Could you get someone to translate this fawning and false word salad? Thanks!
Hawkeye is a worthless drunk and a sexual deviant. Just ignore him. Or buckle up and wait decades for his predictions to come true.
Could you get someone to translate this fawning and false word salad? Thanks!
Also, by how closely he hews to the dogma and expectations of the radical Left. Even if he miserably fails at something, everything, so long as the intent was to follow the dogma of the radical Left, like on environmentalism, or open borders, or support of Leftist regimes, Biden will be seen as 'competent' by his most ardent supporters and much of the MSM. miserable fuckwit.....
He is especially competent at getting a lot more votes than Trump. That is for certain.
Competency is essentially a comparative thing; one is "competent" in comparison to others attempting the same task. In football, one is not a competent back by gaining yards (or scoring touchdowns) EVERY carry, but rather by gaining yards (and scoring touchdowns) at a sufficiently greater average than others attempting to play the position.
Competency as a CEO is much harder to is competency as a judge or legislator teacher...or janitor, for that matter.
Compared with Trump (which is what is happening here in this thread), Joe Biden is masterfully competent as a president, except to the stooges who still fall for the bullshit thrown by that miserable excuse for a human being, Trump.
Hawkeye is a worthless drunk and a sexual deviant. Just ignore him. Or buckle up and wait decades for his predictions to come true.
Popularity doesn't equate to competence.
Could be. But getting votes doesn't equate to much as it equates to competence at getting votes.
Joe Biden is great at that. Very competent.
Okay, that means he's on a level slightly ahead of Biden in doesn't understand foreign policy area. That doesn't argue well for wanting either one of them to be elected in 2024...
Seek help for your BDS.
No. Competence is results based. If you are a competent surgeon, your patients survive. If not, they die.
Competence is generally measurable and objective, not subjective.
A competent judge follows the laws, as written, and interprets facts sifting them from opinion, in making decisions. A teacher's competence can be measured by testing and other measures that show whether students mastered certain objectives the teacher was supposed to convey to them. A janitor is deemed competent by measurable cleanliness standards.
Competency as a CEO is measured by objective standards too. Stock value goes up. Profitability. Producing goods and services in a timely manner and in sufficient quantity.
What you are doing is weaseling out of wanting to objectively measuring Presidential success based on observed results in favor of subjective opinion that has nothing to do with competence and everything to do with personal opinion and popularity. Biden is fucking incompetent.
That too is untrue in our two-party system. A good chunk of the country votes for the party not the candidate. Another sizable chunk votes against one party or the other choosing the alternative simply because they don't agree with the party being voted against. That doesn't mean they are for the party they voted for, but rather they chose the lesser of two evils.
Of course, my dear. You would never lie.
Hawkeye is a worthless drunk and a sexual deviant. Just ignore him. Or buckle up and wait decades for his predictions to come true.
If you think 23 miles is a lot of wall. But then, the wall is all show. It is tunneled under, climbed over, walked around, flown over, and boated around. You are suckered by Trump's lies again.
Yeah, especially when GOP governors are bussing illegals into the interior of the country. The GOP is a fucking joke.
If you want to call it that. He did it despite the Democrats. The Democrats want an open border (no border). This is what we now have, and now there is unchecked invasion. This is an act of treason by Biden.Yeah...Trump started a great wall across the southern border also.
Biden gave weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war. That's also an act of treason. A lot of people US citizens died because of this act as well.BOTTOM LINE is exactly what I said it is: Trump promised to get us out of Afghanistan...AND DID NOT. Joe Biden promised to get us out of Afghanistan...AND DID.
He is especially competent at getting a lot more votes than Trump. That is for certain.
Hawkeye is a worthless drunk and a sexual deviant. Just ignore him. Or buckle up and wait decades for his predictions to come true.
Competency is essentially a comparative thing; one is "competent" in comparison to others attempting the same task. In football, one is not a competent back by gaining yards (or scoring touchdowns) EVERY carry, but rather by gaining yards (and scoring touchdowns) at a sufficiently greater average than others attempting to play the position.
Competency as a CEO is much harder to is competency as a judge or legislator teacher...or janitor, for that matter.
Compared with Trump (which is what is happening here in this thread), Joe Biden is masterfully competent as a president, except to the stooges who still fall for the bullshit thrown by that miserable excuse for a human being, Trump.