Trump sat down for over one hour.

and FUCK FACE it is YOUR orange GOD who is the enemy of our great nation .
YOU are so stupid you don't even listen to what that asshole has been saying for some time now.
You don't even realize Trump IS the ONE that wants to take peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights away, he has already said take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later. stomping on peoples Second Amendment rights.
who decides when later is? Trump?
does later ever come?
isn't later like tomorrow? it never comes.
and your fat fuck faced POS wants to to shut down the left leaning media, shutting down talk shows and call in shows taking peoples First Amendment rights away.
YOUR fat fuck orange GOD wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights and you don't give a shit.
YOU are so stupid fuck face that you don't even realize Trump that fat POS has already said he wants to be dictator of the USA.
Well like I have asked the ASSHOLES on the right after Trump is done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and turns and comes after YOURS what are you going to do then?
as I said fuck face watch out what you wish for because once you get it ASSHOLE and it turns and bites YOU in the ASS it is too late to go back.
And Trump is and always will be nothing but a lying FAT POS.
Uncensored is probably Sybil. He's a psychotic sock. Something to be toyed with, not frustrated over.

Is he too weak to stand? He should have stood while on Gutfield. He can't do a Major Rally in New York then go to the Pubkey bar then do a late night comedy show without sitting anymore. I though I would post this crazy thread before Jarod does.
Wait a minute here. Doesn't everyone on Gutfeld sit around in a semi-circle? WTF are you all talking about? If he stood he'd look like a fool.
This is a strange thread. Just saying.
Wait a minute here. Doesn't everyone on Gutfeld sit around in a semi-circle? WTF are you all talking about? If he stood he'd look like a fool.
This is a strange thread. Just saying.
Trump didn't stand. He goes a little nutso after 10-15 minutes if he stands too long. I'm guessing something about blood pressure.

Correct about half circle.

ASSHOLE Trump said IF he gets back in HE will be taking peoples guns away and taking away peoples first Amendment rights by shutting down left leaning MSM outlets.
WAKE UP before he turns and starts coming after YOUR Constitutional rights ASSHOLE

" "I like taking guns away early," Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Nope - that had to due with identified mass shooters.

You're just a shameless liar - as all Communists are.
Do you think you can beat him at golf?
No. Why would I want to? The only golf I play is Putt-putt and, if drunk enough, trying to hit the little cart on a driving range.

I've only played one round of golf my entire life and, in that one, I killed a morning dove by unintentionally taking it's head off with a drive. My fellow players were impressed by the little cloud of feathers the shot made.
No. Why would I want to? The only golf I play is Putt-putt and, if drunk enough, trying to hit the little cart on a driving range.

I've only played one round of golf my entire life and, in that one, I killed a morning dove by unintentionally taking it's head off with a drive. My fellow players were impressed by the little cloud of feathers the shot made.
Golf requires a lot of patience.
Why are you so worried about Trump's health?
JD Vance will carry forward the Make America Great Again agenda if anything happens to Trump.
I'm not worried. I'm taking bets. He and Biden are both too old to be President and I doubt either of them will be functional by Election 2028.

Why are you bothered by this?

Your support for Team Trump is noted. I'm now a Libertarian after voting Republican for 38 years. My last Republican vote was for Romney.
I'm not worried. I'm taking bets. He and Biden are both too old to be President and I doubt either of them will be functional by Election 2028.

Why are you bothered by this?

Your support for Team Trump is noted. I'm now a Libertarian after voting Republican for 38 years. My last Republican vote was for Romney.
I'm registered NPA (no party affiliation}. As far as I can tell MAGA is more like the Tea Party than Establishment Republicans. Romney is an Establishment Republican at best. Many think he is a straight up RINO.
I'm registered NPA (no party affiliation}. As far as I can tell MAGA is more like the Tea Party than Establishment Republicans. Romney is an Establishment Republican at best. Many think he is a straight up RINO.
Thanks for the personal insight.
Wait a minute here. Doesn't everyone on Gutfeld sit around in a semi-circle? WTF are you all talking about? If he stood he'd look like a fool.
This is a strange thread. Just saying.
It is a sarcastic thread. Jarod is constantly posting stupid troll threads so this thread is mocking him. Welcome to JPP stick around awhile and you will understand.