Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Again you demonstrate your ignorance, and desperation. I don't believe that religion should be the basis of laws. I do believe religion is the basis for morality (something you know little of). But then too, you have said nothing that speaks to "religion", or any moral issue much less the "reality of existence". Since you think of yourself as being "intelligent" I would suggest you post something related to the "reality of existence". Or are you going to rely on sheer stupidity.
religion is morality?
justifying moral views because a god says so is inherently flawed.
Morality exists outside of religion. As a matter of fact, religion does nothing short but create a complete relativistic conundrum as to how to lead a moral life. Most individuals are endowed with the capacity to be moral (psychopaths are void of some important moral sentiments) without the requisite belief in an invisible deity.
The following is a good piece on rationality and morality
This is an all-important lesson that humanity must learn: Religion is hazardous to your health.
Unfortunately, conventional views of religion hold just the opposite. Many people believe that religion is the necessary basis of morality—that without belief in God, there can be no ethics, no right or wrong. A character in Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov famously expressed this view: “In a world without God, all things become permissible.” In the 21st century, many people still believe this.
But the converse is true. A rational, fact-based, life-promoting morality is impossible on religious premises. Indeed, religion clashes with every rational principle and factual requirement of a proper, life-advancing ethics. A proper ethics, one capable of promoting flourishing human life on earth, requires the utter repudiation of religion—of all of its premises, tenets, implications, and consequences.