Into the Night
Verified User
Popularity doesn't equate to competence.
Frank thinks the President is elected by popular vote. He ignores the Constitution.
Popularity doesn't equate to competence.
Could be. But getting votes doesn't equate to much as it equates to competence at getting votes.
Joe Biden is great at that. Very competent.
Bullshit. A surgeon can be very competent...and still have the patient die.
You know that...but I guess you have to stretch now.
Bad stretch.
Competence is almost entirely subjective...especially when discussing politics, which is what we are doing, TA.
You people subjectively think Trump was competent and Biden is not. Lots on my side subjectively think Trump was totally incompetent and Biden much more competent.
Stop stretching. You are gonna hurt yourself.
Once again...those doing the "deeming" are offering subjective analysis.
You are going to pull a muscle.
In your dreams. CEO's have been rewarded with raises although they have posted earnings losses.
I do not weasel out of anything...and I am not interested in your subjective impressions of the competency of Joe Biden (a fairly competent individual in my estimation) or the total incompetency of Trump (one of the most incompetent pork fuckers ever), because I think your competency at evaluating presidential competency is abysmal.
Hope you are having a good day, though, TA.
I certainly am.
Its noted that once again you are a lying cunt.
Could be. But getting votes doesn't equate to much as it equates to competence at getting votes.
Joe Biden is great at that. Very competent.
Okay, that means he's on a level slightly ahead of Biden in doesn't understand foreign policy area. That doesn't argue well for wanting either one of them to be elected in 2024...
you say that like some of the votes he got were actually cast by real voters......
That is why most Americans don't want either one of them to run again. But we can't ever find candidates most of the country think are good choices.
Sad, isn't it?
More real voters than Trump had. Both Biden and Hillary got more popular votes than Trump.
cheer up.......some day your party may learn how elections work in this country......
Trump has been right about China, and willing to tell the truth about China, both of which have been rare for decades.
Dont be Dumb.
Frank thinks the President is elected by popular vote. He ignores the Constitution.
That is why most Americans don't want either one of them to run again. But we can't ever find candidates most of the country think are good choices.
More real voters than Trump had. Both Biden and Hillary got more popular votes than Trump.
I don't have a party. But, if you are referring to Democrats, they seem to understand how elections work since they won 5 of the last 8 presidential elections and the popular vote in 7 of the last 8.
Drunks like you have no credibility
Sometimes people are telling you that the majority of Americans voted for the other guy. It is nothing more than that. they are not ignorant of the Constitution or the electoral college. You always react the same. Insult and ignore the point of the post.
You don't get to speak for 'most Americans'. Omniscience fallacy.
The President is not elected by popular vote.