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A honest Nazi!
No, actually you're a DISHONEST Nazi.
A honest Nazi!
Conservatives give for tax breaks
Do you think you deserve some of what I worked for?
You are doubling down on your stupidity you dumb cocksucker
Rand Paul’s dad is still alive
"I"," I", "I"," me".
Speaks volumes
I apologize. I meant paul Ryan. It was he who fought SS while profiting off of it.
You ignorant cocksucking special education escaping dipshit dumb fuck,. See how much better my post was with the insults?
Idiot. Paul got SS money after his father passed.You uninformed fuck. Ron Paul is still alive.
A dumb cocksucker like you should be thankful God gave you the ability to breathe without thinking about it.
For the third year, tRump's budget contains proposed cuts to SSDI. These cuts would significantly affect the 8 million plus folks with disabilities who participate in this program. This from a politician who repeatedly says that he WILL NOT touch Social Security.
Fortunately, a president's proposed budget rarely resembles anything near what Congress approves, and nobody is cutting SSI in an election year. That said, tRump's open dishonesty towards SSI is troubling to say the least.
Idiot. Paul got SS money after his father passed.
You will be alright. Plenty of jobs in the Trump economy. Everyone is finding work. Even you can
Obviously, this topic is a bit too advanced for you. Regardless, tRump is lying and depending on the "brain dead" lap dog supporters not to notice.A reduction in the rate of increase is not a "cut". Why do libs always have to be so dishonest?
I did quite well under the Obama economy (which followed tRump into office), but unlike Trump cult worshippers like yourself, I tend to think about the less fortunate. Something a racist like yourself my actually benefit from.
Then use your money to help them yourself
If every caring leftist on here would take care of one unfortunate family, think about all the good you could do
Don’t covet others property
Obviously, this topic is a bit too advanced for you. Regardless, tRump is lying and depending on the "brain dead" lap dog supporters not to notice.
A reduction in the rate of increase is not a "cut". Why do libs always have to be so dishonest?
Have you always lived in such a cold hearted, one dimensional world? BTW, not all anti-trumpers are libs. Not by a long shot.......)
Shut up, considering you had a hand up from others. Sheesh.
A hand up? How so?
How not?
Do you think you deserve some of what I worked for?