Trump was unable to understand national security threats

That is not what the WI court said. It did not rule anything was unconstitutional.
Yes it did.
The Constitution says the states shall determine the rules for administering elections (subject to congressional regulations). The state made a law regulating elections as per the Constitution. The Election Commission made changes in administering those regulations which the WI court said it had no statutory authority to make.
Because it was unconstitutional.
Thus, nothing violated the U. S. Constitution. The action violated state law.
It violated the Constitution of Wisconsin. Remember States? They have constitutions too! They also violated the U.S. Constitution article II.
Nowhere did the court say anything was unconstitutional.
Yes it did.
You are making a false connection between these concepts.
You are attempting to ignore the ruling and the case.
Because the election commission had no statutory authority to do so making it illegal, not unconstitutional.
It was unconstitutional.
Statutory authority comes from the state legislature, not the state constitution.
WRONG. It comes from the State constitution. That constitution clearly states that only the state legislature has that power. The U.S. Constitution clearly states that only the legislature of a State can choose the electors for President.
Again, nowhere did the WI court say anything was unconstitutional.
Yes it did.
Something that violates the state constitution is not a violation of the U. S. Constitution.
Conclusion by false equivalence. Hallucination. No one ever claimed that.
The radar signatures were exactly the same, just trump ordered them not to be investigated. Biden investigated them, and proved they were Chinese spy balloons. Then Biden had the one during his Presidency shot down. trump just did not care.

Hallucination. There were no Chinese spy balloons (and no 'radar signatures') during the Trump administration. Illiteracy: proper nouns are capitalized.
I do not believe weather balloons need to have that much instrumentation, and need to change their course to fly over military sites.
Balloons have no engines.
But, if you believe the Chinese explanation, it is of course possible. In that case, trump allowed the weather balloons to fly unmolested, and Biden shot one down. What I believe is that Biden shot down a spy balloon, and trump allowed them to spy on America unmolested.
Biden shot down the spy balloon. trump ignored the spy balloons. Those are just the facts.

You can complain that Biden did not shoot it down over populated areas, but there is a good reason for that. But Biden definitely shot the balloon down, where trump did not.

Buzzword fallacy. Learn what 'fact' means. It is not a proof nor a Universal Truth. Hallucination.
We do not know for sure the balloons were spy balloons, but if they were, then trump allowed spy balloons to fly over our military bases unmolested, and Biden shot the spy balloon down. If they were weather balloons, as China claims, then trump allowed spy balloons to fly over our military bases unmolested, and Biden shot a spy balloon down.

Now let's talk about the evidence. The balloons were bigger than any weather balloon, and changed courses to fly over military installations. I think that is evidence enough for Biden to shoot it down, and I question why trump did not even allow them to be investigated.

Hallucination. Paranoia. Balloons have no engines.
Biden was under no obligation to follow what Trump did, any more than he was with continuing the border wall, as one example. The above is just dissembling to redirect blame onto Trump. Biden fucked away Afghanistan all on his own, just as he as fucked up every foreign policy decision he's ever made. That isn't to absolve Trump of anything, but rather to put the blame where it belongs.

Right. But what you say does not mean Trump did not create the tidal wave of disaster in motion with his stupid actions already taken.

If Biden ignores the deadlines Trump gave the Taliban, he negotiated with, with Biden saying they will create problems, and then the Taliban lost faith in the US leaving and begun attacks, you would be the first one here saying 'all Biden had to do was follow the blueprint Trump had brilliantly negotiated and all would have been fine'.

Once again you are blaming Biden for something clearly Trumps fault, by setting the disaster in motion and letting others choose between shit choice 1 or shit choice 2.
Facts? I've seen no evidence Trump allowed spy balloons over our military bases.

Biden knowingly allowed that spy balloon to spy on our military sites. That is a fact

Trump defense. 'If i cannot see them, due to incompetence, they do not exist'.




Trump-era Chinese spy balloons went undetected
You are very confused. There is nothing in the U. S. Constitution prohibiting the Election Commission from allowing drop boxes.
There certainly is. See Article II.
They did that without statutory authority from the state of WI. The state legally passed a law for administering elections which is the only constitutional requirement.
WRONG. The State of Wisconsin MUST conform to the Constitution of the United States as it applies to States as well. Among these are specified in Article II, which you are still ignoring.
Illegal and unconstitutional are two different concepts.
Unconstitutional is unconstitutional. You don't get to redefine that.
The Constitution does not make anything illegal because it gives the power to Congress to make criminal and civil laws.
Congress is not being discussed here. Straw man fallacy.
Nothing violated the U. S. Constitution
It certainly did.
and only the state of WI can determine if the state acted unconstitutionally violating the state constitution and it did not do so.
It violated both.
You obviously have not read the court decision you are discussing.
Inversion fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Wisconsin.
The indictment has been unsealed. It is way worse than even I thought it was. There are 31 counts of mishandling of documents, 21 of those counts involve top secret military documents, including US nuclear capabilities and vulnerabilities. Family members knew Trump was moving boxes from Florida to Bedminster. There are going to be more indictments coming. Trump basically just left documents lying around Mar-a-Lago, and even showed them to people. There are recordings of him doing this. He is so fucked.

Meh. You twits have been persecuting him for eight years, and you have NOTHING to show for it.
Right. But what you say does not mean Trump did not create the tidal wave of disaster in motion with his stupid actions already taken.

If Biden ignores the deadlines Trump gave the Taliban, he negotiated with, with Biden saying they will create problems, and then the Taliban lost faith in the US leaving and begun attacks, you would be the first one here saying 'all Biden had to do was follow the blueprint Trump had brilliantly negotiated and all would have been fine'.

Once again you are blaming Biden for something clearly Trumps fault, by setting the disaster in motion and letting others choose between shit choice 1 or shit choice 2.

Trump did not tell Biden to provide weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war, which is what Biden did, which is an act of treason.