Trump: the Arlington photo op disaster was a set up

Trump has low morals?
you are giving him a lot of credit, IMO Trump has NO MORALS.
have a nice day
You are right. #TRE45ON is totally amoral. Here's some proof.

The parents are speaking out, condemning Kam for her despicable comments on the tribute to their family members..
Someone who was the "last one in the room" when the decision was made that resulted in the deaths of those brave soldiers... Shame on Kam...shame on Joe...they have done nothing...they have never said their names or honored them...
The families are grateful to President Trump for being there...and I hope they continue to condemn Joe and Kam for their terrible decision, their lack of compassion...and their failed efforts to bash Trump...
(Joe has a campaign ad that includes that section of the cemetary, btw...)
As usual, no link, no evidence, no proof of this nonsensical, frantic meltdown rant you just found floating in your toilet. Go figure. :laugh:
They're just impotent old fucks who traded in fond memories of a long-ago sexual experience for wet dreams of murdering other Americans. Key word here is, of course, "impotent." BTW I reported Lichgold for a 12b. Depending on whether he's a previously-ban-hammered sock, we might not have him to kick around much longer. lol
My favorite phrase about people like @LichGold and @Knuckles Neanderthal is "They used to think they were important men but realize they are only impotent men". LOL

While both are angry, bitter, useless geezers, I believe Lick has some very serious mental issues. Knuckles is just an idiot.
No shit, TOP. Mostly MAGAts, amirite? How many have you reported? Only the ones you don't like or all of them? I'm genuinely curious.
You're on pretend ignore. And you're right. The "teacher" only scolds those she fears and hates. She puts thanks/thumbs-up emojis on the vulgar and/or threatening posts of those she wishes to schmooze. Death wishes, the c-word, and threats coming from RW posters -- including at least one former mod here -- are just fine.
No, they are not. Which explains their MAGATNess. lol
well as we all know when your MAGA Orange GOD comes right out and tells you he doesn't give a shit about you all he wants is your vote and your money and you still back him YOU CAN'T be too bright.
Then he has said Take their guns away we will deal with the due process thing later ,
well just who decides when later is?
does later ever come? isn't it like tomorrow it never comes .
and he wants to get the FBI and other government agencies to go in and find any little excuse to shut down left leaning MSM.
they can't see Trump wants to take away peoples Constitutional rights and when he is done taking left leaning peoples rights away from them he could turn around and start coming after theirs.
and as I have said before once you get what you think you want and it comes back and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
they had better wake up and fast.
once you lose your rights like Trump want to do to the left leaning American people it will be too late to go back.
as I have asked before what will they do when he starts coming after their Constitutional rights? cry?
Have a nice day
You're on pretend ignore. And you're right. The "teacher" only scolds those she fears and hates. She puts thanks/thumbs-up emojis on the vulgar and/or threatening posts of those she wishes to schmooze. Death wishes, the c-word, and threats coming from RW posters -- including at least one former mod here -- are just fine.
She's a MAGAt; standard dementia, anger, bitterness, blaming others for her failed life and never, ever taking responsibility for her actions. Sad.
@Damocles considers that free speech. A few members of JPP have threatened to murder me but they are clearly demented geezers who are more likely to murder their own families than anyone online.
Wait, threatening to shoot people is free speech?

Can Democrats do it to or just RWNJs?

Who is this @Damocles person? the owner of the site or?
@Damocles considers that free speech. A few members of JPP have threatened to murder me but they are clearly demented geezers who are more likely to murder their own families than anyone online.

It's really convenient when the demented nutjobs post their violent fantasies online; it helps me determine their level of happiness and rationality.

Obviously idiots like Lick and Neanderthal are bitter, angry old men waiting to die in some shithole room. Their only pleasure in life is attacking Americans and venting their bile. Sad. We really need assisted suicide in this country. Slipping these poor bastards some fentanyl will help ease their pain and suffering.
The JPP forum is free and fun, and I can navigate around all the nutjobs here no problem. The one thing I miss about DP is that violent or racist rhetoric was forbidden.
They're just impotent old fucks who traded in fond memories of a long-ago sexual experience for wet dreams of murdering other Americans. Key word here is, of course, "impotent." BTW I reported Lichgold for a 12b. Depending on whether he's a previously-ban-hammered sock, we might not have him to kick around much longer. lol
Owl forgets who she works for and what they do for fun.


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Which Americans will you target first? Women? Gays? Democrats? Anyone who doesn't wear the Trump armband on November 6th?

Any particular reason you deleted your attachment? Why would i do such a thing?


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Bah, we've heard that #we-wanna-kill-some-fellow-Americans blather about #TheSecondCivilWar now since #TRE45ON got his flabby orange ass handed to him in 2020 by the "senile" Joe Biden. The only ones with any interest in your impotent threats are the FBI. I helpfully hashtagged this response for them. You're welcome, Rambo. :laugh:
Shut your stupid whore hole. I mean your own invasion. Every matriarchy in history was destroyed by an invasion. You need people like us or you end up as people like this

All that said, im a: pick the bear, get the bear; kind of guy.

Im sure you're postmenopausal by about 40 years but im sure you'll be fun for someone


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