Trump sat down for over one hour.

Are you BIG MAD Damsel?

I know, you're shameful and treasonous party is losing...

Sorry, you'll have to endure the Constitution for another 4 years.
Are you a Christian, Sybil, or just a psycho?

If he walked? Trump cheats like hell. However, he plays so often, that he should have pretty good control over where the ball goes. He has an odd putting stroke, but he seems to hit the ball close to where he wants it to go.
Pedo Don doesn't walk and he looks winded just driving the golf cart.

This is from two years ago....back when he could still take Adderall.

YES I do, do you ever listen to what your orange GOD says?
And I am just repeating what he says so morons like you might finally get it threw your thick skulls but that isn't working because YOU don't have the intelligence to understand shit.
Have a nice day you fucking moron
I listen to what Trump says.....its how I know you are lying out of your ass.......
So that makes it alright with you that he wants to take peoples guns away without due process.
Again do I have to remind you doing that is stomping on peoples Second Amendment rights.
Have a nice day
I always suspected you cunts had no desire to keep guns away from bad only want good people disarmed so they can be your victims......
That is a short ugly swat at the ball. But playing as often as he does, he hits it the same almost every time. He makes solid contact.
A billionaire should be able to afford the best golf lessons. :)

The fact he's a notorious cheater says everything anyone needs to know about Donald J. Trump.
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I always suspected you cunts had no desire to keep guns away from bad only want good people disarmed so they can be your victims......
OH so now left leaning people don't want gun control???
LOL it is the people like me that want reasonable GUN control and licensing and registration on hand guns and assault style guns it is YOU ASSHOLE right wingers that keep crying we want to take your guns away.
YOU are really FUCKED UP you don't know shit.
Have a nice night you FUCKING MORON
read haven' don't.......all you want to do is lie......
DID or DIDN'T Trump say he wanted to take guns away from people, I don't give a FUCK how you try to classify them , he SAID take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later.
For your info even those people HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
Pedo Don doesn't walk and he looks winded just driving the golf cart.

This is from two years ago....back when he could still take Adderall.

as you can see POSTASSHOLE doesn't mind OTHER peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights being taken away I want to see how much he yells and cry's when his are taken away by Trump and the 2025 project.
Have a nice day
as you can see POSTASSHOLE doesn't mind OTHER peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights being taken away I want to see how much he yells and cry's when his are taken away by Trump and the 2025 project.
Have a nice day
Pmp claims to be both a Christian and a lawyer, but either he did some time, has some brain damage or otherwise became severely damaged along the road of life because I'm not seeing much going on in his head except calling people "demmycunts".

It wouldn't surprise me if his caretakers slipped some fentanyl into his oatmeal.
don't pretend you aren't voting demmycunt.....
that would be the Demmycunt I am referring to.......
silly demmycunt......I'm showing YOURS.......