Trump targets Social Security again.

Nobody is against helping those who truly need help, the problem is fraud. Why do you think conservatives give far more to charity than libs? Why do libs always have to be so dishonest?

Yes they are. can you understand the posts by the Trumpies saying that? Claiming all are capable of part-time jobs is saying SS should not be there. Work until you die. Do rightys have grandparents or parents? Do they not see what frailties old age provides? America has no respect for the old people. I suppose Soylent Green is in our future.
I said when his DAD DIED. Take your time reading slow down and take off the Trump red color glasses.. Don't call me names. It makes you sound even stupider in your lame posts.
Of course, the Paul family money was made by building government roads. The Pauls took and took, they said i got mine, pull the plug.

You are doubling down on your stupidity you dumb cocksucker

Rand Paul’s dad is still alive