Trump was unable to understand national security threats

Biden shot down the spy balloon. trump ignored the spy balloons. Those are just the facts.

You can complain that Biden did not shoot it down over populated areas, but there is a good reason for that. But Biden definitely shot the balloon down, where trump did not.

Facts? I've seen no evidence Trump allowed spy balloons over our military bases.

Biden knowingly allowed that spy balloon to spy on our military sites. That is a fact
When somebody is unable to understand the multiplication tables,
are we to be surprised that said individual
didn't understand national security threats?
Facts? I've seen no evidence Trump allowed spy balloons over our military bases.

Biden knowingly allowed that spy balloon to spy on our military sites. That is a fact

We do not know for sure the balloons were spy balloons, but if they were, then trump allowed spy balloons to fly over our military bases unmolested, and Biden shot the spy balloon down. If they were weather balloons, as China claims, then trump allowed spy balloons to fly over our military bases unmolested, and Biden shot a spy balloon down.

Now let's talk about the evidence. The balloons were bigger than any weather balloon, and changed courses to fly over military installations. I think that is evidence enough for Biden to shoot it down, and I question why trump did not even allow them to be investigated.
it was only illegal BECAUSE it was unconstitutional......sorry that basic truth is above your level of exceded the authority of the election commission......why? because of the US CONSTITUTION!......not the Wisconsin constitution.........

You are very confused. There is nothing in the U. S. Constitution prohibiting the Election Commission from allowing drop boxes. They did that without statutory authority from the state of WI. The state legally passed a law for administering elections which is the only constitutional requirement.

Illegal and unconstitutional are two different concepts. The Constitution does not make anything illegal because it gives the power to Congress to make criminal and civil laws.

Nothing violated the U. S. Constitution and only the state of WI can determine if the state acted unconstitutionally violating the state constitution and it did not do so.

You obviously have not read the court decision you are discussing.
On Feb. 2, NBC News was first to report that the Chinese spy balloon was flying over the U.S. and that President Joe Biden had considered shooting it down, prompting the administration to publicly confirm that and disclose it had been monitoring the balloon for days. Once the balloon’s existence became public, China increased its speed, officials said, in attempt to get it out of U.S. airspace as quickly as possible.

Yep. he sure had a grasp on a damn balloon, which should have been shot down the minute it entered American airspace. But no, Biden left it gain intel all across the US, as well as our military installations.


A half dozen of those fucking ballons went over us during your shitheads presidency and he did nothing.
Biden was under no obligation to follow what Trump did, any more than he was with continuing the border wall, as one example. The above is just dissembling to redirect blame onto Trump. Biden fucked away Afghanistan all on his own, just as he as fucked up every foreign policy decision he's ever made. That isn't to absolve Trump of anything, but rather to put the blame where it belongs.

You have it backwards asshole. Biden is the president that got us OUT of a 20 year war that was going nowhere. It's one of his greatest achievements and only a dumbfuck like you trys to paint it as otherwise.
Irrelevant appeal to modernity. Biden was fucked up then, and as some of those articles point out, he was a fuck up for decades before that. He hasn't suddenly become competent in the last year or so.

Biden is the president headed for his second term while your shithead is headed for a jail cell.
Getting out of Afghanistan will be one of his greatest legacies. We were dumping billions there for nothing.


THAT is the picture of that disastrous withdrawal that will be remembered.
Made up numbers cannot be actual random numbers.
Made up numbers ARE actual random numbers of type randU. You cannot use them as 'data'.
Polls have accurately predicted the national popular vote total in the last two presidential elections.
The President is not elected by popular vote. Polls are absolutely useless. You cannot use them as a 'proof'.
Everybody accepts the 2020 election results except for those who accept Trump's lies with no verification or evidence necessary.
Omniscience fallacy. You don't get to speak for everybody. I have already shown you some of the evidence. You cannot just make it disappear. Argument of the Stone fallacy. There was no election in 2020.
Prime example of your lack of reading comprehension.
I will call this argument 1.
Nobody ever said or implied the president is elected by the popular vote. They were discussing the role of the popular vote.
I will call this argument 2. You are now locked in paradox. You are being irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. The President is not elected by popular vote.
However, understanding how the electoral college works
The electoral college and it's role is defined by the Constitution of the United States, which you ignore.
requires the knowledge that a person must win the popular votes of a state before he can win the electoral votes of that state.
Consequentially, the winner of the electoral college usually also wins the national popular vote with a few exceptions.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
Common knowledge of those who accept reality.
Buzzword fallacy. You don't even know what 'reality' is or how it's defined. You also discard and deny the Constitution of the United States.
I did not make it disappear.
You can't.
It never existed
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
since you made no effort to support your claims
Blatant lie. Argument of the Stone fallacy. RQAA.
just as most of the election lawsuits were thrown out because they made allegations but presented no evidence.
Evidence does not require a court or a lawsuit. Blatant lie.
Many Republicans (Lee, Graham) refused to accept the fake fraud claims
Argument of the Stone. Attempted proof by name dropping.
because the Trump people could not produce any evidence (and sent Rudy to convince them).
Trump does not need to produce evidence. The Democrats already did. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Even many of those close to Trump did not believe the claims.
Evidence is not 'claims'. Pivot fallacy.
That's the problem I have with them, they put party over country. I'm fine with them pushing their political agendas, but when they put party interests over the nation as a whole, then I'm against them.


So the Libertarians don't put party interests over the nation?? Riiiiiiiiight.
The indictment has been unsealed. It is way worse than even I thought it was. There are 31 counts of mishandling of documents, 21 of those counts involve top secret military documents, including US nuclear capabilities and vulnerabilities. Family members knew Trump was moving boxes from Florida to Bedminster. There are going to be more indictments coming. Trump basically just left documents lying around Mar-a-Lago, and even showed them to people. There are recordings of him doing this. He is so fucked.
Nope. We had this discussion. The WI court said the action was illegal, not unconstitutional. That is easy to prove if you just read the case.

It is similar to the seven states that submitted false electors--illegal but not unconstitutional.

There is no such thing as a 'false elector'. Buzzword fallacy.