What? The cartilage is the outer ear, what tissue is above it?

"The auricle is part of the ear you see on the outside of the body. Also known as the pinna, it consists of a curved framework of cartilage covered in skin that directs sound waves into the ear.1"

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Skin is tissue. Reading is fundamental. Never try to lecture a Doctor about anatomy it just makes you look dumb. Trump was bleeding from his ear most likely meaning the hypodermics of his ear was pierced by the bullet. The hypodermics has loose connective tissue, fat cells, blood vessels, nerves, and hair follicles. I have sutured HUNDREDS of skin wounds and many on the head . They tend to bleed profusely.
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I do not ride on any buses. That is for you kids.

Get your shit together...and up your insults...or do a better job by just shutting TFU.
Depends Frankie a lot of Alzheimer patients like you can't remember which bus they ride on. Frankie you do have your shit together in your Depends.
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