Trump was unable to understand national security threats

Me, too (at least for president). I don't think the parties do a bad job of representing their voters, I just disagree with most of them.

That's the problem I have with them, they put party over country. I'm fine with them pushing their political agendas, but when they put party interests over the nation as a whole, then I'm against them.

That's the problem I have with them, they put party over country. I'm fine with them pushing their political agendas, but when they put party interests over the nation as a whole, then I'm against them.

Many think the interests of their party are the same as the best interests of the nation.
the Wisconsin supreme court calls you a liar.......cope....

Nope. We had this discussion. The WI court said the action was illegal, not unconstitutional. That is easy to prove if you just read the case.

It is similar to the seven states that submitted false electors--illegal but not unconstitutional.
Nope. We had this discussion. The WI court said the action was illegal, not unconstitutional. That is easy to prove if you just read the case.

yes, I remember when you lost the argument the last time.......the action was illegal......the law it violated was the constitution.......that's what you call things that volate the constitution you know.......unconstitutional........
yes, I remember when you lost the argument the last time.......the action was illegal......the law it violated was the constitution.......that's what you call things that volate the constitution you know.......unconstitutional........

That is not what the WI court said. It did not rule anything was unconstitutional. The Constitution says the states shall determine the rules for administering elections (subject to congressional regulations). The state made a law regulating elections as per the Constitution. The Election Commission made changes in administering those regulations which the WI court said it had no statutory authority to make.

Thus, nothing violated the U. S. Constitution. The action violated state law.

"The majority decision, authored by Justice Rebecca Bradley, said, “Only the legislature may permit absentee voting via ballot drop boxes. WEC cannot. Ballot drop boxes appear nowhere in the detailed statutory system for absentee voting. WEC’s authorization of ballot drop boxes was unlawful…”

Nowhere did the court say anything was unconstitutional. You are making a false connection between these concepts.
“Only the legislature may permit absentee voting via ballot drop boxes. WEC cannot.
because (wait for it).......the constitution says so.......

here......the state (legislature) made the law......the Election Commission made changes (which they knew they could not)......
because (wait for it).......the constitution says so.......

here......the state (legislature) made the law......the Election Commission made changes (which they knew they could not)......

Because the election commission had no statutory authority to do so making it illegal, not unconstitutional. Statutory authority comes from the state legislature, not the state constitution.

Again, nowhere did the WI court say anything was unconstitutional. Something that violates the state constitution is not a violation of the U. S. Constitution.
making it illegal, not unconstitutional.

it was only illegal BECAUSE it was unconstitutional......sorry that basic truth is above your level of exceded the authority of the election commission......why? because of the US CONSTITUTION!......not the Wisconsin constitution.........
No balloons were launched by China that flew over U.S. airspace during Trump's presidency.

The radar signatures were exactly the same, just trump ordered them not to be investigated. Biden investigated them, and proved they were Chinese spy balloons. Then Biden had the one during his Presidency shot down. trump just did not care.
Blew the balloon out of the air. trump just allowed the Chinese to spy on us without intervening.

Were they just weather balloons or spy balloons? My bet would be that they were weather balloons. Biden showed a weakness and China took advantage of it and spied on us.
Were they just weather balloons or spy balloons?

China claimed they were all weather balloons. If China is correct, then Biden shot down a weather balloon. If weather balloons do not target military facilities, then trump allowed Chinese spy balloons to spy on us.
China claimed they were all weather balloons. If China is correct, then Biden shot down a weather balloon. If weather balloons do not target military facilities, then trump allowed Chinese spy balloons to spy on us.

So YOU know what every balloon that entered our air space was? I doubt you do.
So YOU know what every balloon that entered our air space was? I doubt you do.

I do not believe weather balloons need to have that much instrumentation, and need to change their course to fly over military sites. But, if you believe the Chinese explanation, it is of course possible. In that case, trump allowed the weather balloons to fly unmolested, and Biden shot one down. What I believe is that Biden shot down a spy balloon, and trump allowed them to spy on America unmolested.
I do not believe weather balloons need to have that much instrumentation, and need to change their course to fly over military sites. But, if you believe the Chinese explanation, it is of course possible. In that case, trump allowed the weather balloons to fly unmolested, and Biden shot one down. What I believe is that Biden shot down a spy balloon, and trump allowed them to spy on America unmolested.

What I believe is that Biden allowed a spy balloon to spy on our military sites, even knowing it entered our air space from the beginning.
What I believe is that Biden allowed a spy balloon to spy on our military sites, even knowing it entered our air space from the beginning.

Biden shot down the spy balloon. trump ignored the spy balloons. Those are just the facts.

You can complain that Biden did not shoot it down over populated areas, but there is a good reason for that. But Biden definitely shot the balloon down, where trump did not.