Into the Night
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Trump defense. 'If i cannot see them, due to incompetence, they do not exist'.
Trump-era Chinese spy balloons went undetected
Hallucination. Fake news.
Trump defense. 'If i cannot see them, due to incompetence, they do not exist'.
Trump-era Chinese spy balloons went undetected
Hallucination. Paranoia. Balloons have no engines.
Hallucination. Fake news.
You are very confused. There is nothing in the U. S. Constitution prohibiting the Election Commission from allowing drop boxes.
Off the top of my head, I do not know how the Chinese spy balloons changed course, but it is an important fact that they did change course to go over military installations. That is how we know they were not weather balloons.
A balloon does not need an engine to change course. Basically, you can steer a balloon with a sail. Ships were able to change course long before they had engines.
But some balloons do have engines. The Hindenburg had four engines.
Someone is hallucinating; that much is certain.
yes there is.......sorry to fuck up your argument so easily.....but then, if you make stupid arguments, it happens......
There certainly is. See Article II.
WRONG. The State of Wisconsin MUST conform to the Constitution of the United States as it applies to States as well. Among these are specified in Article II, which you are still ignoring.
What in the U. S. Constitution prohibits the state from allowing drop boxes?
State courts don't rule if state actions violate the U. S. Constitution. That is role of federal courts.
Some constitutional law would solve your confusion.
What in the U. S. Constitution prohibits the state from allowing drop boxes?
Nothing WI did violated the U. S. Constitution. The Election Commission acted without statutory authority.
It was unconstitutional.
WRONG. It comes from the State constitution. That constitution clearly states that only the state legislature has that power. The U.S. Constitution clearly states that only the legislature of a State can choose the electors for President.
If the WI court found the Election Commission acted unconstitutionally it would have ruled it was unconstitutional. However, it did not violate the WI constitution but acted without statutory authority. It never ruled anything was unconstitutional-read the decision.
Yes it did.
Conclusion by false equivalence. Hallucination. No one ever claimed that.
if you are unaware of this you shouldn't even be discussing the issue.....
Article I Legislative Branch
Section 4 Congress
Clause 1 Elections Clause
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.
not the fucking Elections Commission......
"statutory authority" means "passed by the legislature of the state of Wisconsin"........that is what the Elections Commission DID that violated the US are as dense as granite......
Courts do not have the authority to change or interpret the Constitution.
We do not know for sure the balloons were spy balloons, but if they were, then trump allowed spy balloons to fly over our military bases unmolested, and Biden shot the spy balloon down. If they were weather balloons, as China claims, then trump allowed spy balloons to fly over our military bases unmolested, and Biden shot a spy balloon down.
Now let's talk about the evidence. The balloons were bigger than any weather balloon, and changed courses to fly over military installations. I think that is evidence enough for Biden to shoot it down, and I question why trump did not even allow them to be investigated.
A half dozen of those fucking ballons went over us during your shitheads presidency and he did nothing.
Getting out of Afghanistan will be one of his greatest legacies. We were dumping billions there for nothing.
No sail. It wouldn't do anything anyway.
The balloons have no engines.
We do Know the balloon Biden allowed to spy on our military installations was a spy balloon.
Reacting to a report that Donald Trump was sharing highly sensitive government documents with visitors at his Bedminster resort, a former national security adviser to ex-vice president Mike Pence said she was very concerned but not overly surprised.
Olivia Troye pointed out that in her dealings with the former president who is now facing possible Espionage Act charges, he was very cavalier with sensitive information.
"I think Trump is seriously a very unstable and unfit leader," she said. "He was very trivial when it came to matters of national security, and he did not have the grasp to understand the gravity of certain situations; the strategic understanding of what it meant internationally and regionally when some of these decisions were being discussed, and potentially being made.
"I'll say this, my own direct boss, Pence's national security advisor, General [Keith] Kellogg, played a significant role at times when talking Trump out of things when it comes to Iran," she added. "So when this reporting surfaced, I just said to myself, you know, colleagues of mine and I have been talking to each other about this when this classified doc situation surfaced. We said, 'What do you think it is?' And this was actually one of our bets, was it was related to possibly Iran because of his fixation with this whole scenario.