will take the " Phony word salad person " over a dictator any day of the week.
Why can't you understand what Trump has already said he wants to do?
It is all out there for you to read, why don't you do it?
Maybe you can get a fourth grader to read it to you and explain it to you in very simple words.
Have a nice day
It is settled... He's not claiming to do anything you're speaking of... And she's not claiming to do anything... At Is easy choice
There wouldn't be a dictator taking away constitutional rights... There... now that's it's an easy choice...
And another thing just how do you know this for SURE?
Trump has already said he wants to be a dictator and if he is elected and starts taking Americans Constitutional rights away it will be too late to go back
Have a nice day
Pmp, like many JPP MAGAts fit a specific demographic and behavioral profile: elderly Euro-American males who feel life has cheated them and know they are dying. They are determined to burn down everything around them like an angry child just like their Orange Jesus.

Adolf Hitler had ranted “Germans deserve to perish” and was a “broken man” just days before he took his own life in 1945.
OH so now left leaning people don't want gun control???

You Commie fucks want criminals armed - you just want to disarm the victims.

LOL it is the people like me that want reasonable GUN control and licensing and registration on hand guns and assault style guns it is YOU ASSHOLE right wingers that keep crying we want to take your guns away.

Nothing reasonable about licensing and registration.

Nothing reasonable about you commie fucks.

YOU are really FUCKED UP you don't know shit.
Have a nice night you FUCKING MORON

You are a very stupid person, incapable of discussing any issue.
You Commie fucks want criminals armed - you just want to disarm the victims.

Nothing reasonable about licensing and registration.

Nothing reasonable about you commie fucks.

You are a very stupid person, incapable of discussing any issue.
OH so NOW it is the left that wants to keep and back the Second Amendment and NOT you right wingers.
Nice to know.
YOU have to make up your mind do you stand for the Second Amendment or not?
It is YOU that is backing a person who HAS already come out and wants to take peoples guns away not people like me.
I don't care who these people are that Trump wants to take the guns away from they are STILL Americans and they have second Amendment rights.
Have a nice day you fucking moron.
You Commie fucks want criminals armed - you just want to disarm the victims.

Nothing reasonable about licensing and registration.

Nothing reasonable about you commie fucks.

You are a very stupid person, incapable of discussing any issue.
"Nothing reasonable about licensing and registration. "
So lets just let morons like you have pistols and military style guns so they can go out and shoot up schools and other places people gather.
It is NOT unreasonable to register guns like this and license people to have concealed carry permits.
I don't and won't back a scumbag that wants to take Americans Second amendment rights away when there are simple regulations that can be put in place to help control these types of guns like you do.
This only shows us YOU don't give a shit about the lives of American children or any body else.
Are you really that stupid that you CAN'T even read or listen to what Trump actually said?
It has been posted on this forum MANY of times , WAKE UP you moronic ASSHOLE
I can read and comprehend... Try
Going that extra step sometime.. It makes a difference...
I can read and comprehend... Try
Going that extra step sometime.. It makes a difference...
Then I will ask YOU AGAIN did or did not Trump say take their guns away?
And did or didn't he say he would get every agency in the US government he could to go after left leaning MSM outlets and shut them down?
And seeing those MSM outlets have talk shows and shows you can call into and express your option wouldn't that be taking peoples First Amendment rights away?
Trump did and YOU know it you are just too stupid to see it or admit it.