Trump: the Arlington photo op disaster was a set up


Unsurprising the "teacher" didn't pick up on it. :rofl2:
She doesn't know a troll when she's upfront and close to one. :rolleyes:
Shut your stupid whore hole. I mean your own invasion. Every matriarchy in history was destroyed by an invasion. You need people like us or you end up as people like this

All that said, im a: pick the bear, get the bear; kind of guy.

Im sure you're postmenopausal by about 40 years but im sure you'll be fun for someone
As psychotic as Sybil.
Realist and you know im not racist. But could you be a bigger and more stereotypical pederast?
How would I know that, Lick? Are you saying you'd suck a black cock as willingly as a pink one? Thanks for the 12B attack, dumbass.
Any particular reason you deleted your attachment? Why would i do such a thing?
It had a typo and, by the time I caught it, I couldn't change it.

Here you go, son:
The JPP forum is free and fun, and I can navigate around all the nutjobs here no problem. The one thing I miss about DP is that violent or racist rhetoric was forbidden.
How can you tell who are the violent and/or racist fuckwits if they can't be themselves? I consider the Wild West nature of JPP to be a huuuuge benefit to the FBI and CIA (domestic and international law enforcement). :thup:

This is why all the MAGAt terrorists, wannabe terrorists and anti-American foreigners like @Lionfish, @SmarterthanYou and @Stone consider me a "snitch"; because I abide by my oath to the Constitution and, following the maxim of anti-terrorism, if I see something, I report it. It's up the agencies themselves to take action or not.

It's also why I'm on Truth Social. LOL

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How would I know that, Lich? Are you saying you'd suck a black cock as willingly as a pink one? Thanks for the 12B attack, dumbass

You don't remember my point: "race" is a british equivocation fallacy meant to turn family into competition to justify nepotism and slippery slope for aristocracy?

You're a lying faggot monkey or brain dead lying faggot monkey.

Not sure which.....


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Trump is a disgusting turd who never, ever should have been elected to the presidency. I think he will exit the American political scene right after the November election. I hope the Republican Party is able to heal itself quickly after they flush him. We need a strong second party to keep the other one in reasonable check.

TDS is a severe mental condition causing those afflicted with it to look stupid, erupt like morons and lie like sociopaths. . :palm: