Trump says Jewish voters would be to blame if he loses

You are dumb enough to believe a count by people who aren't there.
You still haven't told me how many of those 42k killed were Hamas fighters or collaborators. Even the Hamas health reporting agency themselves say they do not make a distinction between fighters, collaborators, and innocent civilians. It starts to look less like a "genocide" when you look at the facts like that.
Fuck Jews
"Fuck" is a very useful expletive, but at the same time, a terrible verb for coitus.

It sounds like something you're doing to somebody rather than with somebody.

That said, I for a while, had a Jewish girlfriend in college, back in the 1960s.
Sweet young lady, and an affectionate love maker.
I hope she's had a wonderful life.

That said, Joe is a fucking idiot.
Just my typically lengthy way of saying it.
Different tack from the one he used in 2020. Then he said early as mid-August the "only way" he could lose would be by fraud. The fact that he was behind in the polls, had been behind for months beyond the margins of error, didn't seem to be a factor for him.
You still haven't told me how many of those 42k killed were Hamas fighters or collaborators. Even the Hamas health reporting agency themselves say they do not make a distinction between fighters, collaborators, and innocent civilians. It starts to look less like a "genocide" when you look at the facts like that.
No, it doesn't. You are a genocidal degenerate.
Former president Donald Trump said Sept. 19 that if he doesn’t win this election, then “the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.”
trump is not just antisemitic, he is almost completely wrong. he is already losing New York and New Jersey, which is 7% and 6% Jewish. If he does come close to winning either state, he will win so many other states he will not care. Any state that can even vaguely be called a battleground state has 1% or less Jews, except Florida with 3% Jews. If trump loses Florida, he has lost so much more that it really does not matter.

There is no way to make Jews the tipping point for trump.
Yes, Trump believes that Jewish voters form an influential bloc that could even determine the outcome of the election.

If he loses will they go on his enemies list along with Mexicans, Haitians, anyone with brown skin, anyone with even moderate foreign (*non-German, obviously) heritage and people who find crime to be disqualifying for the office of POTUS?
Trump will give the genocidal Jews what they want- as he did last time. They will work to have him elected- as they did last time- using the power of the US media which they control- as they did last time.
Dumbass Democrats will still ' love Israel' and mindlessly follow the planted red-herring of RUSSIAN interference as the cause of their undoing.
As do women voters regardless of faith. They, not Jewish voters, will be the reason he loses. So what possible reason is there, I wonder, to put the onus on Jews.
You're a moron. You are logically inept. There is no "onus". Trump recognized the influence of Jewish voting bloc. That doesn't assert that nobody else has any influence or could also cause him to lose.

How much schooling did you shirk such that you need to be taught this now?
You're a moron. You are logically inept. There is no "onus". Trump recognized the influence of Jewish voting bloc. That doesn't assert that nobody else has any influence or could also cause him to lose.

How much schooling did you shirk such that you need to be taught this now?
Yes! Marty is among the dumbest of the dumb around here.
"Fuck" is a very useful expletive, but at the same time, a terrible verb for coitus.

It sounds like something you're doing to somebody rather than with somebody.

That said, I for a while, had a Jewish girlfriend in college, back in the 1960s.
Sweet young lady, and an affectionate love maker.
I hope she's had a wonderful life.

That said, Joe is a fucking idiot.
Just my typically lengthy way of saying it.
You really shouldn't have bothered.
"Fuck" is a very useful expletive, but at the same time, a terrible verb for coitus.

It sounds like something you're doing to somebody rather than with somebody.

That said, I for a while, had a Jewish girlfriend in college, back in the 1960s.
Sweet young lady, and an affectionate love maker.
I hope she's had a wonderful life.

That said, Joe is a fucking idiot.
Just my typically lengthy way of saying it.
Fuck you dip shit
Racist are the most hated people on the planet

And the idiots choose to be the most hated people on the planet

That is some SPECIAL level of stupid

That shows they are also the stupidest people on the planet too